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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('tryCatch', function() {
function headX(ls) { return ls[0].x; }
function catcher() { return 10101; }
it('takes two functions and return a function', function() { var mayThrow = R.tryCatch(headX, catcher); eq(typeof mayThrow, 'function'); });
it('returns a function with the same arity as the `tryer` function', function() { function a1(a) { return a; } function a2(a, b) { return b; } function a3(a, b, c) { return c; } function a4(a, b, c, d) { return d; }
eq(R.tryCatch(a1, catcher).length, a1.length); eq(R.tryCatch(a2, catcher).length, a2.length); eq(R.tryCatch(a3, catcher).length, a3.length); eq(R.tryCatch(a4, catcher).length, a4.length); });
it('returns the value of the first function if it does not throw', function() { var mayThrow = R.tryCatch(headX, catcher); eq(mayThrow([{x: 10}, {x: 20}, {x: 30}]), 10); });
it('returns the value of the second function if the first function throws', function() { function throw10() { throw new Error(10); }
function eCatcher(e) { return Number(e.message); }
var mayThrow = R.tryCatch(headX, catcher); eq(mayThrow([]), 10101);
var willThrow = R.tryCatch(throw10, eCatcher); eq(willThrow([]), 10); eq(willThrow([{}, {}, {}]), 10); });
it('the second function gets passed the error object and the same arguments as the first function', function() { function thrower(a, b, c) { void c; throw new Error('throwerError'); }
function catch3(e, a, b, c) { return [e.message, a, b, c].join(' '); }
var mayThrow = R.tryCatch(thrower, catch3); eq(mayThrow('A', 'B', 'C'), 'throwerError A B C'); });});