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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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import type { CommandExecutor } from "./executor.ts";import { InvalidStateError } from "./errors.ts";import { readArrayReplyBody } from "./protocol/mod.ts";
type DefaultMessageType = string;type ValidMessageType = string | string[];
export interface RedisSubscription< TMessage extends ValidMessageType = DefaultMessageType,> { readonly isClosed: boolean; receive(): AsyncIterableIterator<RedisPubSubMessage<TMessage>>; psubscribe(...patterns: string[]): Promise<void>; subscribe(...channels: string[]): Promise<void>; punsubscribe(...patterns: string[]): Promise<void>; unsubscribe(...channels: string[]): Promise<void>; close(): void;}
export interface RedisPubSubMessage<TMessage = DefaultMessageType> { pattern?: string; channel: string; message: TMessage;}
class RedisSubscriptionImpl< TMessage extends ValidMessageType = DefaultMessageType,> implements RedisSubscription<TMessage> { get isConnected(): boolean { return this.executor.connection.isConnected; }
get isClosed(): boolean { return this.executor.connection.isClosed; }
private channels = Object.create(null); private patterns = Object.create(null);
constructor(private executor: CommandExecutor) {}
async psubscribe(...patterns: string[]) { await this.executor.exec("PSUBSCRIBE", ...patterns); for (const pat of patterns) { this.patterns[pat] = true; } }
async punsubscribe(...patterns: string[]) { await this.executor.exec("PUNSUBSCRIBE", ...patterns); for (const pat of patterns) { delete this.patterns[pat]; } }
async subscribe(...channels: string[]) { await this.executor.exec("SUBSCRIBE", ...channels); for (const chan of channels) { this.channels[chan] = true; } }
async unsubscribe(...channels: string[]) { await this.executor.exec("UNSUBSCRIBE", ...channels); for (const chan of channels) { delete this.channels[chan]; } }
async *receive(): AsyncIterableIterator<RedisPubSubMessage<TMessage>> { let forceReconnect = false; const connection = this.executor.connection; while (this.isConnected) { try { let rep: [string, string, TMessage] | [ string, string, string, TMessage, ]; try { rep = (await readArrayReplyBody(connection.reader)) as [ string, string, TMessage, ] | [string, string, string, TMessage]; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource) { // Connection already closed. connection.close(); break; } throw err; } const ev = rep[0];
if (ev === "message" && rep.length === 3) { yield { channel: rep[1], message: rep[2], }; } else if (ev === "pmessage" && rep.length === 4) { yield { pattern: rep[1], channel: rep[2], message: rep[3], }; } } catch (error) { if ( error instanceof InvalidStateError || error instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource ) { forceReconnect = true; } else throw error; } finally { if ((!this.isClosed && !this.isConnected) || forceReconnect) { await connection.reconnect(); forceReconnect = false;
if (Object.keys(this.channels).length > 0) { await this.subscribe(...Object.keys(this.channels)); } if (Object.keys(this.patterns).length > 0) { await this.psubscribe(...Object.keys(this.patterns)); } } } } }
close() { this.executor.connection.close(); }}
export async function subscribe< TMessage extends ValidMessageType = DefaultMessageType,>( executor: CommandExecutor, ...channels: string[]): Promise<RedisSubscription<TMessage>> { const sub = new RedisSubscriptionImpl<TMessage>(executor); await sub.subscribe(...channels); return sub;}
export async function psubscribe< TMessage extends ValidMessageType = DefaultMessageType,>( executor: CommandExecutor, ...patterns: string[]): Promise<RedisSubscription<TMessage>> { const sub = new RedisSubscriptionImpl<TMessage>(executor); await sub.psubscribe(...patterns); return sub;}