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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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/** * Convenience type for a function. * @typeparam A - the function argument array * @typeparam R - the function return type */export type Func<A extends any[] = any[], R = any> = (...args: A) => R;
/** * Utility type to use a `Func` type in an interface. * @typeparam F - a function type */export interface FuncInterface<F extends Func> { (...args: Parameters<F>): ReturnType<F>;}
/** * Utility type to return the contained type of a promise. */export type PromiseValue<P> = P extends Promise<infer R> ? R : never;
/** * Convenience type for any type having a constructor. * @typeparam A - the constructor argument array * @typeparam R - the constructor return type */export type Construct<A extends any[] = any[], R = any> = { new (...args: A): R;};
/** * The keys used for stub function results */enum StubCommands { RETURNS = 'returns', THROWS = 'throws', RESOLVES = 'resolves', REJECTS = 'rejects',}/** * Contains functions that can be used to Spy, Stub, and partially Mock functions, objects and classes. */export namespace Spy { export const META = Symbol('META');
/** * The extra information added to spied functions. * @typeparam F - the spied function type */ export interface FnMeta<F extends Func> { /** * Returns the number of calls this spy function has received. */ get nrCalls(): number; /** * Returns true if the spy function has received at least one call. */ get isCalled(): boolean; /** * Returns an array containing, for each received spy call, the given parameters. */ get calls(): Parameters<F>[]; /** * Sets a stub implementation for this spy function, which will be used instead of the current function implementation * upon the next received call. * @param stub - the stub implementation to use */ setStub(stub: Spy.FnStub<F> | undefined): void; /** * Resets the implementation used for the next spy function call to the original one used at construction time. */ resetStub(): void; /** * Clears the spy functions' `calls` and `nrCalls` history. */ clearCalls(): void; }
/** * The spied function type containing extra information about the function calls. * @typeparam F - the spied function type */ export interface Fn<F extends Func> extends FuncInterface<F>, Spy.FnMeta<F> {}
/** * A single function stub return item. * @typeparam F - the spied function type */ export type FnStubItem<F extends Func> = | F | { [StubCommands.RETURNS]: ReturnType<F> } | { [StubCommands.THROWS]: any } | { [StubCommands.RESOLVES]: PromiseValue<ReturnType<F>> } | { [StubCommands.REJECTS]: any };
/** * The allowed values to supply to a stub spy function implementation. Either a simple stub item or a sequence of stub items. * @typeparam F - the spied function type */ export type FnStub<F extends Func> = Spy.FnStubItem<F> | Spy.FnStubItem<F>[];
/** * Returns a spied function instance that tracks the function calls and optionally uses some original or stub implementation. * @typeparam F - the type of function to spy on * @param originalFn - (optional) the original function to spy on, if stubbed still useful to supply to get the correct types * @param originalStub - (optional) the default stub implementation to use when the function is called * @param onCall - (optional) a callback function that receives the parameters used on each function call * @example * ```ts * function f(x: number, y: number) { * return x + y; * } * * const spy = Spy.fn(f, (x) => -x); * spy(4, 5); * // => -4 * spy.nrCalls; * // => 1 * spy.calls; * // => [[4, 5]] * ``` */ export function fn<F extends Func>( originalFn?: F, originalStub?: Spy.FnStub<F>, onCall?: (args: Parameters<F>) => void ): Spy.Fn<F> { // track sequence index for sequence stubs let iterator: Iterator<Spy.FnStubItem<F>> | undefined;
let calls: Parameters<F>[] = []; let currentStub = originalStub;
// use an empty function as our proxy target function proxyTarget(): void { // }
const fnProxy = new Proxy(proxyTarget, { apply(_, thisArg, args: Parameters<F>): any { calls.push(args); onCall?.(args);
if (undefined !== currentStub) { const getStubResult = (item: Spy.FnStubItem<F>): any => { if (typeof item === 'function') { // given stub is a simple function return item.apply(thisArg, args); } if (StubCommands.RETURNS in item) { // given stub is a simple return value return item[StubCommands.RETURNS]; } if (StubCommands.THROWS in item) { throw item[StubCommands.THROWS]; } if (StubCommands.RESOLVES in item) { return Promise.resolve(item[StubCommands.RESOLVES]); } if (StubCommands.REJECTS in item) { return Promise.reject(item[StubCommands.REJECTS]); }
throw Error('Spy.fn: no valid stub found'); };
if (Array.isArray(currentStub)) { if (undefined === iterator) { iterator = currentStub[Symbol.iterator](); }
const { done, value } =;
