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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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import { EOFError, ErrorReplyError, InvalidStateError } from "./errors.ts";import type { BufReader, BufWriter,} from "./vendor/https/";
/** * @see */
/** * @description Represents the **simple string** type in the RESP2 protocol. */export type Status = string;
/** * @description Represents the **integer** type in the RESP2 protocol. */export type Integer = number;
/** * @description Represents the **bulk string** or **null bulk string** in the RESP2 protocol. */export type Bulk = BulkString | BulkNil;
/** * @description Represents the **bulk string** type in the RESP2 protocol. */export type BulkString = string;
/** * @description Represents the **null bulk string** in the RESP2 protocol. */export type BulkNil = undefined;
/** * @description Represents the some type in the RESP2 protocol. */export type Raw = Status | Integer | Bulk | ConditionalArray;
/** * @description Represents the **array** type in the RESP2 protocol. */export type ConditionalArray = Raw[];
export type StatusReply = ["status", Status];export type IntegerReply = ["integer", Integer];export type BulkReply = ["bulk", Bulk];export type ArrayReply = ["array", ConditionalArray];export type ErrorReply = ["error", ErrorReplyError];export type RedisRawReply = StatusReply | IntegerReply | BulkReply | ArrayReply;export type RawReplyOrError = RedisRawReply | ErrorReply;
const IntegerReplyCode = ":".charCodeAt(0);const BulkReplyCode = "$".charCodeAt(0);const SimpleStringCode = "+".charCodeAt(0);const ArrayReplyCode = "*".charCodeAt(0);const ErrorReplyCode = "-".charCodeAt(0);
const encoder = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();
export function createRequest( command: string, args: (string | number)[],): string { const _args = args.filter((v) => v !== void 0 && v !== null); let msg = ""; msg += `*${1 + _args.length}\r\n`; msg += `$${command.length}\r\n`; msg += `${command}\r\n`; for (const arg of _args) { const val = String(arg); const bytesLen = encoder.encode(val).byteLength; msg += `$${bytesLen}\r\n`; msg += `${val}\r\n`; } return msg;}
export async function sendCommand( writer: BufWriter, reader: BufReader, command: string, ...args: (number | string)[]): Promise<RedisRawReply> { const msg = createRequest(command, args); await writer.write(encoder.encode(msg)); await writer.flush(); return readReply(reader);}
export async function sendCommands( writer: BufWriter, reader: BufReader, commands: { command: string; args: (number | string)[]; }[],): Promise<RawReplyOrError[]> { const msg = => createRequest(c.command, c.args)).join(""); await writer.write(encoder.encode(msg)); await writer.flush(); const ret: RawReplyOrError[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { try { const rep = await readReply(reader); ret.push(rep); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ErrorReplyError) { ret.push(["error", e]); } else { throw e; } } } return ret;}
export async function readReply(reader: BufReader): Promise<RedisRawReply> { const res = await reader.peek(1); if (res === null) { throw new EOFError(); } switch (res[0]) { case IntegerReplyCode: return ["integer", await readIntegerReply(reader)]; case SimpleStringCode: return ["status", await readStatusReply(reader)]; case BulkReplyCode: return ["bulk", await readBulkReply(reader)]; case ArrayReplyCode: return ["array", await readArrayReply(reader)]; case ErrorReplyCode: tryParseErrorReply(await readLine(reader)); } throw new InvalidStateError();}
export async function readLine(reader: BufReader): Promise<string> { const buf = new Uint8Array(1024); let loc = 0; let d: number | null = null; while ((d = await reader.readByte()) && d !== null) { if (d === "\r".charCodeAt(0)) { const d1 = await reader.readByte(); if (d1 === "\n".charCodeAt(0)) { buf[loc++] = d; buf[loc++] = d1; return decoder.decode(new Deno.Buffer(buf.subarray(0, loc)).bytes()); } } buf[loc++] = d; } throw new InvalidStateError();}
export async function readStatusReply(reader: BufReader): Promise<Status> { const line = await readLine(reader); if (line[0] === "+") { return line.substr(1, line.length - 3); } tryParseErrorReply(line);}
export async function readIntegerReply(reader: BufReader): Promise<Integer> { const line = await readLine(reader); if (line[0] === ":") { const str = line.substr(1, line.length - 3); return parseInt(str); } tryParseErrorReply(line);}
export async function readBulkReply(reader: BufReader): Promise<Bulk> { const line = await readLine(reader); if (line[0] !== "$") { tryParseErrorReply(line); } const sizeStr = line.substr(1, line.length - 3); const size = parseInt(sizeStr); if (size < 0) { // nil bulk reply return undefined; } const dest = new Uint8Array(size + 2); await reader.readFull(dest); return decoder.decode( new Deno.Buffer(dest.subarray(0, dest.length - 2)).bytes(), );}
export async function readArrayReply( reader: BufReader,): Promise<ConditionalArray> { const line = await readLine(reader); const argCount = parseInt(line.substr(1, line.length - 3)); const result: ConditionalArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < argCount; i++) { const res = await reader.peek(1); if (res === null) { throw new EOFError(); } switch (res[0]) { case SimpleStringCode: result.push(await readStatusReply(reader)); break; case BulkReplyCode: result.push(await readBulkReply(reader)); break; case IntegerReplyCode: result.push(await readIntegerReply(reader)); break; case ArrayReplyCode: result.push(await readArrayReply(reader)); break; } } return result;}
function tryParseErrorReply(line: string): never { const code = line[0]; if (code === "-") { throw new ErrorReplyError(line); } throw new Error(`invalid line: ${line}`);}