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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import { Eq } from './internal.ts';
/** * An object providing methods to compare two values of type `K`. * @typeparam K - the value type */export interface Comp<K> { /** * Returns 0 if given `value1` and `value2` are equal, a positive value is `value1` is greater than * `value2`, and a negative value otherwise. * @param value1 - the first value to compare * @param value2 - the seconds value to compare * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.numberComp() * console.log(, 5)) * // => 0 * console.log(, 5)) * // => -2 * console.log(, 3)) * // => 2 * ``` */ compare(value1: K, value2: K): number; /** * Returns true if this instance can compare given `obj`. * @param obj - the object to check * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.numberComp() * console.log(c.isComparable(5)) * // => true * console.log(c.isComparable('a')) * // => false * ``` */ isComparable(obj: any): obj is K;}
export namespace Comp { const _anyFlatComp: Comp<any> = createAnyComp('FLAT'); const _anyShallowComp: Comp<any> = createAnyComp('SHALLOW'); const _anyDeepComp: Comp<any> = createAnyComp('DEEP');
/** * Returns the default Comp instance, which is the Comp.anyDeepComp() instance. */ export function defaultComp(): Comp<any> { return _anyDeepComp; }
const _numberComp: Comp<number> = { isComparable(obj): obj is number { return typeof obj === 'number'; }, compare(v1, v2) { if (Number.isFinite(v1) && Number.isFinite(v2)) { return v1 - v2; } if (Number.isNaN(v1)) { if (Number.isNaN(v2)) return 0; if (v2 === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return 1; if (v2 === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return -1; return -1; }
// only infinities remain if (v1 === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return v2 === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : 1; }
// v1 === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY return v2 === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : -1; }, };
/** * Returns a default number Comp instance that orders numbers naturally. * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.numberComp(); * console.log(, 5)) * // => -2 * ``` */ export function numberComp(): Comp<number> { return _numberComp; }
const _booleanComp: Comp<boolean> = { isComparable(obj): obj is boolean { return typeof obj === 'boolean'; }, compare(v1, v2) { return v1 === v2 ? 0 : v1 ? 1 : -1; }, };
/** * Returns a default boolean Comp instance that orders booleans according to false < true. * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.booleanComp(); * console.log(, true) < 0) * // => true * console.log(, true)) * // => 0 * ``` */ export function booleanComp(): Comp<boolean> { return _booleanComp; }
const _bigIntComp: Comp<bigint> = { isComparable(obj): obj is bigint { return typeof obj === 'bigint'; }, compare(v1, v2) { const res = v1 - v2; if (res > 0) return 1; if (res < 0) return -1; return 0; }, };
/** * Returns a default bigint Comp instance that orders bigint numbers naturally. */ export function bigIntComp(): Comp<bigint> { return _bigIntComp; }
const _defaultCollator = Intl.Collator('und');
const _stringComp: Comp<string> = { isComparable(obj): obj is string { return typeof obj === 'string'; }, compare:, };
const _anyStringJSONComp: Comp<any> = { isComparable(obj): obj is any { return true; }, compare(v1, v2) { return, JSON.stringify(v2)); }, };
/** * Returns a Comp instance converts values to string with JSON.stringify, and orders the resulting string naturally. */ export function anyStringJSONComp<T>(): Comp<T> { return _anyStringJSONComp; }
/** * Returns a `Comp` instance that compares strings based on the string's `localeCompare` method. * @param locales - (optional) a locale or list of locales * @param options - (optional) see String.localeCompare for details */ export function stringComp( ...args: ConstructorParameters<typeof Intl.Collator> ): Comp<string> { if (args.length === 0) return _stringComp;
const collator = Intl.Collator(...args);
return { isComparable(obj): obj is string { return typeof obj === 'string'; }, compare:, }; }
/** * Returns a `Comp` instance that compares strings in a case-insensitive way. */ export function stringCaseInsensitiveComp(): Comp<string> { return stringComp('und', { sensitivity: 'accent' }); }
const _stringCharCodeComp: Comp<string> = { isComparable(obj: any): obj is any { return typeof obj === 'string'; }, compare(v1: any, v2: any): number { const len = Math.min(v1.length, v2.length);
let i = -1;
while (++i < len) { const diff = v1.charCodeAt(i) - v2.charCodeAt(i); if (diff !== 0) return diff; }
return v1.length - v2.length; }, };
/** * Returns a string Comp instance that orders strings according to their indexed char codes. */ export function stringCharCodeComp(): Comp<string> { return _stringCharCodeComp; }
const _anyToStringComp: Comp<any> = { isComparable(obj: any): obj is any { return true; }, compare(v1: any, v2: any): number { return Eq.convertAnyToString(v1), Eq.convertAnyToString(v2) ); }, };
