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A tiny (394B) utility that converts route patterns into RegExp. Limited alternative to `path-to-regexp` πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ
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import { test } from 'uvu';import * as assert from 'uvu/assert';import { parse } from '../src';
const hasNamedGroups = 'groups' in /x/.exec('x');
function run(route, url, loose) { let i=0, out={}, result=parse(route, !!loose); let matches = result.pattern.exec(url); if (matches === null) return false; if (matches.groups) return matches.groups; while (i < result.keys.length) { out[ result.keys[i] ] = matches[++i] || null; } return out;}
function raw(route, url, loose) { return parse(route, !!loose).pattern.exec(url);}
function toExec(route, url, params) { let out = run(route, url); if (out && params) out = { ...out }; // convert null proto assert.equal(out, params, out ? `~> parsed "${url}" into correct params` : `~> route and "${url}" did not match`);}
function toLooseExec(route, url, params) { let out = run(route, url, true); if (out && params) out = { ...out }; // convert null proto assert.equal(out, params, out ? `~> parsed "${url}" into correct params` : `~> route and "${url}" did not match`);}
// ---
test('exports', () => { assert.type(parse, 'function');});
test('returns :: string', () => { let output = parse('/'); assert.type(output, 'object'); assert.instance(output.pattern, RegExp); assert.instance(output.keys, Array);});
test('returns :: RegExp', () => { let pattern = /foobar/; let output = parse(pattern); assert.type(output, 'object');, pattern, 'referential');, false);});
test('ensure lead slash', () => { assert.equal(parse('/'), parse(''), '~> root'); assert.equal(parse('/books'), parse('books'), '~> static'); assert.equal(parse('/books/:title'), parse('books/:title'), '~> param'); assert.equal(parse('/books/:title?'), parse('books/:title?'), '~> optional'); assert.equal(parse('/books/*'), parse('books/*'), '~> wildcard');});
test('static', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/books'); assert.equal(keys, [], '~> empty keys'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books'), '~> matches route'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> matches trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/author'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books'), '~> does not match path without lead slash');});
test('static :: multiple', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/foo/bar'); assert.equal(keys, [], '~> empty keys'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/foo/bar'), '~> matches route'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/foo/bar/'), '~> matches trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/foo/bar/baz'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('foo/bar'), '~> does not match path without lead slash');});
test('param', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/books/:title'); assert.equal(keys, ['title'], '~> keys has "title" value'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia/hello'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books/narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); let [url, value] = pattern.exec('/books/narnia');, '/books/narnia', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');});
test('param :: static :: none', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/:title'); assert.equal(keys, ['title'], '~> keys has "title" value'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/narnia'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/narnia/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/narnia/reviews'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); let [url, value] = pattern.exec('/narnia/');, '/narnia/', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');});
test('param :: static :: multiple', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/foo/bar/:title'); assert.equal(keys, ['title'], '~> keys has "title" value'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/foo/bar'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/foo/bar/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/foo/bar/narnia'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/foo/bar/narnia/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/foo/bar/narnia/hello'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('foo/bar/narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/foo/narnia'), '~> does not match if statics are different'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/bar/narnia'), '~> does not match if statics are different'); let [url, value] = pattern.exec('/foo/bar/narnia');, '/foo/bar/narnia', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');});
test('param :: multiple', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/books/:author/:title'); assert.equal(keys, ['author', 'title'], '~> keys has "author" & "title" values'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith'), '~> does not match insufficient parameter counts'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/'), '~> does not match insufficient paramters w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia/reviews'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books/smith/narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); let [url, author, title] = pattern.exec('/books/smith/narnia');, '/books/smith/narnia', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'smith', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');});
test('param :: suffix', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/movies/:title.mp4'); assert.equal(keys, ['title'], '~> keys has "title" only (no suffix)'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo'), '~> does not match without suffix'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp3'), '~> does not match with wrong suffix'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp4'), '~> does match with correct suffix'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp4/'), '~> does match with trailing slash');});
