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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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interface HashMap.NonEmpty
implements [RMapBase.NonEmpty]<K, V, HashMap.Types>, Omit<HashMap<K, V>, keyof RMapBase.NonEmpty<any, any, any>>, [Streamable.NonEmpty]<readonly [K, V]>
import { type HashMap } from "";
const { NonEmpty } = HashMap;

A non-empty type-invariant immutable Map of key type K, and value type V. In the Map, each key has exactly one value, and the Map cannot contain duplicate keys.

  • The HashMap uses the context's hasher instance to hash keys for performance.
  • The HashMap uses the context's eq function to determine equivalence between keys.

See the Map documentation and the HashMap API documentation


Example 1

const m1 = HashMap.empty<number, string>()
const m2 = HashMap.of([1, 'a'], [2, 'b'])


stream(): Stream.NonEmpty<readonly [K, V]>