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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');var listXf = require('./helpers/listXf');var _curry2 = require('../source/internal/_curry2');

describe('tap', function() { var pushToList = _curry2(function(lst, x) { lst.push(x); });
it('returns a function that always returns its argument', function() { var f = R.tap(R.identity); eq(typeof f, 'function'); eq(f(100), 100); eq(f(undefined), undefined); eq(f(null), null); });
it("may take a function as the first argument that executes with tap's argument", function() { var sideEffect = 0; eq(sideEffect, 0); var rv = R.tap(function(x) { sideEffect = 'string ' + x; }, 200); eq(rv, 200); eq(sideEffect, 'string 200'); });
it('can act as a transducer', function() { var sideEffect = []; var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
var xf = R.compose(, R.tap(pushToList(sideEffect)));
eq(R.into([], xf, numbers), numbers); eq(sideEffect, numbers); });
it('dispatches to transformer objects', function() { var sideEffect = []; var pushToSideEffect = pushToList(sideEffect);
eq(R.tap(pushToSideEffect, listXf), { f: pushToSideEffect, xf: listXf }); });});