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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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/** * Accepts all types of T and U where T extends U, * and result in the upper bound U. */export type SuperOf<U, T> = T extends U ? U : never;
/** * Accepts all types of T and S where S extends T, * and results in the lower bound S. */export type SubOf<S, T> = S extends T ? S : never;
/** * Accepts all types of T and U where T extends U or U extends T. */export type RelatedTo<T, U> = T | SuperOf<U, T>;
/** * Accepts all arrays with at least one element. */export type ArrayNonEmpty<T> = [T, ...T[]];
/** * Accepts all strings with at least one character. */export type StringNonEmpty<T> = T extends string ? '' extends T ? never : T : never;
/** * Utility type to convert some object to a JSON serializable format. * @typeparam V - the `value` type * @typeparam D - the `dataType` tag string type */export interface ToJSON<V, D extends string = string> { readonly dataType: D; readonly value: V;}