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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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type Reader = Deno.Reader;type Writer = Deno.Writer;type Closer = Deno.Closer;import { BufReader, BufWriter,} from "./vendor/https/";import { psubscribe, RedisSubscription, subscribe } from "./pubsub.ts";import { muxExecutor, CommandExecutor, RedisRawReply,} from "./io.ts";import { createRedisPipeline, RedisPipeline } from "./pipeline.ts";import { RedisCommands, Status, Bulk, Integer, ConditionalArray, BulkString, Raw, BulkNil,} from "./command.ts";
export type Redis = RedisCommands & { executor: CommandExecutor;};
class RedisImpl implements RedisCommands { _isClosed = false; get isClosed() { return this._isClosed; }
constructor( private closer: Closer, private writer: BufWriter, private reader: BufReader, readonly executor: CommandExecutor, ) { }
async execStatusReply( command: string, ...args: (string | number)[] ): Promise<Status> { const [_, reply] = await this.executor.exec(command, ...args); return reply as Status; }
async execIntegerReply( command: string, ...args: (string | number)[] ): Promise<Integer> { const [_, reply] = await this.executor.exec(command, ...args); return reply as number; }
async execBulkReply<T extends Bulk = Bulk>( command: string, ...args: (string | number)[] ): Promise<T> { const [_, reply] = await this.executor.exec(command, ...args); return reply as T; }
async execArrayReply<T extends Raw = Raw>( command: string, ...args: (string | number)[] ): Promise<T[]> { const [_, reply] = await this.executor.exec(command, ...args); return reply as T[]; }
async execIntegerOrNilReply( command: string, ...args: (string | number)[] ): Promise<Integer | BulkNil> { const [_, reply] = await this.executor.exec(command, ...args); return reply as Integer | BulkNil; }
async execStatusOrNilReply( command: string, ...args: (string | number)[] ): Promise<Status | BulkNil> { const [_, reply] = await this.executor.exec(command, ...args); return reply as Status | BulkNil; }
append(key: string, value: string | number) { return this.execIntegerReply("APPEND", key, value); }
auth(password: string) { return this.execStatusReply("AUTH", password); }
bgrewriteaof() { return this.execStatusReply("BGREWRITEAOF"); }
bgsave() { return this.execStatusReply("BGSAVE"); }
bitcount(key: string, start?: number, end?: number) { if (start != null && end != null) { return this.execIntegerReply("BITCOUNT", key, start, end); } else if (start != null) { return this.execIntegerReply("BITCOUNT", key, start); } else return this.execIntegerReply("BITCOUNT", key); }
bitfield(key: string, opts?: { get?: { type: string; offset: number | string }; set?: { type: string; offset: number | string; value: number }; incrby?: { type: string; offset: number | string; increment: number }; overflow?: "WRAP" | "SAT" | "FAIL"; }) { const args: (number | string)[] = [key]; if (opts?.get) { const { type, offset } = opts.get; args.push("GET", type, offset); } if (opts?.set) { const { type, offset, value } = opts.set; args.push("SET", type, offset, value); } if (opts?.incrby) { const { type, offset, increment } = opts.incrby; args.push("INCRBY", type, offset, increment); } if (opts?.overflow) { args.push("OVERFLOW", opts.overflow); } return this.execArrayReply("BITFIELD", ...args) as Promise<number[]>; }
bitop(operation: string, destkey: string, ...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("BITOP", operation, destkey, ...keys); }
bitpos(key: string, bit: number, start?: number, end?: number) { if (start != null && end != null) { return this.execIntegerReply("BITPOS", key, bit, start, end); } else if (start != null) { return this.execIntegerReply("BITPOS", key, bit, start); } else { return this.execIntegerReply("BITPOS", key, bit); } }
blpop(keys: string[], timeout: number) { if (typeof keys === "string") { return this.execArrayReply<Bulk>("BLPOP", keys, timeout); } else { return this.execArrayReply<Bulk>("BLPOP", ...keys, timeout); } }
brpop(keys: string[], timeout: number) { if (typeof keys === "string") { return this.execArrayReply<Bulk>("BRPOP", keys, timeout); } else { return this.execArrayReply<Bulk>("BRPOP", ...keys, timeout); } }
brpoplpush(source: string, destination: string, timeout: number) { return this.execBulkReply("BRPOPLPUSH", source, destination, timeout); }
bzpopmin(key: string | string[], timeout: number): Promise< [BulkString, BulkString, BulkString] | [] >; bzpopmin(keys: string | string[], timeout: number) { if (typeof keys === "string") { return this.execArrayReply<Bulk>("BZPOPMIN", keys, timeout); } else { return this.execArrayReply<Bulk>("BZPOPMIN", ...keys, timeout); } }