if (done) { throw Error('Spy.fn: stub sequence is exhasuted'); }
return getStubResult(value); }
return getStubResult(currentStub); }
if (undefined !== originalFn) { // no stub given, use original function return originalFn.apply(thisArg, args); }
// no stub or original function return undefined; }, });
// add the call getters Object.defineProperties(proxyTarget, { calls: { get() { return calls; }, }, isCalled: { get() { return calls.length > 0; }, }, nrCalls: { get() { return calls.length; }, }, });
// add the other methods Object.assign(proxyTarget, { setStub(stub: Spy.FnStub<F> | undefined): void { currentStub = stub; iterator = undefined; }, resetStub(): void { this.setStub(originalStub); }, clearCalls(): void { calls = []; }, });
return fnProxy as Spy.Fn<F>; }
/** * The spied object type, where the object methods/functions are augmented with spy information. * @typeparam T - the original object type * @typeparam M - the metadata type associated with the object */ export type Obj<T, M extends Spy.ObjMeta<T> = Spy.ObjMeta<T>> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Func ? Spy.Fn<T[K]> : T[K]; } & { [Spy.META]: M };
/** * The additional information available for spied objects. */ export interface ObjMeta<T> { /** * Returns an array containing a sequence of the object methods called and the given parameters. */ get callSequence(): Spy.MethodCall<T>[]; /** * Returns the amount of calls that the object methods received. */ get nrCalls(): number; /** * Empties this spied objects' callSequence. */ clearCallSequence(): void; /** * Empties for each method its call history. */ clearMethods(): void; /** * Empties both the spied objects' call sequence and its method call histories. */ clearAll(): void; /** * Resets the stub implementations for all object methods. */ resetMethodStubs(): void; }
/** * A method call tuple containing the called method name first, and then the corresponding parameters used. */ export type MethodCall<T, K extends keyof T = keyof T> = readonly [ method: K, ...args: T[K] extends Func ? Parameters<T[K]> : unknown[] ];
/** * A stub implementation type for objects of type T. * @typeparam T - the original object type */ export type ObjStub<T> = { [K in keyof T]?: T[K] extends Func ? Spy.FnStub<T[K]> : T[K]; };
/** * Returns a tuple containing the spied object, and the metadata object giving more information about the stubbed object. * @typeparam T - the object type to spy on * @param originalObj - (optional) the original object to spy on * @param stubs - (optional) a partial implementation of the object type containing default stubs */ export function obj< T extends { readonly [key: string | number | symbol]: any } >(originalObj?: T, stubs?: Spy.ObjStub<T>): Spy.Obj<T> { let callSequence: Spy.MethodCall<T>[] = [];
function createAndCacheSpy<F extends Func>( prop: keyof T, originalMethod?: F, originalStub?: Spy.FnStub<F> ): Spy.Fn<F> { // create the spied method using the given existing method and stub const spyMethod = Spy.fn(originalMethod, originalStub, (args) => { callSequence.push([prop, ...args]); });
// add the spied method to the original object proxyTarget[prop] = spyMethod as any;
return spyMethod; }
const proxyTarget = {} as Spy.Obj<T>;
const spyObj = new Proxy(proxyTarget, { getPrototypeOf(protoTarget): any { if (protoTarget !== proxyTarget) { // somehow prototype was asked of some other object return Object.getPrototypeOf(protoTarget); } if (undefined === originalObj) { // no original object was given, we can only give the default object prototype as a best guess return Object.getPrototypeOf(Object); }
// return the prototype of the original object return Object.getPrototypeOf(originalObj); }, get(target, prop: keyof T): any { if (prop in target) { // property is already cached return target[prop]; }
if (undefined !== stubs && prop in stubs) { // stub has been defined for this property
const propertyStub = stubs[prop] as any;
if (!(propertyStub instanceof Function)) { // the stubbed property is not a method, just return the stubbed value return propertyStub; }
// stubbed property is a method, create and cache the method return createAndCacheSpy(prop, originalObj?.[prop], propertyStub); }
if (undefined !== originalObj && prop in originalObj) { // the property is present in the original object
const originalValue = originalObj[prop] as any;
if (!(originalValue instanceof Function)) { // the property in the original object is not a method, return the value return originalObj[prop as string]; }
// the property in the original object is a method, create and cache a spy version of it return createAndCacheSpy(prop, originalValue); }
// the property is not present in the original object or stub. assume it's a method and create and // cache an empty method return createAndCacheSpy(prop); }, });
