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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import * as rimbu from "";


Returns an Actor instance based on the given input Actor (which may also be an Obs), and adds the methods and properties of the given props object to it.


Returns a Command instance with the given execute action, and will only execute the action if the optionally given enabled Actor state is true.

Returns an Obs instance with the given initState as initial state.

Returns a new ProcessQueue instance.


Am Actor that has an Obs instance so that its state can be observed and modified. Its main aim is to allow custom methods to be added to an Obs.

A readonly Actor that has a readonly Obs instance so that its state can be observed. Its main aim is to allow custom methods to be added to an Obs.Readonly.

A Command is an Actor that can execute some command optinally with some arguments, only if its state is true.

An observable entity that contains potentially complex state and methods to manipulate the state.

A readonly observable entity that contains potentially complex state.

An entity to manage a queue of processes to be executed.

Type Aliases

Returns, for an Obs or Actor, its state type

A function performing some action given the newState and the oldState.

A generic function that is called to unsubscribe a subscription.

An asynchronous process to be executed at some time in the future.