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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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import {BufReader, BufWriter} from "";import {createRequest, readReply, RedisRawReply} from "./io.ts";import {ErrorReplyError} from "./errors.ts";import {create, Redis} from "./redis.ts";
const encoder = new TextEncoder();export type RedisPipeline = { enqueue(command: string, ...args) flush(): Promise<RedisRawReply[]>} & Redis;
export function createRedisPipeline(writer: BufWriter, reader: BufReader, opts?: { tx: true }): RedisPipeline { let queue = []; const executor = { enqueue(command: string, ...args) { const msg = createRequest(command, ...args); queue.push(msg); }, async flush() { // wrap pipelined commands with MULTI/EXEC if (opts && opts.tx) { queue.splice(0, 0, createRequest("MULTI")); queue.push(createRequest("EXEC")); } const msg = queue.join(""); await writer.write(encoder.encode(msg)); await writer.flush(); const ret = []; for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { try { const rep = await readReply(reader); ret.push(rep); } catch (e) { if (e.constructor === ErrorReplyError) { ret.push(e) } else { throw e } } } queue = []; return ret; }, async execRawReply(command: string, ...args: (string | number)[]): Promise<RedisRawReply> { this.enqueue(command,...args); return ["status", "OK"]; } }; const fakeRedis = create(null, null, null, executor); return Object.assign(fakeRedis, executor)}