bzpopmax(key: string | string[], timeout: number): Promise< [BulkString, BulkString, BulkString] | [] >; bzpopmax(keys: string[], timeout: number) { if (typeof keys === "string") { return this.execArrayReply("BZPOPMAX", keys, timeout); } else { return this.execArrayReply("BZPOPMAX", ...keys, timeout); } }
command() { return this.execArrayReply("COMMAND") as Promise< [BulkString, Integer, BulkString[], Integer, Integer, Integer] >; }
command_count() { return this.execIntegerReply("COMMAND", "COUNT"); }
command_getkeys() { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("COMMAND", "GETKEYS"); }
command_info(...command_names: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply("COMMAND", "INFO", ...command_names) as Promise< [ [ BulkString, Integer, BulkString[], Integer, Integer, Integer, [BulkString[]], ] | BulkNil, ] >; }
config_get(parameter: string) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("CONFIG", "GET", parameter); }
config_rewrite() { return this.execStatusReply("CONFIG", "REWRITE"); }
config_set(parameter: string, value: string | number) { return this.execStatusReply("CONFIG", "SET", parameter, value); }
config_resetstat() { return this.execStatusReply("CONFIG", "RESETSTAT"); }
dbsize() { return this.execIntegerReply("DBSIZE"); }
debug_object(key: string) { return this.execStatusReply("DEBUG", "OBJECT", key); }
debug_segfault() { return this.execStatusReply("DEBUG", "SEGFAULT"); }
decr(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("DECR", key); }
decrby(key: string, decrement: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("DECRBY", key, decrement); }
del(key: string, ...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("DEL", key, ...keys); }
discard() { return this.execStatusReply("DISCARD"); }
dump(key: string) { return this.execBulkReply("DUMP", key); }
echo(message: string) { return this.execBulkReply<BulkString>("ECHO", message); }
eval( script: string, numkeys: number, keys: string | string[], arg: string | string[], ) { return this.doEval("EVAL", script, numkeys, keys, arg); }
evalsha( sha1: string, numkeys: number, keys: string | string[], args: string | string[], ) { return this.doEval("EVALSHA", sha1, numkeys, keys, args); }
private async doEval( cmd: string, script: string, numkeys: number, keys: string | string[], args: string | string[], ) { const _args = [script, numkeys]; if (typeof keys === "string") { _args.push(keys); } else { _args.push(...keys); } if (typeof args === "string") { _args.push(args); } else { _args.push(...args); } const [_, raw] = await this.executor.exec(cmd, ..._args); return raw; }
exec() { return this.execArrayReply("EXEC"); }
exists(...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("EXISTS", ...keys); }
expire(key: string, seconds: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("EXPIRE", key, seconds); }
expireat(key: string, timestamp: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("EXPIREAT", key, timestamp); }
flushall(async: boolean) { const args = async ? ["ASYNC"] : []; return this.execStatusReply("FLUSHALL", ...args); }
flushdb(async: boolean) { const args = async ? ["ASYNC"] : []; return this.execStatusReply("FLUSHDB", ...args); }
geoadd(key: string, ...args: any[]) { const _args = []; if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { for (const triple of args) { _args.push(...triple); } } else { _args.push(...args); } return this.execIntegerReply("GEOADD", key, ..._args); }
geohash(key: string, ...members: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply<Bulk>("GEOHASH", key, ...members); }
geopos(key: string, ...members: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply<[number, number] | undefined>( "GEOPOS", key, ...members, ); }
geodist(key: string, member1: string, member2: string, unit?: string) { if (unit) { return this.execBulkReply("GEODIST", key, member1, member2, unit); } else { return this.execBulkReply("GEODIST", key, member1, member2); } }
georadius( key: string, longitude: number, latitude: number, radius: number, unit: string, opts?: { withCoord?: boolean; withDist?: boolean; withHash?: boolean; count?: number; sort?: "ASC" | "DESC"; store?: string; storeDist?: string; }, ) { const args = this.pushGeoRadiusOpts( [key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit], opts, ); return this.execArrayReply("GEORADIUS", ...args); }
georadiusbymember( key: string, member: string, radius: number, unit: string, opts?: { withCoord?: boolean; withDist?: boolean; withHash?: boolean; count?: number; sort?: "ASC" | "DESC"; store?: string; storeDist?: string; }, ) { const args = this.pushGeoRadiusOpts([key, member, radius, unit], opts); return this.execArrayReply("GEORADIUSBYMEMBER", ...args); }
