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import { ini, join } from "../deps.ts";
import { ReleaseError } from "./error.ts";
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
export async function git( repo: string, args: string[] | string,): Promise<[Deno.ProcessStatus, string, string]> { const dir = `--git-dir=${join(repo, ".git")}`; if (typeof args === "string") args = args.split(" "); const process ={ cwd: repo, cmd: ["git", dir, ...args], stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); const output = await process.output(); const err = await process.stderrOutput(); const status = await process.status(); process.close(); return [status, decoder.decode(output), decoder.decode(err)];}
export async function ezgit( repo: string, args: string[] | string,): Promise<void> { const [status, _, err] = await git(repo, args); if (!status.success) throw new ReleaseError("GIT_EXE", err);}
export async function fetchConfig(repo: string): Promise<GitConfig> { const path = join(repo, ".git", "config"); let source = await Deno.readTextFile(path); source = source.replace(/\[(\S+) "(.*)"\]/g, (m, $1, $2) => { return $1 && $2 ? `[${$1} "${$2.split(".").join("\\.")}"]` : m; }); const config = ini.decode(source); for (const key of Object.keys(config)) { const m = /(\S+) "(.*)"/.exec(key); if (!m) continue; const prop = m[1]; config[prop] = config[prop] || {}; config[prop][m[2]] = config[key]; delete config[key]; } return config;}
interface GitConfigCore { [key: string]: unknown;}
export interface Remote { url: string; fetch: string; [key: string]: unknown;}
interface GitConfigRemote { [key: string]: Remote;}
export interface Branch { remote: string; merge: string; [key: string]: unknown;}
interface GitConfigBranch { [key: string]: Branch;}
export interface GitConfig { core: GitConfigCore; remote: GitConfigRemote; branch: GitConfigBranch;}