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A library to control special structures on the ReplCraft Minecraft server
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/* Block */export { Block, BlockUpdateCause } from "./lib/block/block.ts";export type { BlockUpdateEvent } from "./lib/block/block.ts";export { Identifier } from "./lib/block/identifier.ts";
/* Item & Slot */export { SlotReference } from "./lib/inventory/slot/reference.ts";export { ItemSlot } from "./lib/inventory/slot/item.ts";export { Slot } from "./lib/inventory/slot/slot.ts";export { Item } from "./lib/inventory/item.ts";
/* World */export { Location, WorldLocation } from "./lib/world/location.ts";export { Entity } from "./lib/world/entity.ts";export { Player } from "./lib/world/player.ts";
/* Client */export { Client } from "./lib/client.ts";export { Token } from "./lib/token.ts";
/* Transaction */export { Transaction } from "./lib/transaction.ts";
/* Error */export { CraftError, CraftRequestError } from "./lib/error.ts";