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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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import { CommandExecutor } from "./executor.ts";import { createSimpleStringReply, RedisCommand, RedisReply, RedisReplyOrError, RedisValue,} from "./protocol/mod.ts";import { create, Redis } from "./redis.ts";import { Deferred, deferred,} from "./vendor/https/";
export interface RedisPipeline extends Redis { flush(): Promise<RedisReplyOrError[]>;}
export function createRedisPipeline( executor: CommandExecutor, tx = false,): RedisPipeline { const pipelineExecutor = new PipelineExecutor(executor, tx); function flush(): Promise<RedisReplyOrError[]> { return pipelineExecutor.flush(); } const client = create(pipelineExecutor); return Object.assign(client, { flush });}
export class PipelineExecutor implements CommandExecutor { #commands: RedisCommand[] = []; #queue: { commands: RedisCommand[]; d: Deferred<RedisReplyOrError[]>; }[] = []; #executor: CommandExecutor;
constructor( executor: CommandExecutor, private tx: boolean, ) { this.#executor = executor; }
get connection() { return this.#executor.connection; }
exec( command: string, ...args: RedisValue[] ): Promise<RedisReply> { this.#commands.push({ name: command, args }); return Promise.resolve(createSimpleStringReply("OK")); }
batch(commands: Array<RedisCommand>): Promise<Array<RedisReplyOrError>> { return this.#executor.batch(commands); }
flush(): Promise<RedisReplyOrError[]> { if (this.tx) { this.#commands.unshift({ name: "MULTI", args: [] }); this.#commands.push({ name: "EXEC", args: [] }); } const d = deferred<RedisReplyOrError[]>(); this.#queue.push({ commands: [...this.#commands], d }); if (this.#queue.length === 1) { this.#dequeue(); } this.#commands = []; return d; }
#dequeue(): void { const [e] = this.#queue; if (!e) return; this.#executor.batch(e.commands) .then(e.d.resolve) .catch(e.d.reject) .finally(() => { this.#queue.shift(); this.#dequeue(); }); }}