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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('where', function() {
it('returns true if the test object satisfies the spec', function() { var spec = {x: R.equals(1), y: R.equals(2)}; var test1 = {x: 0, y: 200}; var test2 = {x: 0, y: 10}; var test3 = {x: 1, y: 101}; var test4 = {x: 1, y: 2}; eq(R.where(spec, test1), false); eq(R.where(spec, test2), false); eq(R.where(spec, test3), false); eq(R.where(spec, test4), true); });
it('does not need the spec and the test object to have the same interface (the test object will have a superset of the specs properties)', function() { var spec = {x: R.equals(100)}; var test1 = {x: 20, y: 100, z: 100}; var test2 = {w: 1, x: 100, y: 100, z: 100};
eq(R.where(spec, test1), false); eq(R.where(spec, test2), true); });
it('matches specs that have undefined properties', function() { var spec = {x: R.equals(undefined)}; var test1 = {}; var test2 = {x: null}; var test3 = {x: undefined}; var test4 = {x: 1}; eq(R.where(spec, test1), true); eq(R.where(spec, test2), false); eq(R.where(spec, test3), true); eq(R.where(spec, test4), false); });
it('is true for an empty spec', function() { eq(R.where({}, {a: 1}), true); });
it('matches inherited properties', function() { var spec = { toString: R.equals(Object.prototype.toString), valueOf: R.equals(Object.prototype.valueOf) }; eq(R.where(spec, {}), true); });
it('does not match inherited spec', function() { function Spec() { this.y = R.equals(6); } Spec.prototype.x = R.equals(5); var spec = new Spec();
eq(R.where(spec, {y: 6}), true); eq(R.where(spec, {x: 5}), false); });