test('param :: suffices', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/movies/:title.(mp4|mov)'); assert.equal(keys, ['title'], '~> keys has "title" only (no suffix)'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo'), '~> does not match without suffix'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp3'), '~> does not match with wrong suffix'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp4'), '~> does match with correct suffix (mp4)'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp4/'), '~> does match with trailing slash (mp4)'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/'), '~> does match with correct suffix (mov)'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/'), '~> does match with trailing slash (mov)');});
test('param :: optional', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/books/:author/:title?'); assert.equal(keys, ['author', 'title'], '~> keys has "author" & "title" values'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith'), '~> matches when optional parameter is missing counts'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/'), '~> matches when optional paramter is missing w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia'), '~> matches when fully populated'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia/'), '~> matches when fully populated w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia/reviews'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books/smith/narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); let [_, author, title] = pattern.exec('/books/smith/narnia');, 'smith', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');});
test('param :: optional :: static :: none', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/:title?'); assert.equal(keys, ['title'], '~> keys has "title" value'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/'), '~> matches root w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/narnia'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/narnia/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/narnia/reviews'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); let [_, value] = pattern.exec('/narnia');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');});
test('param :: optional :: multiple', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/books/:genre/:author?/:title?'); assert.equal(keys, ['genre', 'author', 'title'], '~> keys has "genre", "author" & "title" values'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/horror'), '~> matches when optional parameter is missing counts'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/horror/'), '~> matches when optional paramter is missing w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/horror/smith'), '~> matches when optional parameter is missing counts'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/horror/smith/'), '~> matches when optional paramter is missing w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/horror/smith/narnia'), '~> matches when fully populated'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/horror/smith/narnia/'), '~> matches when fully populated w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/horror/smith/narnia/reviews'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books/horror/smith/narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); let [_, genre, author, title] = pattern.exec('/books/horror/smith/narnia');, 'horror', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');, 'smith', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');});
test('wildcard', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('/books/*'); assert.equal(keys, ['wild'], '~> keys has "wild" value'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia/reviews'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books/narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); let [_, value] = pattern.exec('/books/narnia/reviews');, 'narnia/reviews', '~> executing pattern gives ALL values after base');});
test('wildcard :: root', () => { let { keys, pattern } = parse('*'); assert.equal(keys, ['wild'], '~> keys has "wild" value'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/'), '~> matches root path'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/narnia'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/narnia/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/narnia/reviews'), '~> does not match extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash'); let [_, value] = pattern.exec('/foo/bar/baz');, 'foo/bar/baz', '~> executing pattern gives ALL values together');});
test('execs', () => { // false = did not match
// console.log('/books'); toExec('/books', '/', false); toExec('/books', '/books', {}); toExec('/books', '/books/', {}); toExec('/books', '/books/world/', false); toExec('/books', '/books/world', false);
// console.log('/:title'); toExec('/:title', '/hello', { title:'hello' }); toExec('/:title', '/hello/', { title:'hello' }); toExec('/:title', '/hello/world/', false); toExec('/:title', '/hello/world', false); toExec('/:title', '/', false);
// console.log('/:title?'); toExec('/:title?', '/', { title:null }); toExec('/:title?', '/hello', { title:'hello' }); toExec('/:title?', '/hello/', { title:'hello' }); toExec('/:title?', '/hello/world/', false); toExec('/:title?', '/hello/world', false);
// console.log('/:title.mp4'); toExec('/:title.mp4', '/hello.mp4', { title:'hello' }); toExec('/:title.mp4', '/hello.mp4/', { title:'hello' }); toExec('/:title.mp4', '/hello.mp4/history/', false); toExec('/:title.mp4', '/hello.mp4/history', false); toExec('/:title.mp4', '/', false);
// console.log('/:title/:genre'); toExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/world', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/world/', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/world/mundo/', false); toExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/world/mundo', false); toExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/', false); toExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello', false);
