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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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function match
import { match } from "";

Returns true if the given value object matches the given matcher, false otherwise.


Example 1

const input = { a: 1, b: { c: true, d: 'a' } }
match(input, { a: 1 }) // => true
match(input, { a: 2 }) // => false
match(input, { a: v => v > 10 }) // => false
match(input, { b: { c: true }}) // => true
match(input, ({ every }) => every({ a: v => v > 0 }, { b: { c: true } } )) // => true
match(input, { b: { c: (v, parent, root) => v && parent.d.length > 0 && root.a > 0 } })
 // => true


value: T & PlainObj<T>
  • the value to match (should be a plain object)
matcher: Match<T> | ((matchApi: Match.Api) => Match<T>)
  • a matcher object or a function taking the matcher API and returning a match object