/** * Returns a any Comp instance that orders any according to their toString values. */ export function anyToStringComp(): Comp<any> { return _anyToStringComp; }
/** * Returns a Comp instance that orders objects with a `valueOf` method according to the given `valueComp` instance for the valueOf values. * @param cls - the constructor of the values the Comp instance can compare * @param valueComp - (optional) the Comp instance to use on the .valueOf values */ export function createValueOfComp<T extends { valueOf(): V }, V>( cls: { new (): T; }, valueComp: Comp<V> = anyShallowComp() ): Comp<T> { return { isComparable(obj): obj is T { return obj instanceof cls; }, compare(v1, v2): number { return, v2.valueOf()); }, }; }
const _DateComp: Comp<Date> = createValueOfComp(Date, _numberComp);
/** * Returns a Date Comp instance that orders Dates according to their `.valueOf` value. */ export function dateComp(): Comp<Date> { return _DateComp; }
function createIterableComp<T>(itemComp: Comp<T>): Comp<Iterable<T>> { return { isComparable(obj): obj is Iterable<T> { // unfortunately we cannot check element compatability return ( typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && Symbol.iterator in obj ); }, compare(v1, v2): number { const iter1 = v1[Symbol.iterator](); const iter2 = v2[Symbol.iterator]();
while (true) { const value1 =; const value2 =;
if (value1.done) return value2.done ? 0 : -1; if (value2.done) return 1;
const result =, value2.value);
if (result !== 0) return result; } }, }; }
const _iterableAnyComp: Comp<Iterable<any>> = createIterableComp( Comp.defaultComp() );
/** * Returns a Comp instance for Iterable objects that orders the Iterables by comparing the elements with the given `itemComp` Comp instance. * @param itemComp - (optional) the Comp instance to use to compare the Iterable's elements. * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.iterableComp(); * console.log([1, 3, 2], [1, 3, 2])) * // => 0 * console.log([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 3, 2]) < 0) * // => true * ``` */ export function iterableComp<T>(itemComp?: Comp<T>): Comp<Iterable<T>> { if (undefined === itemComp) return _iterableAnyComp;
return createIterableComp(itemComp); }
const _BooleanComp = createValueOfComp(Boolean, _booleanComp); const _NumberComp = createValueOfComp(Number, _numberComp); const _StringComp = createValueOfComp(String, _stringComp);
const _wrappedComps: Comp<unknown>[] = [ _BooleanComp, _DateComp, _NumberComp, _StringComp, ];
function tryWrappedComp(v1: any, v2: any): number | undefined { let i = -1; const len = _wrappedComps.length;
while (++i < len) { const comp = _wrappedComps[i];
if (comp.isComparable(v1) && comp.isComparable(v2)) { return, v2); } }
return undefined; }
function createObjectComp( keyComp: Comp<any> = anyFlatComp(), valueComp: Comp<any> = defaultComp() ): Comp<Record<any, any>> { return { isComparable(obj): obj is Record<any, any> { return true; }, compare(v1, v2): number { const keys1 = Object.keys(v1); const keys2 = Object.keys(v2);
if (keys1.length === 0) { return keys2.length === 0 ? 0 : -1; } if (keys2.length === 0) { return keys1.length === 0 ? 0 : 1; }
keys1.sort(; keys2.sort(;
const length = Math.min(keys1.length, keys2.length);
for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) { const key1 = keys1[index]; const key2 = keys2[index]; const keyResult =, key2);
if (keyResult !== 0) return keyResult;
const value1 = v1[key1]; const value2 = v2[key2];
const valueResult =, value2);
if (valueResult !== 0) return valueResult; }
const keyDiff = keys1.length - keys2.length;
return keyDiff; }, }; }
const _objectAnyComp: Comp<Record<any, any>> = createObjectComp();
/** * Returns a Comp instance for objects that orders the object keys according to the given `keyComp`, and then compares the corresponding * values using the given `valueComp`. Objects are then compared as follows:<br/> * starting with the smallest key of either object:<br/> * - if only one of the objects has the key, the object with the key is considered to be larger than the other<br/> * - if both objects have the key, the values are compared with `valueComp`. If the values are not equal, this result is returned.<br/> * * if the objects have the same keys with the same values, they are considered equal<br/> * @param keyComp - (optional) the Comp instance used to order the object keys * @param valueComp - (optional) the Comp instance used to order the object values * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.objectComp(); * console.log({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 })) * // => 0 * console.log({ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }) < 0) * // => true * console.log({ b: 5 }, { a: 2 }) < 0) * // => true * console.log({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { b: 5 }) < 0) * // => true * console.log({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { b: 2, a: 1 })) * // => 0 * ``` */ export function objectComp(options?: { keyComp?: Comp<any>; valueComp?: Comp<any>; }): Comp<Record<any, any>> { if (undefined === options) return _objectAnyComp;