private pushGeoRadiusOpts( args: (string | number)[], opts?: { withCoord?: boolean; withDist?: boolean; withHash?: boolean; count?: number; sort?: "ASC" | "DESC"; store?: string; storeDist?: string; }, ) { if (!opts) return args; if (opts.withCoord) { args.push("WITHCOORD"); } if (opts.withDist) { args.push("WITHDIST"); } if (opts.withHash) { args.push("WITHHASH"); } if (typeof opts.count === "number") { args.push(opts.count); } if (opts.sort === "ASC" || opts.sort === "DESC") { args.push(opts.sort); } if (typeof === "string") { args.push(; } if (typeof opts.storeDist === "string") { args.push(opts.storeDist); } return args; }
get(key: string) { return this.execBulkReply("GET", key); }
getbit(key: string, offset: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("GETBIT", key, offset); }
getrange(key: string, start: number, end: number) { return this.execBulkReply<BulkString>("GETRANGE", key, start, end); }
getset(key: string, value: string) { return this.execBulkReply("GETSET", key, value); }
hdel(key: string, field: string, ...fields: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("HDEL", key, field, ...fields); }
hexists(key: string, field: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("HEXISTS", key, field); }
hget(key: string, field: string) { return this.execBulkReply("HGET", key, field); }
hgetall(key: string) { return this.execArrayReply("HGETALL", key) as Promise<BulkString[]>; }
hincrby(key: string, field: string, increment: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("HINCRBY", key, field, increment); }
hincrbyfloat(key: string, field: string, increment: number) { return this.execBulkReply<BulkString>( "HINCRBYFLOAT", key, field, increment, ); }
hkeys(key: string) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("HKEYS", key); }
hlen(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("HLEN", key); }
hmget(key: string, ...fields: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("HMGET", key, ...fields); }
hmset(key: string, ...field_values: string[]) { return this.execStatusReply("HMSET", key, ...field_values); }
hset(key: string, ...args: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("HSET", key, ...args); }
hsetnx(key: string, field: string, value: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("HSETNX", key, field, value); }
hstrlen(key: string, field: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("HSTRLEN", key, field); }
hvals(key: string) { return this.execArrayReply("HVALS", key) as Promise<BulkString[]>; }
incr(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("INCR", key); }
incrby(key: string, increment: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("INCRBY", key, increment); }
incrbyfloat(key: string, increment: number) { return this.execBulkReply("INCRBYFLOAT", key, increment); }
info(section?: string) { if (section) { return this.execStatusReply("INFO", section); } else { return this.execStatusReply("INFO"); } }
keys(pattern: string) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("KEYS", pattern); }
lastsave() { return this.execIntegerReply("LASTSAVE"); }
lindex(key: string, index: number) { return this.execBulkReply("LINDEX", key, index); }
linsert(key: string, loc: "BEFORE" | "AFTER", pivot: string, value: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("LINSERT", key, loc, pivot, value); }
llen(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("LLEN", key); }
lpop(key: string) { return this.execBulkReply("LPOP", key); }
lpush(key: string, ...values: (string | number)[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("LPUSH", key, ...values); }
lpushx(key: string, value: string | number) { return this.execIntegerReply("LPUSHX", key, value); }
lrange(key: string, start: number, stop: number) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("LRANGE", key, start, stop); }
lrem(key: string, count: number, value: string | number) { return this.execIntegerReply("LREM", key, count, value); }
lset(key: string, index: number, value: string | number) { return this.execStatusReply("LSET", key, index, value); }
ltrim(key: string, start: number, stop: number) { return this.execStatusReply("LTRIM", key, start, stop); }
memory_doctor() { return this.execStatusReply("MEMORY", "DOCTOR"); }
memory_help() { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("MEMORY", "HELP"); }
memory_malloc_stats() { return this.execStatusReply("MEMORY", "MALLOC", "STATS"); }
memory_purge() { return this.execStatusReply("MEMORY", "PURGE"); }
memory_stats() { return this.execArrayReply<ConditionalArray>("MEMORY", "STATS"); }
