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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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import type { Redis } from "../redis.ts";import { delay } from "../vendor/https/";import { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows,} from "../vendor/https/";import { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, it,} from "../vendor/https/";import { newClient, nextPort, startRedis, stopRedis } from "./test_util.ts";import type { TestServer } from "./test_util.ts";
describe("client", () => { let port!: number; let server!: TestServer; let client!: Redis;
beforeAll(async () => { port = nextPort(); server = await startRedis({ port }); });
afterAll(() => stopRedis(server));
beforeEach(async () => { client = await newClient({ hostname: "", port }); });
afterEach(() => client.close());
it("client caching with opt in", async () => { await client.clientTracking({ mode: "ON", optIn: true }); assertEquals(await client.clientCaching("YES"), "OK"); });
it("client caching with opt out", async () => { await client.clientTracking({ mode: "ON", optOut: true }); assertEquals(await client.clientCaching("NO"), "OK"); });
it("client caching without opt in or opt out", async () => { await assertRejects( () => { return client.clientCaching("YES"); }, Error, "-ERR CLIENT CACHING can be called only when the client is in tracking mode with OPTIN or OPTOUT mode enabled", ); });
it("client id", async () => { const id = await client.clientID(); assertEquals(typeof id, "number"); });
it("client info", async () => { const id = await client.clientID(); const info = await client.clientInfo(); assert(info!.includes(`id=${id}`)); });
it("client setname & getname", async () => { assertEquals(await client.clientSetName("deno-redis"), "OK"); assertEquals(await client.clientGetName(), "deno-redis"); });
it("client getredir with no redirect", async () => { assertEquals(await client.clientGetRedir(), -1); });
it("client getredir with redirect", async () => { const tempClient = await newClient({ hostname: "", port }); try { const id = await tempClient.clientID(); await client.clientTracking({ mode: "ON", redirect: id }); assertEquals(await client.clientGetRedir(), id); } finally { tempClient.close(); } });
it("client pause & unpause", async () => { assertEquals(await client.clientPause(5), "OK"); assertEquals(await client.clientPause(5, "ALL"), "OK"); assertEquals(await client.clientPause(5, "WRITE"), "OK"); assertEquals(await client.clientUnpause(), "OK"); });
it("client kill by addr", async () => { const tempClient = await newClient({ hostname: "", port }); try { const info = await client.clientInfo() as string; const addr = info.split(" ").find((s) => s.startsWith("addr=") )!.split("=")[1]; assertEquals(await tempClient.clientKill({ addr }), 1); } finally { tempClient.close(); } });
it("client kill by id", async () => { const tempClient = await newClient({ hostname: "", port }); try { const id = await client.clientID(); assertEquals(await tempClient.clientKill({ id }), 1); } finally { tempClient.close(); } });
it("client list", async () => { const id = await client.clientID(); let list = await client.clientList(); assert(list!.includes(`id=${id}`));
list = await client.clientList({ type: "PUBSUB" }); assertEquals(list, "");
list = await client.clientList({ type: "NORMAL" }); assert(list!.includes(`id=${id}`));
list = await client.clientList({ ids: [id] }); assert(list!.includes(`id=${id}`));
assertThrows( () => { return client.clientList({ type: "MASTER", ids: [id] }); }, Error, "only one of `type` or `ids` can be specified", ); });
it("client tracking", async () => { assertEquals( await client.clientTracking({ mode: "ON", prefixes: ["foo", "bar"], bcast: true, }), "OK", ); assertEquals( await client.clientTracking({ mode: "ON", bcast: true, optIn: false, noLoop: true, }), "OK", ); await assertRejects( () => { return client.clientTracking({ mode: "ON", bcast: true, optIn: true }); }, Error, "-ERR OPTIN and OPTOUT are not compatible with BCAST", ); });
it("client trackinginfo", async () => { const info = await client.clientTrackingInfo(); assert(info.includes("flags")); assert(info.includes("redirect")); assert(info.includes("prefixes")); });
it("client unblock nothing", async () => { const id = await client.clientID(); assertEquals(await client.clientUnblock(id), 0); });
it("client unblock with timeout", async () => { const tempClient = await newClient({ hostname: "", port }); try { const id = await tempClient.clientID(); const promise = tempClient.brpop(0, "key1"); // Block. await delay(5); // Give some leeway for brpop to reach redis. assertEquals(await client.clientUnblock(id, "TIMEOUT"), 1); await promise; } finally { tempClient.close(); } });
it("client unblock with error", async () => { const tempClient = await newClient({ hostname: "", port }); try { const id = await tempClient.clientID(); const promise = assertRejects( () => tempClient.brpop(0, "key1"), Error, "-UNBLOCKED", ); await delay(5); // Give some leeway for brpop to reach redis. assertEquals(await client.clientUnblock(id, "ERROR"), 1); await promise; } finally { tempClient.close(); } });
it("client kill by type and don't skip ourselves", async () => { assertEquals(await client.clientKill({ type: "NORMAL", skipme: "NO" }), 1); });});