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An implementation of the Cookie Store API for request handlers.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-control-regeximport type { CookieInit } from '';
export const attrsToSetCookie = (attrs: string[][]) => => att.join('=')).join('; ');
/** * RegExp to match field-content in RFC 7230 sec 3.2 * * field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ] * field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text * obs-text = %x80-FF */const RE_FIELD_CONTENT = /^[\u0009\u0020-\u007e\u0080-\u00ff]+$/;
type Attr = [string] | [string, string];type Attrs = [[string, string], ...Attr[]];
/** * Implements <> * with some additional behaviors taken from Chrome's implementation. */export function setCookie( options: string | CookieInit, value?: string, origin?: URL, encode = (x?: string) => x?.toString() ?? '',): [Attrs, Date | null] | null { const [name, val] = (typeof options === 'string' ? [options, value] : [, options.value]).map(encode)
const opts = typeof options === 'string' ? <CookieInit>{} : options;
if (name == null || val == null) throw TypeError("required value(s) missing"); if (!name.length && val.includes('=')) throw TypeError("Cookie value cannot contain '=' if the name is empty"); if (!name.length && !val.length) throw TypeError("Cookie name and value both cannot be empty");
// Unspecified, emulating Chrome's current behavior if (!RE_FIELD_CONTENT.test(name + val) || name.includes('=') || val.includes(';')) return null;
if (val.includes(', ')) { throw TypeError("The cookie value must not contain sequence: ', '."); }
const attrs: Attrs = [[name, val]];
const { domain, path, sameSite } = opts;
if (domain) { // Unspecified, emulating Chrome's current behavior if (!RE_FIELD_CONTENT.test(domain) || domain.includes(';')) return null;
if (domain.startsWith('.')) throw TypeError('Cookie domain cannot start with "."');
const host = origin?.host; if (host && domain !== host && !domain.endsWith(`.${host}`)) throw TypeError('Cookie domain must match current host');
attrs.push(['Domain', domain]); }
let expires: Date | null = null; if (opts.expires) { expires = opts.expires instanceof Date ? opts.expires : new Date(opts.expires); attrs.push(['Expires', expires.toUTCString()]); }
if (path) { if (!path.toString().startsWith('/')) throw TypeError('Cookie path must start with "/"');
// Unspecified, emulating Chrome's current behavior if (!RE_FIELD_CONTENT.test(path) || path.includes(';')) return null;
attrs.push(['Path', path]); }
// Always secure, except for localhost if (origin && origin.hostname !== 'localhost') attrs.push(['Secure']);
if (opts.httpOnly) attrs.push(['HttpOnly']);
switch (sameSite) { case undefined: break; case 'none': attrs.push(['SameSite', 'None']); break; case 'lax': attrs.push(['SameSite', 'Lax']); break; case 'strict': attrs.push(['SameSite', 'Strict']); break; default: throw TypeError(`The provided value '${sameSite}' is not a valid enum value of type CookieSameSite.`); }
return [attrs, expires]}
/** * A not-so-strict parser for cookie headers. * - Allows pretty much everything in the value, including `=` * - Trims keys and values * - Ignores when both name and value are empty (but either empty allowed) * * For more on the state of allowed cookie characters, * see <>. */export function parseCookieHeader(cookie?: string | null) { return new Map(cookie?.split(/;\s+/) .map(x => x.split('=')) .map(([n, ...vs]) => <const>[n.trim(), vs.join('=').trim()]) .filter(([n, v]) => !(n === '' && v === '')) );}