memory_usage( key: string, opts?: { samples?: number; }, ) { const args: (number | string)[] = [key]; if (opts && typeof opts.samples === "number") { args.push("SAMPLES", opts.samples); } return this.execIntegerReply("MEMORY", "USAGE", ...args); }
mget(...keys: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply<Bulk>("MGET", ...keys); }
migrate( host: string, port: number | string, key: string, destination_db: string, timeout: number, opts?: { copy?: boolean; replace?: boolean; keys?: string[]; }, ) { const args = [host, port, key, destination_db, timeout]; if (opts) { if (opts.copy) { args.push("COPY"); } if (opts.replace) { args.push("REPLACE"); } if (opts.keys) { args.push("KEYS", ...opts.keys); } } return this.execStatusReply("MIGRATE", ...args); }
monitor() { throw new Error("not supported yet"); }
move(key: string, db: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("MOVE", key, db); }
mset(...key_values: string[]) { return this.execStatusReply("MSET", ...key_values); }
msetnx(...key_values: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("MSETNX", ...key_values); }
multi() { return this.execStatusReply("MULTI"); }
object_encoding(key: string) { return this.execBulkReply("OBJECT", "ENCODING", key); }
object_freq(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("OBJECT", "FREQ", key); }
object_help() { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("OBJECT", "HELP"); }
object_ideltime(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("OBJECT", "IDLETIME", key); }
object_refcount(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("OBJECT", "REFCOUNT", key); }
persist(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("PERSIST", key); }
pexpire(key: string, milliseconds: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("PEXPIRE", key, milliseconds); }
pexpireat(key: string, milliseconds_timestamp: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("PEXPIREAT", key, milliseconds_timestamp); }
pfadd(key: string, element: string, ...elements: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("PFADD", key, element, ...elements); }
pfcount(key: string, ...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("PFCOUNT", key, ...keys); }
pfmerge(destkey: string, ...sourcekeys: string[]) { return this.execStatusReply("PFMERGE", destkey, ...sourcekeys); }
ping(message?: string) { if (message) { return this.execBulkReply<BulkString>("PING", message); } else { return this.execStatusReply("PING"); } }
psetex(key: string, milliseconds: number, value: string) { return this.execStatusReply("PSETEX", key, milliseconds, value); }
// PubSub
publish(channel: string, message: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("PUBLISH", channel, message); }
subscribe(...channels: string[]) { return subscribe(this.writer, this.reader, ...channels); }
psubscribe(...patterns: string[]) { return psubscribe(this.writer, this.reader, ...patterns); }
pubsub_channels(pattern: string) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("PUBSUB", "CHANNELS", pattern); }
pubsub_numpat() { return this.execIntegerReply("PUBSUB", "NUMPAT"); }
async pubsub_numsubs(...channels: string[]) { const arr = await this.execArrayReply<BulkString | Integer>( "PUBSUB", "NUMSUBS", ...channels, ); const ret: [string, number][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2) { const [chan, num] = [arr[i] as BulkString, arr[i + 1] as Integer]; ret.push([chan, num]); } return ret; }
pttl(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("PTTL", key); }
quit() { try { return this.execStatusReply("QUIT"); } finally { this._isClosed = true; } }
randomkey() { return this.execStatusReply("RANDOMKEY"); }
readonly() { return this.execStatusReply("READONLY"); }
readwrite() { return this.execStatusReply("READWRITE"); }
rename(key: string, newkey: string) { return this.execStatusReply("RENAME", key, newkey); }
renamenx(key: string, newkey: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("RENAMENX", key, newkey); }
restore( key: string, ttl: number, serialized_value: string, REPLACE?: boolean, ) { const args = [key, ttl, serialized_value]; if (REPLACE) { args.push("REPLACE"); } return this.execStatusReply("RESTORE", ...args); }
role() { return this.execArrayReply("ROLE") as Promise< | ["master", Integer, BulkString[][]] | ["slave", BulkString, Integer, BulkString, Integer] | ["sentinel", BulkString[]] >; }
rpop(key: string) { return this.execBulkReply("RPOP", key); }
rpoplpush(source: string, destination: string) { return this.execBulkReply("RPOPLPUSH", source, destination); }
rpush(key: string, ...values: (string | number)[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("RPUSH", key, ...values); }
