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import { CCCommit, ccparse } from "../deps.ts";
import { git } from "./git.ts";import type { Tag } from "./tags.ts";import { ReleaseError } from "./error.ts";
export interface RawCommit { hash: string; title: string; description: string; author: string; cc: CCCommit;}
export async function fetchRawCommits( repo: string, rev?: string,): Promise<RawCommit[]> { const inner =; const outer = inner - 1;
// How the output shoud look like const spec = ["s", "n", "ae", "b"]; // add at const format = `${inner} %${spec.join(`${inner}%`)}${outer}`;
const [status, output, err] = await git(repo, [ "rev-list", `--pretty=format:${format}`, "--header", rev ?? "HEAD", ]); if (!status.success) throw new ReleaseError("GIT_EXE", err);
let commits: RawCommit[] = []; const parts = output .split(String(outer)) .map((item) => item.trim()) .filter((item) => item.length) .map((item) => { const splitted = item.split(String(inner)); const details = => i.trim()).filter((i) => i); const hash = details[0].split(" ")[1]; const title = details[1] || ""; const description = details[3] || ""; const author = details[2];
const body = `${title}\n${description}`; const cc = ccparse(body);
return { hash, title, description, author, cc, }; }) .filter((i) => i);
commits = commits.concat(parts); return commits;}
export interface Commit extends RawCommit { belongs: Tag | null;}
export async function fetchCommits( repo: string, tags: Tag[],): Promise<Commit[]> { let all: Commit[] = [];
async function add(rev: string | undefined, belongs: Tag | null) { const commits = await fetchRawCommits(repo, rev); all = all.concat( => ({ ..._, belongs, })), ); }
if (tags.length === 0) { await add(undefined, null); return all; }
let child = tags[0]; let parent = tags[0];
if (child) { await add(`${child.hash}..HEAD`, null); }
for (let i = 0; i < tags.length - 1; i++) { child = tags[i]; parent = tags[i + 1]; await add(`${parent.hash}..${child.hash}`, child); }
if (parent) { await add(parent.hash, parent); }
return all;}