// console.log('/:title/:genre?'); toExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello', { title:'hello', genre:null }); toExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/', { title:'hello', genre:null }); toExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/world', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/world/', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/world/mundo/', false); toExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/world/mundo', false);
// console.log('/books/*'); toExec('/books/*', '/books', false); toExec('/books/*', '/books/', { wild:null }); toExec('/books/*', '/books/world', { wild:'world' }); toExec('/books/*', '/books/world/', { wild:'world/' }); toExec('/books/*', '/books/world/howdy', { wild:'world/howdy' }); toExec('/books/*', '/books/world/howdy/', { wild:'world/howdy/' });
// console.log('/books/*?'); toExec('/books/*?', '/books', false); toExec('/books/*?', '/books/', { wild:null }); toExec('/books/*?', '/books/world', { wild:'world' }); toExec('/books/*?', '/books/world/', { wild:'world/' }); toExec('/books/*?', '/books/world/howdy', { wild:'world/howdy' }); toExec('/books/*?', '/books/world/howdy/', { wild:'world/howdy/' });});
test('execs :: loose', () => { // false = did not match
// console.log('/books'); toLooseExec('/books', '/', false); toLooseExec('/books', '/books', {}); toLooseExec('/books', '/books/', {}); toLooseExec('/books', '/books/world/', {}); toLooseExec('/books', '/books/world', {});
// console.log('/:title'); toLooseExec('/:title', '/hello', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title', '/hello/', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title', '/hello/world/', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title', '/hello/world', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title', '/', false);
// console.log('/:title?'); toLooseExec('/:title?', '/', { title:null }); toLooseExec('/:title?', '/hello', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title?', '/hello/', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title?', '/hello/world/', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title?', '/hello/world', { title:'hello' });
// console.log('/:title.mp4'); toLooseExec('/:title.mp4', '/hello.mp4', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title.mp4', '/hello.mp4/', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title.mp4', '/hello.mp4/history/', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title.mp4', '/hello.mp4/history', { title:'hello' }); toLooseExec('/:title.mp4', '/', false);
// console.log('/:title/:genre'); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/world', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/world/', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/world/mundo/', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/world/mundo', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello/', false); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre', '/hello', false);
// console.log('/:title/:genre?'); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello', { title:'hello', genre:null }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/', { title:'hello', genre:null }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/world', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/world/', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/world/mundo/', { title:'hello', genre:'world' }); toLooseExec('/:title/:genre?', '/hello/world/mundo', { title:'hello', genre:'world' });
// console.log('/books/*'); toLooseExec('/books/*', '/books', false); toLooseExec('/books/*', '/books/', { wild:null }); toLooseExec('/books/*', '/books/world', { wild:'world' }); toLooseExec('/books/*', '/books/world/', { wild:'world/' }); toLooseExec('/books/*', '/books/world/howdy', { wild:'world/howdy' }); toLooseExec('/books/*', '/books/world/howdy/', { wild:'world/howdy/' });
// console.log('/books/*?'); toLooseExec('/books/*?', '/books', false); toLooseExec('/books/*?', '/books/', { wild:null }); toLooseExec('/books/*?', '/books/world', { wild:'world' }); toLooseExec('/books/*?', '/books/world/', { wild:'world/' }); toLooseExec('/books/*?', '/books/world/howdy', { wild:'world/howdy' }); toLooseExec('/books/*?', '/books/world/howdy/', { wild:'world/howdy/' });});
test('(raw) exec', () => { // console.log('/foo ~> "/foo"'); let [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo', '/foo');, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, [], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/foo ~> "/foo/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo/', '/foo/');, '/foo/', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, [], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path ~> "/foo"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path', '/foo');, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path ~> "/foo/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path', '/foo/');, '/foo/', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path/:sub ~> "/foo/bar"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub', '/foo/bar');, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path/:sub ~> "/foo/bar/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub', '/foo/bar/');, '/foo/bar/', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path/:sub? ~> "/foo"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub?', '/foo');, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', undefined], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path/:sub? ~> "/foo/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub?', '/foo/');, '/foo/', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', undefined], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path/:sub? ~> "/foo/bar"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub?', '/foo/bar');, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path/:sub? ~> "/foo/bar/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub', '/foo/bar/');, '/foo/bar/', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path/* ~> "/foo/bar/baz"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/*', '/foo/bar/baz');, '/foo/bar/baz', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar/baz'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path/* ~> "/foo/bar/baz/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/*', '/foo/bar/baz/');, '/foo/bar/baz/', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar/baz/'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/foo/:path ~> "/foo/bar"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo/:path', '/foo/bar');, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/foo/:path ~> "/foo/bar/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo/:path', '/foo/bar/');, '/foo/bar/', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');});
