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Efficiently sync sets with range-based set reconciliation
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type alias RangeMessengerConfig
import { type RangeMessengerConfig } from "";

Type Parameters

definition: { encode: { emptySet: (canRespond: boolean) => EncodedType; lowerBound: (value: ValueType) => EncodedType; payload: (value: ValueType, end?: { canRespond: boolean; upperBound: ValueType; }) => EncodedType; emptyPayload: (upperBound: ValueType) => EncodedType; done: (upperBound: ValueType) => EncodedType; fingerprint: (fingerprint: LiftType, upperBound: ValueType) => EncodedType; terminal: () => EncodedType; }; decode: { emptySet: (message: EncodedType) => boolean; lowerBound: (message: EncodedType) => ValueType; payload: (message: EncodedType) => { value: ValueType; end?: { canRespond: boolean; upperBound: ValueType; }; }; emptyPayload: (message: EncodedType) => ValueType; done: (message: EncodedType) => ValueType; fingerprint: (message: EncodedType) => { fingerprint: LiftType; upperBound: ValueType; }; terminal: (e: EncodedType) => true; }; }