rpushx(key: string, value: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("RPUSHX", key, value); }
sadd(key: string, member: string, ...members: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("SADD", key, member, ...members); }
save() { return this.execStatusReply("SAVE"); }
scard(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("SCARD", key); }
script_debug(arg: "YES" | "SYNC" | "NO") { return this.execStatusReply("SCRIPT", "DEBUG", arg); }
script_exists(...sha1s: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply<Integer>("SCRIPT", "EXISTS", ...sha1s); }
script_flush() { return this.execStatusReply("SCRIPT", "FLUSH"); }
script_kill() { return this.execStatusReply("SCRIPT", "KILL"); }
script_load(script: string) { return this.execStatusReply("SCRIPT", "LOAD", script); }
sdiff(...keys: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("SDIFF", ...keys); }
sdiffstore(destination: string, key: string, ...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("SDIFFSTORE", destination, key, ...keys); }
select(index: number) { return this.execStatusReply("SELECT", index); }
set( key: string, value: string, opts?: { ex?: number; px?: number; }, ): Promise<Status>; set( key: string, value: string, opts: { ex?: number; px?: number; mode: "NX" | "XX"; }, ): Promise<Status | BulkNil>; set( key: string, value: string, opts?: { ex?: number; px?: number; mode?: "NX" | "XX"; }, ) { const args: (number | string)[] = [key, value]; if (opts) { if (opts.ex) { args.push("EX", opts.ex); } else if (opts.px) { args.push("PX", opts.px); } if (opts.mode) { args.push(opts.mode); } } if (opts?.mode) { return this.execStatusOrNilReply("SET", ...args); } else { return this.execStatusReply("SET", ...args); } }
setbit(key: string, offset: number, value: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("SETBIT", key, offset, value); }
setex(key: string, seconds: number, value: string) { return this.execStatusReply("SETEX", key, seconds, value); }
setnx(key: string, value: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("SETNX", key, value); }
setrange(key: string, offset: number, value: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("SETRANGE", key, offset, value); }
shutdown(arg: string) { return this.execStatusReply("SHUTDOWN", arg); }
sinter(key: string, ...keys: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("SINTER", key, ...keys); }
sinterstore(destination: string, key: string, ...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("SINTERSTORE", destination, key, ...keys); }
sismember(key: string, member: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("SISMEMBER", key, member); }
slaveof(host: string, port: string | number) { return this.execStatusReply("SLAVEOF", host, port); }
replicaof(host: string, port: string | number) { return this.execStatusReply("REPLICAOF", host, port); }
slowlog(subcommand: string, ...argument: string[]) { return this.executor.exec("SLOWLOG", subcommand, ...argument); }
smembers(key: string) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("SMEMBERS", key); }
smove(source: string, destination: string, member: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("SMOVE", source, destination, member); }
sort( key: string, opts?: { by?: string; offset?: number; count?: number; patterns?: string[]; order: "ASC" | "DESC"; alpha?: boolean; }, ): Promise<BulkString[]>;
sort( key: string, opts?: { by?: string; offset?: number; count?: number; patterns?: string[]; order: "ASC" | "DESC"; alpha?: boolean; destination: string; }, ): Promise<Integer>; sort( key: string, opts?: { by?: string; offset?: number; count?: number; patterns?: string[]; order: "ASC" | "DESC"; alpha?: boolean; destination?: string; }, ) { const args: (number | string)[] = [key]; if (opts) { if ( { args.push("BY",; } if (opts.offset !== void 0 && opts.count !== void 0) { args.push("LIMIT", opts.offset, opts.count); } if (opts.patterns) { for (const pat of opts.patterns) { args.push("GET", pat); } } if (opts.alpha) { args.push("ALPHA"); } if (opts.order) { args.push(opts.order); } if (opts.destination) { args.push("STORE", opts.destination); } } if (opts && opts.destination) { return this.execIntegerReply("SORT", ...args); } else { return this.execArrayReply("SORT", ...args); } }
spop(key: string): Promise<Bulk>; spop(key: string, count: number): Promise<BulkString[]>; spop(key: string, count?: number) { if (typeof count === "number") { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("SPOP", key, count); } else { return this.execBulkReply("SPOP", key); } }
