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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');
describe('transpose', function() { it('returns an array of two arrays', function() { var input = [['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]]; eq(R.transpose(input), [['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3]]); }); it('skips elements when rows are shorter', function() { var actual = R.transpose([[10, 11], [20], [], [30, 31, 32]]); var expected = [[10, 20, 30], [11, 31], [32]]; eq(actual, expected); }); it('copes with empty arrays', function() { eq(R.transpose([]), []); }); it('copes with true, false, null & undefined elements of arrays', function() { var actual = R.transpose([[true, false, undefined, null], [null, undefined, false, true]]); var expected = [[true, null], [false, undefined], [undefined, false], [null, true]]; eq(actual, expected); });});