Generate a random BigInt by bit-length with Deno.
Current version released
4 years ago
Deno Random BigInt Generator
A random integer generator made for Deno.
It either accepts a desired bit-length for the integer and outputs the integer as a bigint
, or a desired range for the random bigint
to be within.
Generate a Random BigInt from a Bit Length
import { randomBigIntBits } from "https://deno.land/x/random_bigint/mod.ts";
// Choose a bit-length
const bitlength = 2048;
// Create the random bigint
const random = randomBigIntBits(bitlength); // or randomBigInt(2048)
Generate a Random BigInt from a Range
import { randomBigIntRange } from "https://deno.land/x/random_bigint/mod.ts"
// Choose a minimum and maximum integer value
const min = 1n;
const max = 2**2048n;
// Generate the bigint
const random = randomBigIntRange(min, max);
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