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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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import { sendCommand } from "./protocol/mod.ts";import type { RedisReply, RedisValue } from "./protocol/mod.ts";import type { Backoff } from "./backoff.ts";import { exponentialBackoff } from "./backoff.ts";import { ErrorReplyError, isRetriableError } from "./errors.ts";import { BufReader } from "./vendor/https/";import { BufWriter } from "./vendor/https/";import { delay } from "./vendor/https/";type Closer = Deno.Closer;
export interface Connection { closer: Closer; reader: BufReader; writer: BufWriter; maxRetryCount: number; isClosed: boolean; isConnected: boolean; isRetriable: boolean; close(): void; connect(): Promise<void>; reconnect(): Promise<void>; sendCommand(command: string, args?: Array<RedisValue>): Promise<RedisReply>;}
export interface RedisConnectionOptions { tls?: boolean; db?: number; password?: string; username?: string; name?: string; /** * @default 10 */ maxRetryCount?: number; backoff?: Backoff;}
const kEmptyRedisArgs: Array<RedisValue> = [];
export class RedisConnection implements Connection { name: string | null = null; closer!: Closer; reader!: BufReader; writer!: BufWriter; maxRetryCount = 10;
private readonly hostname: string; private readonly port: number | string; private _isClosed = false; private _isConnected = false; private backoff: Backoff;
get isClosed(): boolean { return this._isClosed; }
get isConnected(): boolean { return this._isConnected; }
get isRetriable(): boolean { return this.maxRetryCount > 0; }
constructor( hostname: string, port: number | string, private options: RedisConnectionOptions, ) { this.hostname = hostname; this.port = port; if ( { =; } if (options.maxRetryCount != null) { this.maxRetryCount = options.maxRetryCount; } this.backoff = options.backoff ?? exponentialBackoff(); }
private async authenticate( username: string | undefined, password: string, ): Promise<void> { try { password && username ? await this.sendCommand("AUTH", [username, password]) : await this.sendCommand("AUTH", [password]); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ErrorReplyError) { throw new AuthenticationError("Authentication failed", { cause: error, }); } else { throw error; } } }
private async selectDb( db: number | undefined = this.options.db, ): Promise<void> { if (!db) throw new Error("The database index is undefined."); await this.sendCommand("SELECT", [db]); }
async sendCommand( command: string, args?: Array<RedisValue>, ): Promise<RedisReply> { try { const reply = await sendCommand( this.writer, this.reader, command, args ?? kEmptyRedisArgs, ); return reply; } catch (error) { if ( !isRetriableError(error) || this.isManuallyClosedByUser() ) { throw error; }
for (let i = 0; i < this.maxRetryCount; i++) { // Try to reconnect to the server and retry the command this.close(); try { await this.connect();
const reply = await sendCommand( this.writer, this.reader, command, args ?? kEmptyRedisArgs, );
return reply; } catch { // TODO: use `AggregateError`? const backoff = this.backoff(i); await delay(backoff); } }
throw error; } }
/** * Connect to Redis server */ async connect(): Promise<void> { await this.#connect(0); }
async #connect(retryCount: number) { try { const dialOpts: Deno.ConnectOptions = { hostname: this.hostname, port: parsePortLike(this.port), }; const conn: Deno.Conn = this.options?.tls ? await Deno.connectTls(dialOpts) : await Deno.connect(dialOpts);
this.closer = conn; this.reader = new BufReader(conn); this.writer = new BufWriter(conn); this._isClosed = false; this._isConnected = true;
try { if (this.options.password != null) { await this.authenticate(this.options.username, this.options.password); } if (this.options.db) { await this.selectDb(this.options.db); } } catch (error) { this.close(); throw error; } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof AuthenticationError) { throw (error.cause ?? error); }
const backoff = this.backoff(retryCount); retryCount++; if (retryCount >= this.maxRetryCount) { throw error; } await delay(backoff); await this.#connect(retryCount); } }
close() { this._isClosed = true; this._isConnected = false; try { this.closer!.close(); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource)) throw error; } }
async reconnect(): Promise<void> { if (!this.reader.peek(1)) { throw new Error("Client is closed."); } try { await this.sendCommand("PING"); this._isConnected = true; } catch (_error) { // TODO: Maybe we should log this error. this.close(); await this.connect(); await this.sendCommand("PING"); } }
private isManuallyClosedByUser(): boolean { return this._isClosed && !this._isConnected; }}
class AuthenticationError extends Error {}
function parsePortLike(port: string | number | undefined): number { let parsedPort: number; if (typeof port === "string") { parsedPort = parseInt(port); } else if (typeof port === "number") { parsedPort = port; } else { parsedPort = 6379; } if (!Number.isSafeInteger(parsedPort)) { throw new Error("Port is invalid"); } return parsedPort;}