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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import type { Update } from '../common/mod.ts';import type { IsPlainObj, PlainObj } from '../base/mod.ts';
import { patch } from './internal.ts';
/** * A string representing a path into an (nested) object of type T. * @typeparam T - the object type to select in * @example * ```ts * const p: Path<{ a: { b: { c : 5 }}}> = 'a.b' * ``` */export type Path<T> = IsPlainObj<T> extends true ? { [K in string & keyof T]: `${K}` | `${K}.${Path<T[K]>}` }[string & keyof T] : never;
export namespace Path { /** * The result type when selecting from object type T a path with type P. * @typeparam T - the object type to select in * @typeparam P - a Path in object type T * @example * ```ts * let r!: Path.Result<{ a: { b: { c: number } } }, 'a.b'>; * // => type of r: { c: number } * ``` */ export type Result<T, P extends Path<T> = Path<T>> = T extends Record< string, unknown > ? P extends `${infer Head}.${infer Rest}` ? Head extends keyof T ? Path.Result<T[Head], Rest & Path<T[Head]>> : never : P extends `${infer K}` ? T[K] : never : never;
/** * Returns the value resulting from selecting the given `path` in the given `source` object. * @typeparam T - the object type to select in * @typeparam P - a Path in object type T * @param source - the object to select in * @param path - the path into the object * @example * ```ts * console.log(Path.get({ a: { b: { c: 5 } } }), 'a.b') * // => { c: 5 } * console.log(Path.get({ a: { b: { c: 5 } } }), 'a.b.c') * // => 5 * ``` */ export function get<T, P extends Path<T> = Path<T>>( source: T & PlainObj<T>, path: P ): Path.Result<T, P> { const items = path.split('.');
let result: any = source;
for (const item of items) { result = result[item]; }
return result; }
/** * Sets the value at the given path in the source to the given value. * @param source - the object to update * @param path - the path in the object to update * @param value - the new value to set at the given position * @example * ```ts * console.log(Path.update({ a: { b: { c: 5 } } }, 'a.b.c', v => v + 5) * // => { a: { b: { c: 6 } } } * ``` */ export function update<T, P extends Path<T> = Path<T>>( source: T & PlainObj<T>, path: P, value: Update<Path.Result<T, P>> ): T { const items = path.split('.'); const last = items.pop()!;
const root: Record<string, any> = {};
let current = root;
for (const item of items) { current[item] = {}; current = current[item]; }
current[last] = value;
return patch<T>(source, root); }}