srandmember(key: string): Promise<Bulk>; srandmember(key: string, count: number): Promise<BulkString[]>; srandmember(key: string, count?: number) { if (count != null) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("SRANDMEMBER", key, count); } else { return this.execBulkReply("SRANDMEMBER", key); } }
srem(key: string, ...members: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("SREM", key, ...members); }
strlen(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("STRLEN", key); }
sunion(...keys: string[]) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("SUNION", ...keys); }
sunionstore(destination: string, ...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("SUNIONSTORE", destination, ...keys); }
swapdb(index: number, index2: number) { return this.execStatusReply("SWAPDB", index, index2); }
sync() { throw new Error("not implemented"); }
time() { return this.execArrayReply("TIME") as Promise<[BulkString, BulkString]>; }
touch(...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("TOUCH", ...keys); }
ttl(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("TTL", key); }
type(key: string) { return this.execStatusReply("TYPE", key); }
unlink(...keys: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("UNLINK", ...keys); }
unwatch() { return this.execStatusReply("UNWATCH"); }
wait(numreplicas: number, timeout: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("WAIT", numreplicas, timeout); }
watch(key: string, ...keys: string[]) { return this.execStatusReply("WATCH", key, ...keys); }
zadd(key: string, scoreOrArr: any, memberOrOpts: any, opts?: any) { const args: (string | number)[] = [key]; let _opts = opts; if (typeof scoreOrArr === "number") { args.push(scoreOrArr); args.push(memberOrOpts); } else if (Array.isArray(scoreOrArr)) { for (const [s, m] of scoreOrArr) { args.push(s, m); } _opts = memberOrOpts; } if (_opts) { if (_opts.nxx) { args.push(_opts.nxx); } if ( { args.push("CH"); } if (_opts.incr) { args.push("INCR"); } } return this.execIntegerReply("ZADD", ...args); }
zcard(key: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZCARD", key); }
zcount(key: string, min: number, max: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZCOUNT", key, min, max); }
zincrby(key: string, increment: number, member: string) { return this.execBulkReply<BulkString>("ZINCRBY", key, increment, member); }
zinterstore( destination: string, numkeys: number, keys: string[], weights?: number | number[], aggregate?: string, ) { const args = this.pushZInterStoreArgs( [destination, numkeys], keys, weights, aggregate, ); return this.execIntegerReply("ZINTERSTORE", ...args); }
zunionstore( destination: string, keys: string[], opts?: { weights?: number[]; aggregate?: "SUM" | "MIN" | "MAX"; }, ) { const args: (string | number)[] = [destination, keys.length, ...keys]; if (opts) { if (opts.weights) { args.push("WEIGHTS", ...opts.weights); } if (opts.aggregate) { args.push("AGGREGATE", opts.aggregate); } } return this.execIntegerReply("ZUNIONSTORE", ...args); }
private pushZInterStoreArgs( args: (number | string)[], keys: string | string[], weights?: number | number[], aggregate?: string, ) { if (typeof keys === "string") { args.push(keys); } else { args.push(...keys); } if (weights) { args.push("WEIGHTS"); if (typeof weights === "number") { args.push(weights); } else { args.push(...weights); } } if (aggregate) { args.push("AGGREGATE"); args.push(aggregate); } return args; }
zlexcount(key: string, min: string, max: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZLEXCOUNT", key, min, max); }
zpopmax(key: string, count?: number) { if (count != null) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZPOPMAX", key, count); } else { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZPOPMAX", key); } }
zpopmin(key: string, count?: number) { if (count != null) { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZPOPMIN", key, count); } else { return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZPOPMIN", key); } }
zrange( key: string, start: number, stop: number, opts?: { withScore?: boolean; }, ) { const args = this.pushZrangeOpts([key, start, stop], opts); return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZRANGE", ...args); }
zrangebylex( key: string, min: string, max: string, opts?: { withScore?: boolean; count?: number; }, ) { const args = this.pushZrangeOpts([key, min, max], opts); return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZRANGEBYLEX", ...args); }
zrevrangebylex( key: string, max: string, min: string, opts?: { withScore?: boolean; count?: number; }, ) { const args = this.pushZrangeOpts([key, min, max], opts); return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZREVRANGEBYLEX", ...args); }