// create an add the metadata object spyObj[Spy.META] = { get callSequence(): typeof callSequence { return callSequence; }, get nrCalls(): number { return callSequence.length; }, clearCallSequence(): void { callSequence = []; }, clearMethods(): void { for (const key in spyObj) { spyObj[key].clearCalls(); } }, clearAll(): void { this.clearCallSequence(); this.clearMethods(); }, resetMethodStubs(): void { for (const key in spyObj) { spyObj[key].resetStub(); } }, };
return spyObj; }
/** * The metadata object type for a spied class. * @typeparam C - the class type * @typeparam A - the class constructor parameter array type */ export interface ClsMeta<C, A extends any[]> { /** * Returns the number of class instances created from the spy. */ get nrInstances(): number; /** * Returns an array of class instance metadata objects containing all instances created from the spy class. */ get instances(): Spy.ClsObj<C, A>[]; /** * Returns an array of received constructor call parameters. */ get constructorCalls(): A[]; /** * Empties the history of created spy class instances. */ clearInstances(): void; /** * Resets the current spy class constructor stub and all the instances method stubs. */ resetAllStubs(): void; /** * Resets all the current instance method stubs. */ resetInstanceStubs(): void; /** * Sets the used constructor stub function for new instances of the spy class. * @param constructor - the function to use as constructor of the class */ setConstructorStub(constructor: Func<A, C> | undefined): void; /** * Resets the used constructor to the originally given constructor. */ resetConstructorStub(): void; }
export interface ClsObjMeta<T, A extends any[]> extends Spy.ObjMeta<T> { /** * The arguments used to construct the instance. */ readonly constructorArgs: A; }
/** * Spy object type of a spied class, containing extra metadata compared to object spies. * @typeparam I - the class instance type * @typeparam A - the constructor parameter types */ export type ClsObj<I, A extends any[]> = Spy.Obj<I, Spy.ClsObjMeta<I, A>>;
/** * The resulting tuple type of the `Spy.cls` function containing the resulting spy class, and the * metadata object containing extra information about the created instances. * @typeparam I - the class instance type * @typeparam A - the constructor parameter types */ export type Cls<I, A extends any[]> = Construct<A, Spy.ClsObj<I, A>> & Spy.ClsMeta<I, A>;
/** * Returns a tuple containing a spied class and an object containing extra information about the created class * instances. * @typeparam I - the class instance type * @typeparam A - the constructor parameter types * @param originalClass - (optional) the class to spy on * @param originalStubs - (optional) the default stubs to use for each created instance * @param originalConstructorStub - (optional) a function to call instead of the class constructor */ export function cls< I, A extends any[] = I extends Construct ? ConstructorParameters<I> : [] >( originalClass?: Construct<A, I>, originalStubs?: Partial<I>, originalConstructorStub?: Func<A, I> ): Cls<I, A> { let instances: Spy.ClsObj<I, A>[] = []; let constructorCalls: A[] = [];
let currentConstructorStub = originalConstructorStub;
const proxyTarget = class {} as Construct<A, Spy.Obj<I>>;
const proxy = new Proxy(proxyTarget, { construct(target, args: A): any { // add the constructor call arguments constructorCalls.push(args);
let obj: any;
if (undefined !== currentConstructorStub) { // use the given stub as constructor obj = currentConstructorStub(...args); } else if (undefined !== originalClass) { // no stub constructor defined, use the original class as constructor obj = new originalClass(...args); } else { // no stub constructor or original class defined, use the empty class constructor obj = new proxyTarget(...args); }
// convert the created object to a spy object const spyObj = Spy.obj(obj, originalStubs);
// add the extra meta information to the spy meta object (spyObj[Spy.META] as any).constructorArgs = args;
// add the created instance meta object to the instances array instances.push(spyObj as any);
return spyObj; }, });
// Add the metadata getters to the spy class Object.defineProperties(proxyTarget, { instances: { get() { return instances; }, }, nrInstances: { get() { return instances.length; }, }, constructorCalls: { get() { return constructorCalls; }, }, });
// Add the other metadata properties to the spy class. Object.assign(proxyTarget, { clearInstances(): void { instances = []; constructorCalls = []; }, resetAllStubs(): void { this.resetConstructorStub(); this.resetInstanceStubs(); }, resetInstanceStubs(): void { for (const instance of instances) { instance[Spy.META].resetMethodStubs(); } }, setConstructorStub(constructorStub: Func<A, I> | undefined): void { currentConstructorStub = constructorStub; }, resetConstructorStub(): void { this.setConstructorStub(originalConstructorStub); }, });
return proxy as any; }}