test('(raw) exec :: loose', () => { // console.log('/foo ~> "/foo"'); let [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo', '/foo', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, [], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/foo ~> "/foo/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo/', '/foo/', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, [], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path ~> "/foo"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path', '/foo', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path ~> "/foo/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path', '/foo/', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path/:sub ~> "/foo/bar"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub', '/foo/bar', 1);, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path/:sub ~> "/foo/bar/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub', '/foo/bar/', 1);, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path/:sub? ~> "/foo"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub?', '/foo', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', undefined], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path/:sub? ~> "/foo/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub?', '/foo/', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', undefined], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path/:sub? ~> "/foo/bar"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub?', '/foo/bar', 1);, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path/:sub? ~> "/foo/bar/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/:sub', '/foo/bar/', 1);, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path/* ~> "/foo/bar/baz"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/*', '/foo/bar/baz', 1);, '/foo/bar/baz', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar/baz'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path/* ~> "/foo/bar/baz/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path/*', '/foo/bar/baz/', 1);, '/foo/bar/baz/', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); // trail assert.equal(vals, ['foo', 'bar/baz/'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/foo/:path ~> "/foo/bar"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo/:path', '/foo/bar', 1);, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/foo/:path ~> "/foo/bar/"'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo/:path', '/foo/bar/', 1);, '/foo/bar', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['bar'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');});
test('(extra) exec', () => { // Not matches! // console.log('/foo ~> "/foo/bar" (extra)');'/foo', '/foo/bar'), null, '~> does not match');
// console.log('/foo ~> "/foo/bar/" (extra)');'/foo/', '/foo/bar/'), null, '~> does not match');

// console.log('/:path ~> "/foo/bar" (extra)');'/:path', '/foo/bar'), null, '~> does not match');
// console.log('/:path ~> "/foo/bar/" (extra)');'/:path', '/foo/bar/'), null, '~> does not match');});
test('(extra) exec :: loose', () => { // console.log('/foo ~> "/foo/bar" (extra)'); let [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo', '/foo/bar', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, [], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/foo ~> "/foo/bar/" (extra)'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/foo/', '/foo/bar/', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, [], '~> parsed value segments correctly');

// console.log('/:path ~> "/foo/bar" (extra)'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path', '/foo/bar', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');
// console.log('/:path ~> "/foo/bar/" (extra)'); [url, ...vals] = raw('/:path', '/foo/bar/', 1);, '/foo', '~> parsed `url` correctly'); assert.equal(vals, ['foo'], '~> parsed value segments correctly');});
// ---
test('(RegExp) static', () => { let rgx = /^\/?books/; let { keys, pattern } = parse(rgx); assert.equal(keys, false, '~> keys = false'); assert.equal(rgx, pattern, '~> pattern = input'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books'), '~> matches route'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> matches trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> matches without leading slash');});
if (hasNamedGroups) { test('(RegExp) param', () => { let rgx = /^\/(?<year>[0-9]{4})/i; let { keys, pattern } = parse(rgx); assert.equal(keys, false, '~> keys = false'); assert.equal(rgx, pattern, '~> pattern = input');
// RegExp testing (not regexparam related) assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/123'), '~> does not match 3-digit string'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/asdf'), '~> does not match 4 alpha characters'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/2019'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/2019/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('2019'), '~> does not match without lead slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/2019/narnia/hello'), '~> allows extra bits');
// exec results, array access let [url, value] = pattern.exec('/2019/books');, '/2019', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, '2019', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');