zrangebyscore( key: string, min: string, max: string, opts?: { withScore?: boolean; count?: number; }, ) { const args = this.pushZrangeOpts([key, min, max], opts); return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZRANGEBYSCORE", ...args); }
private pushZrangeOpts( args: (number | string)[], opts?: { withScore?: boolean; offset?: number; count?: number; }, ) { if (opts) { if (opts.withScore) { args.push("WITHSCORES"); } if (opts.offset !== void 0 && opts.count !== void 0) { args.push("LIMIT", opts.offset, opts.count); } } return args; }
zrank(key: string, member: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZRANK", key, member); }
zrem(key: string, ...members: string[]) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZREM", key, ...members); }
zremrangebylex(key: string, min: string, max: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZREMRANGEBYLEX", key, min, max); }
zremrangebyrank(key: string, start: number, stop: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZREMRANGEBYRANK", key, start, stop); }
zremrangebyscore(key: string, min: number, max: number) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", key, min, max); }
zrevrange( key: string, start: number, stop: number, opts?: { withScore?: boolean; }, ) { const args = this.pushZrangeOpts([key, start, stop], opts); return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZREVRANGE", ...args); }
zrevrangebyscore( key: string, max: number, min: number, opts?: { withScore?: boolean; offset?: number; count?: number; }, ) { const args = this.pushZrangeOpts([key, max, min], opts); return this.execArrayReply<BulkString>("ZREVRANGEBYSCORE", ...args); }
zrevrank(key: string, member: string) { return this.execIntegerReply("ZREVRANK", key, member); }
zscore(key: string, member: string) { return this.execBulkReply("ZSCORE", key, member); }
scan( cursor: number, opts?: { pattern?: string; count?: number; }, ) { const arg = this.pushScanOpts([cursor], opts); return this.execArrayReply("SCAN", ...arg) as Promise< [BulkString, BulkString[]] >; }
sscan( key: string, cursor: number, opts?: { pattern?: string; count?: number; }, ) { const arg = this.pushScanOpts([key, cursor], opts); return this.execArrayReply("SSCAN", ...arg) as Promise< [BulkString, BulkString[]] >; }
hscan( key: string, cursor: number, opts?: { pattern?: string; count?: number; }, ) { const arg = this.pushScanOpts([key, cursor], opts); return this.execArrayReply("HSCAN", ...arg) as Promise< [BulkString, BulkString[]] >; }
zscan( key: string, cursor: number, opts?: { pattern?: string; }, ) { const arg = this.pushScanOpts([key, cursor], opts); return this.execArrayReply("ZSCAN", ...arg) as Promise< [BulkString, BulkString[]] >; }
private pushScanOpts( arg: (number | string)[], opts?: { pattern?: string; count?: number; }, ) { if (opts) { if (opts.pattern) { arg.push("MATCH", opts.pattern); } if (opts.count !== void 0) { arg.push("COUNT", opts.count); } } return arg; }
// pipeline tx() { return createRedisPipeline(this.writer, this.reader, { tx: true }); }
pipeline() { return createRedisPipeline(this.writer, this.reader); }
// Stream
close() { this.closer.close(); }}
export type RedisConnectOptions = { hostname: string; port?: number | string; tls?: boolean; db?: number; password?: string;};
function prasePortLike(port: string | number | undefined): number { if (typeof port === "string") { return parseInt(port); } else if (typeof port === "number") { return port; } else if (port === undefined) { return 6379; } else { throw new Error("port is invalid: typeof=" + typeof port); }}
/** * Connect to Redis server * @param opts redis server's url http/https url with port number * Examples: * const conn = connect({hostname: "", port: 6379})// -> tcp, * const conn = connect({hostname: "redis.proxy", port: 443, tls: true}) // -> TLS, redis.proxy:443 */export async function connect({ hostname, port, tls, db, password,}: RedisConnectOptions): Promise<Redis> { const dialOpts: Deno.ConnectOptions = { hostname, port: prasePortLike(port), }; if (!Number.isSafeInteger(dialOpts.port)) { throw new Error("deno-redis: opts.port is invalid"); } const conn: Deno.Conn = tls ? await Deno.connectTls(dialOpts) : await Deno.connect(dialOpts);
const bufr = new BufReader(conn); const bufw = new BufWriter(conn); const exec = muxExecutor(bufr, bufw); const client = await create(conn, conn, conn, exec); if (password != null) { try { await client.auth(password); } catch (err) { client.close(); throw err; } } if (db) { await; } return client;}
export function create( closer: Closer, writer: Writer, reader: Reader, executor: CommandExecutor,): Redis { return new RedisImpl( closer, new BufWriter(writer), new BufReader(reader), executor, );}