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helps manage and harmonise READMEs in many repositories with template files
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import { Logger } from "";
import { checkExists } from "./utils.ts";import { bootstrap } from "./bootstrap.ts";
export const setup = async ( appName: string, appConfigFile: string, logger: Logger, error: (message: string, error?: Error) => void, appConfigDirectory: string,) => { if (await checkExists(appConfigFile, error)) { console.log( "Your configuration is either empty or you ran setup mode.", ); console.log(`Backing up current configuration.`); try { await Deno.writeTextFile( appConfigFile.replace(".json", ".old.json"), await Deno.readTextFile(appConfigFile), ); } catch (e) { error("Something went wrong backing up your configuration.", e); } } else { console.log(`Looks like this is your first time running ${appName}.`); console.log("Let's get you set up."); }
console.log(); const templateDirectory = prompt( "Where should templates be fetched from?", appConfigDirectory, ) as string;
if (!await checkExists(templateDirectory, error)) { await bootstrap(templateDirectory, error); }
console.log(); const filenameMatch = prompt( "What readme template filename are we looking for inside repositories?", "", );
const value = { templates: templateDirectory, match: filenameMatch }; console.log(); console.log( `The following configuration will be written to ${appConfigFile}:`, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(value, null, 2)); const go = confirm("Does this look good ?"); if (!go) Deno.exit(1);
await Deno.writeTextFile(appConfigFile, JSON.stringify(value)); console.log("Configuration written, setup complete.");
return JSON.stringify(value);};