// exec results, named object toExec(rgx, '/2019/books', { year: '2019' }); toExec(rgx, '/2019/books/narnia', { year: '2019' }); });
test('(RegExp) param :: w/ static', () => { let rgx = /^\/books\/(?<title>[a-z]+)/i; let { keys, pattern } = parse(rgx); assert.equal(keys, false, '~> keys = false'); assert.equal(rgx, pattern, '~> pattern = input');
// RegExp testing (not regexparam related) assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books'), '~> does not match naked base'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/'), '~> does not match naked base w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia'), '~> matches definition'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia/'), '~> matches definition w/ trailing slash'); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/narnia/hello'), '~> allows extra bits'); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books/narnia'), '~> does not match path without lead slash');
// exec results, array access let [url, value] = pattern.exec('/books/narnia');, '/books/narnia', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');
// exec results, named object toExec(rgx, '/books/narnia', { title: 'narnia' }); toExec(rgx, '/books/narnia/hello', { title: 'narnia' }); });
test('(RegExp) param :: multiple', () => { let rgx = /^\/(?<year>[0-9]{4})-(?<month>[0-9]{2})\/(?<day>[0-9]{2})/i; let { keys, pattern } = parse(rgx); assert.equal(keys, false, '~> keys = false'); assert.equal(rgx, pattern, '~> pattern = input');
// RegExp testing (not regexparam related) assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/123-1')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/123-10')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/1234-10')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/1234-10/1')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/1234-10/as')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/1234-10/01/')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/2019-10/30'));
// exec results, array access let [url, year, month, day] = pattern.exec('/2019-05/30/');, '/2019-05/30', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, '2019', '~> executing pattern gives correct "year" value');, '05', '~> executing pattern gives correct "month" value');, '30', '~> executing pattern gives correct "day" value');
// exec results, named object toExec(rgx, '/2019-10/02', { year:'2019', month:'10', day:'02' }); toExec(rgx, '/2019-10/02/narnia', { year:'2019', month:'10', day:'02' }); });
test('(RegExp) param :: suffix', () => { let rgx = /^\/movies[/](?<title>\w+)\.mp4/i; let { keys, pattern } = parse(rgx); assert.equal(keys, false, '~> keys = false'); assert.equal(rgx, pattern, '~> pattern = input');
// RegExp testing (not regexparam related) assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp3')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp4')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp4/'));
// exec results, array access let [url, title] = pattern.exec('/movies/narnia.mp4');, '/movies/narnia.mp4', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct "title" value');
// exec results, named object toExec(rgx, '/movies/narnia.mp4', { title: 'narnia' }); toExec(rgx, '/movies/narnia.mp4/', { title: 'narnia' }); });
test('(RegExp) param :: suffices', () => { let rgx = /^\/movies[/](?<title>\w+)\.(mp4|mov)/i; let { keys, pattern } = parse(rgx); assert.equal(keys, false, '~> keys = false'); assert.equal(rgx, pattern, '~> pattern = input');
// RegExp testing (not regexparam related) assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp3')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp4')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/foo.mp4/')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/movies/'));
// exec results, array access let [url, title] = pattern.exec('/movies/');, '/movies/', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct "title" value');
// exec results, named object toExec(rgx, '/movies/', { title: 'narnia' }); toExec(rgx, '/movies/', { title: 'narnia' }); });
test('(RegExp) param :: optional', () => { let rgx = /^\/books[/](?<author>[^/]+)[/]?(?<title>[^/]+)?[/]?$/ let { keys, pattern } = parse(rgx); assert.equal(keys, false, '~> keys = false'); assert.equal(rgx, pattern, '~> pattern = input');
// RegExp testing (not regexparam related) assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia/')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia/reviews')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books/smith/narnia'));
// exec results, array access let [url, author, title] = pattern.exec('/books/smith/narnia/');, '/books/smith/narnia/', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'smith', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');
// exec results, named object toExec(rgx, '/books/smith/narnia', { author: 'smith', title: 'narnia' }); toExec(rgx, '/books/smith/narnia/', { author: 'smith', title: 'narnia' }); toExec(rgx, '/books/smith/', { author: 'smith', title: undefined }); });}
test('(RegExp) nameless', () => { // For whatever reason~ // ~> regexparam CANNOT give `keys` list cuz unknown let rgx = /^\/books[/]([^/]\w+)[/]?(\w+)?(?=\/|$)/i; let { keys, pattern } = parse(rgx); assert.equal(keys, false, '~> keys = false'); assert.equal(rgx, pattern, '~> pattern = input');
// RegExp testing (not regexparam related) assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('/books/')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia')); assert.ok(pattern.test('/books/smith/narnia/')); assert.not.ok(pattern.test('books/smith/narnia'));
// exec results, array access let [url, author, title] = pattern.exec('/books/smith/narnia/');, '/books/smith/narnia', '~> executing pattern on correct trimming');, 'smith', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');, 'narnia', '~> executing pattern gives correct value');
// exec results, named object // Note: UNKNOWN & UNNAMED KEYS toExec(rgx, '/books/smith/narnia', {}); toExec(rgx, '/books/smith/narnia/', {}); toExec(rgx, '/books/smith/', {});});;