return createObjectComp(options.keyComp, options.valueComp); }
function createAnyComp(mode: 'FLAT' | 'SHALLOW' | 'DEEP'): Comp<any> { return { isComparable(obj): obj is any { return true; }, compare(v1, v2): number { if (, v2)) return 0;
const type1 = typeof v1; const type2 = typeof v2;
if (type1 !== type2) { // we can only compare different types though strings return, v2); }
switch (type1) { case 'bigint': return, v2); case 'boolean': return, v2); case 'number': return, v2); case 'string': return, v2); case 'object': { if (null === v1) { if (null === v2) return 0;
return -1; } if (null === v2) { return 1; }
const wrappedComp = tryWrappedComp(v1, v2);
if (undefined !== wrappedComp) return wrappedComp;
if (mode !== 'FLAT') { if ( _iterableAnyComp.isComparable(v1) && _iterableAnyComp.isComparable(v2) ) { if (mode === 'SHALLOW') { return iterableComp(_anyFlatComp).compare(v1, v2); }
return iterableComp(this).compare(v1, v2); }
if (mode === 'SHALLOW') { return createObjectComp(_anyFlatComp, _anyFlatComp).compare( v1, v2 ); }
return, v2); } } }
return, v2); }, }; }
/** * Returns a Comp instance that compares any value using default comparison functions, but never recursively compares * Iterables or objects. In those cases, it will use the stringComp instance. * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.anyFlatComp(); * console.log({ a: 1, b: 1 }, { b: 1, a: 1 }) < 0) * // => true * // First object is smaller because the objects are converted to a string with and then compares the resulting string. * ``` */ export function anyFlatComp<T>(): Comp<T> { return _anyFlatComp; }
/** * Returns a Comp instance that compares any value using default comparison functions. For Iterables and objects, their elements are compared * only one level deep for performance and to avoid infinite recursion. * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.anyShallowComp(); * console.log({ a: 1, b: 1 }, { b: 1, a: 1 })) * // => 0 * console.log([{ a: 1, b: 1 }], [{ b: 1, a: 1 }]) < 0) * // => true * // First object is smaller because the objects are converted to a string and then compares the resulting string. * ``` */ export function anyShallowComp<T>(): Comp<T> { return _anyShallowComp; }
/** * Returns a Comp instance that compares any value using default comparison functions. For Iterables and objects, their elements are compared * recursively. * @note can become slow with large nested arrays and objects, and circular structures can cause infinite loops * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.anyDeepComp(); * console.log({ a: 1, b: 1 }, { b: 1, a: 1 })) * // => 0 * console.log([{ a: 1, b: 1 }], [{ b: 1, a: 1 }])) * // => 0 * ``` */ export function anyDeepComp<T>(): Comp<T> { return _anyDeepComp; }
/** * Returns a Comp instance that extends the given `comp` instance with the capability to handle `undefined` values, where undefined is considered to be smaller * than any other value, and equal to another undefined. * @param comp - the Comp instance to wrap * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.withUndefined(Comp.numberComp()) * console.log(, 5) < 0) * // => true * console.log(, undefined)) * // => 0 * ``` */ export function withUndefined<T>(comp: Comp<T>): Comp<T | undefined> { return { isComparable(obj): obj is T | undefined { return undefined === obj || comp.isComparable(obj); }, compare(v1, v2): number { if (undefined === v1) { if (undefined === v2) return 0; return -1; } if (undefined === v2) return 1; return, v2); }, }; }
/** * Returns a Comp instance that extends the given `comp` instance with the capability to handle `null` values, where null is considered to be smaller * than any other value, and equal to another null. * @param comp - the Comp instance to wrap * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.withNull(Comp.numberComp()) * console.log(, 5) < 0) * // => true * console.log(, null)) * // => 0 * ``` */ export function withNull<T>(comp: Comp<T>): Comp<T | null> { return { isComparable(obj): obj is T | null { return null === obj || comp.isComparable(obj); }, compare(v1, v2): number { if (null === v1) { if (null === v2) return 0; return -1; } if (null === v2) return 1; return, v2); }, }; }
/** * Returns a Comp instance the reverses the order of the given `comp` instance. * @param comp - the Comp instance to wrap * @example * ```ts * const c = Comp.invert(Comp.numberComp()) * console.log(, 5) > 0) * // => true * console.log(, 5)) * // => 0 * ``` */ export function invert<T>(comp: Comp<T>): Comp<T> { return { compare(v1, v2): number { return, v1); }, isComparable: comp.isComparable, }; }
/** * Returns an `Eq` equality instance thet will return true when the given `comp` comparable instance returns 0. * @param comp - the `Comp` comparable instance to convert * @example * ```ts * const eq = Comp.toEq(Comp.objectComp()) * console.log(eq({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { b: 2, a: 1 })) * // => true * ``` */ export function toEq<T>(comp: Comp<T>): Eq<T> { return (v1: T, v2: T): boolean =>, v2) === 0; }}