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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var assert = require('assert');
var R = require('../source');

describe('toString', function() {
it('returns the string representation of null', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(null), 'null'); });
it('returns the string representation of undefined', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(undefined), 'undefined'); });
it('returns the string representation of a Boolean primitive', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(true), 'true'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(false), 'false'); });
it('returns the string representation of a number primitive', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(0), '0'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(-0), '-0'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(1.23), '1.23'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(-1.23), '-1.23'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(1e+23), '1e+23'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(-1e+23), '-1e+23'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(1e-23), '1e-23'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(-1e-23), '-1e-23'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(Infinity), 'Infinity'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(-Infinity), '-Infinity'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(NaN), 'NaN'); });
it('returns the string representation of a string primitive', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString('abc'), '"abc"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('x "y" z'), '"x \\"y\\" z"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString("' '"), '"\' \'"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('" "'), '"\\" \\""'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('\b \b'), '"\\b \\b"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('\f \f'), '"\\f \\f"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('\n \n'), '"\\n \\n"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('\r \r'), '"\\r \\r"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('\t \t'), '"\\t \\t"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('\v \v'), '"\\v \\v"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('\0 \0'), '"\\0 \\0"'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString('\\ \\'), '"\\\\ \\\\"'); });
it('returns the string representation of a Boolean object', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new Boolean(true)), 'new Boolean(true)'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new Boolean(false)), 'new Boolean(false)'); });
it('returns the string representation of a Number object', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new Number(0)), 'new Number(0)'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new Number(-0)), 'new Number(-0)'); });
it('returns the string representation of a String object', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('abc')), 'new String("abc")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('x "y" z')), 'new String("x \\"y\\" z")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String("' '")), 'new String("\' \'")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('" "')), 'new String("\\" \\"")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('\b \b')), 'new String("\\b \\b")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('\f \f')), 'new String("\\f \\f")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('\n \n')), 'new String("\\n \\n")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('\r \r')), 'new String("\\r \\r")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('\t \t')), 'new String("\\t \\t")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('\v \v')), 'new String("\\v \\v")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('\0 \0')), 'new String("\\0 \\0")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new String('\\ \\')), 'new String("\\\\ \\\\")'); });
it('returns the string representation of a Date object', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new Date('2001-02-03T04:05:06.000Z')), 'new Date("2001-02-03T04:05:06.000Z")'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new Date('XXX')), 'new Date(NaN)'); });
it('returns the string representation of a RegExp object', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString(/(?:)/), '/(?:)/'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(/\//g), '/\\//g'); });
it('returns the string representation of a function', function() { var add = function add(a, b) { return a + b; }; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(add), add.toString()); });
it('returns the string representation of an array', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString([]), '[]'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString([1, 2, 3]), '[1, 2, 3]'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString([1, [2, [3]]]), '[1, [2, [3]]]'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(['x', 'y']), '["x", "y"]'); });
it('returns the string representation of an array with non-numeric property names', function() { var xs = [1, 2, 3]; = 0; = 0; xs.baz = 0;
assert.strictEqual(R.toString(xs), '[1, 2, 3, "bar": 0, "baz": 0, "foo": 0]'); });
it('returns the string representation of an arguments object', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString((function() { return arguments; })()), '(function() { return arguments; }())'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString((function() { return arguments; })(1, 2, 3)), '(function() { return arguments; }(1, 2, 3))'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString((function() { return arguments; })(['x', 'y'])), '(function() { return arguments; }(["x", "y"]))'); });
it('returns the string representation of a plain object', function() { assert.strictEqual(R.toString({}), '{}'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString({foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}), '{"bar": 2, "baz": 3, "foo": 1}'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString({'"quoted"': true}), '{"\\"quoted\\"": true}'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString({a: {b: {c: {}}}}), '{"a": {"b": {"c": {}}}}'); });
it('treats instance without custom `toString` method as plain object', function() { function Point(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new Point(1, 2)), '{"x": 1, "y": 2}'); });
it('dispatches to custom `toString` method', function() { function Point(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } Point.prototype.toString = function() { return 'new Point(' + this.x + ', ' + this.y + ')'; }; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(new Point(1, 2)), 'new Point(1, 2)');
function Just(x) { if (!(this instanceof Just)) { return new Just(x); } this.value = x; } Just.prototype.toString = function() { return 'Just(' + R.toString(this.value) + ')'; }; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(Just(42)), 'Just(42)'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(Just([1, 2, 3])), 'Just([1, 2, 3])'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(Just(Just(Just('')))), 'Just(Just(Just("")))');
assert.strictEqual(R.toString({toString: R.always('x')}), 'x'); });
it('handles object with no `toString` method', function() { if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { var a = Object.create(null); var b = Object.create(null); b.x = 1; b.y = 2; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(a), '{}'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(b), '{"x": 1, "y": 2}'); } });
it('handles circular references', function() { var a = []; a[0] = a; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(a), '[<Circular>]');
var o = {}; o.o = o; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(o), '{"o": <Circular>}');
var b = ['bee']; var c = ['see']; b[1] = c; c[1] = b; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(b), '["bee", ["see", <Circular>]]'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(c), '["see", ["bee", <Circular>]]');
var p = {}; var q = {}; p.q = q; q.p = p; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(p), '{"q": {"p": <Circular>}}'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(q), '{"p": {"q": <Circular>}}');
var x = []; var y = {}; x[0] = y; y.x = x; assert.strictEqual(R.toString(x), '[{"x": <Circular>}]'); assert.strictEqual(R.toString(y), '{"x": [<Circular>]}'); });