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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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import { connect, Redis } from "./redis.ts";import { runIfMain, setFilter, test} from "./vendor/https/";import { assertEquals, assertThrowsAsync, assertArrayContains} from "./vendor/https/";// can be substituted with env variableconst addr = { hostname: "", port: 6379};
let redis: Redis;test(async function beforeAll() { redis = await connect(addr); await redis.del( "incr", "incrby", "decr", "decryby", "get", "getset", "del1", "del2", "spop", "spopWithCount" );});
test(async function testExists() { const none = await redis.exists("none", "none2"); assertEquals(none, 0); await redis.set("exists", "aaa"); const exists = await redis.exists("exists", "none"); assertEquals(exists, 1);});
test(async function testGetWhenNil() { const hoge = await redis.get("none"); assertEquals(hoge, void 0);});
test(async function testSet() { const s = await redis.set("get", "fugaδ½ ε₯½γ“んにけは"); assertEquals(s, "OK"); const fuga = await redis.get("get"); assertEquals(fuga, "fugaδ½ ε₯½γ“んにけは");});
test(async function testGetSet() { await redis.set("getset", "val"); const v = await redis.getset("getset", "lav"); assertEquals(v, "val"); assertEquals(await redis.get("getset"), "lav");});
test(async function testMget() { await redis.set("mget1", "val1"); await redis.set("mget2", "val2"); await redis.set("mget3", "val3"); const v = await redis.mget("mget1", "mget2", "mget3"); assertEquals(v, ["val1", "val2", "val3"]);});
test(async function testDel() { let s = await redis.set("del1", "fuga"); assertEquals(s, "OK"); s = await redis.set("del2", "fugaaa"); assertEquals(s, "OK"); const deleted = await redis.del("del1", "del2"); assertEquals(deleted, 2);});
test(async function testIncr() { const rep = await redis.incr("incr"); assertEquals(rep, 1); assertEquals(await redis.get("incr"), "1");});
test(async function testIncrby() { const rep = await redis.incrby("incrby", 101); assertEquals(rep, 101); assertEquals(await redis.get("incrby"), "101");});
test(async function testDecr() { const rep = await redis.decr("decr"); assertEquals(rep, -1); assertEquals(await redis.get("decr"), "-1");});
test(async function testDecrby() { const rep = await redis.decrby("decryby", 101); assertEquals(rep, -101); assertEquals(await redis.get("decryby"), "-101");});
test(async function testSpop() { await redis.sadd("spop", "a"); const v = await redis.spop("spop"); assertEquals(v, "a");});
test(async function testSpopWithCount() { await redis.sadd("spopWithCount", "a", "b"); const v = await redis.spop("spopWithCount", 2); assertArrayContains(v, ["a", "b"]);});
test(async function testConcurrent() { let promises: Promise<any>[] = []; for (const key of ["a", "b", "c"]) { promises.push(redis.set(key, key)); } await Promise.all(promises); promises = []; for (const key of ["a", "b", "c"]) { promises.push(redis.get(key)); } const [a, b, c] = await Promise.all(promises); assertEquals(a, "a"); assertEquals(b, "b"); assertEquals(c, "c");});
test(async function testDb0Option() { const key = "exists"; await redis.set(key, "aaa"); const exists1 = await redis.exists(key); assertEquals(exists1, 1); const client2 = await connect({ ...addr, db: 0 }); const exists2 = await client2.exists(key); assertEquals(exists2, 1);});
test(async function testDb1Option() { const key = "exists"; await redis.set(key, "aaa"); const exists1 = await redis.exists(key); assertEquals(exists1, 1); const client2 = await connect({ ...addr, db: 1 }); const exists2 = await client2.exists(key); assertEquals(exists2, 0);});
[Infinity, NaN, "", "port"].forEach(v => { test(`invalid port: ${v}`, () => { assertThrowsAsync( async () => { await connect({ hostname: "", port: v }); }, Error, "invalid" ); });});