import * as rimbu from "";
Type Aliases
Returns the sum of given numbers. | |
Decreases a positive number by 1, or if the number is not positive, returns never. | |
Returns the result of dividing the first given natural number by the second. | |
Returns a tuple containing the quotient and remainer of dividing the first number by the second. | |
Returns true if the given numbers are equal. | |
Returns true if the first given number is greater than the second. | |
Returns true if the given first natural number is greater or equal than the second. Returns never otherwise. | |
Add 1 to the given natural number. | |
Returns true if the given number is greater than or equal to given L, and less than or equal to given H, and returns false otherwise. | |
Returns true if the given natural number is even, or never otherwise. | |
Returns true if the given number is a natural number (>= 0), false otherwise | |
Returns true if the given number is negative (< 0), false otherwise. | |
Returns true if the given natural number is odd, or never otherwise. | |
Returns true if the given number is positive (> 0), false otherwise | |
Returns true if the first given number is less than the second. | |
Returns true if the first given number is less than or equal to the second. | |
Returns the largest of the given 2 natural numbers, of never otherwise | |
Returns the smallest of the given 2 natural numbers, of never otherwise | |
Returns the remainder after dividing the first given natural number by the second. | |
Returns the result of multiplying the given natural numbers. | |
Returns true if the given numbers are not equal. | |
Returns the power of the first natural number to the second given natural number. | |
Returns the result of subtracting N2 from N1. | |
Convenience type to represent the concatenation of two string types. | |
Convenience type to represent the concatenation of three string types. | |
Returns the character in the given string at the given Index, or false if the index is out of bounds. | |
Returns true if the given string contains the given Amount (default 1) of Sub types. | |
Returns the amount of times the given | |
Returns the given string without the first N characters, or an empty string if the string has less characters. | |
Returns the given string without the first N characters, or false if the string has less characters. | |
Skips part of the string as long as its parts match Sub. | |
If the given string does not end with the given | |
Returns a string containing all the elements that match the given Sub type. | |
Returns a string containing all the elements that do not match the given Sub type. | |
Returns the first character of the given string, or false if the string is empty. | |
Returns all but the last character of the given string, or false if the string is empty. | |
Returns false if the given string is empty, true otherwise. | |
Returns the last character of the given string, or false if the string if empty. | |
Returns the length of the given string S. | |
Returns never if the given string is empty, otherwise the given string. | |
Returns true if the given string does not contain the given Amount (default 1) of Sub types. | |
Returns a tuple containing the matched part and the rest of the given string if the string start repeats the given Sub at least N times. | |
Returns a tuple containing the matched part and the rest of the given string if the string start repeats the given Sub at most N times. | |
Returns a tuple containing the matched part and the rest of the given string if the string start repeats the given Sub exactly N times. | |
Replaces, in the given string, all matches with Sub with the given Repl. | |
Replaces, in the given string, the first match with Sub with the given Repl. Returns never if there was no match. | |
Replaces, in the given string, the last match with Sub with the given Repl. Returns never if there was no match. | |
Returns the given string reversed. | |
Returns false if the given string does not contain the given | |
If the given string does not start with the given | |
Returns all but the first character of the given string, or false if the string is empty. | |
Returns the first N characters of the given string, or the given string if it does not have enough characters. | |
Returns the first N characters of the given string, or false if the string does not have enough characters. | |
Returns part of the string as long as its parts match Sub. | |
Returns the result of adding the two given string-numbers. | |
Given two string digits, this type returns a tuple of which the first element is the digit resulting from addition of the two digits, and the second element is a boolean indicating whether there was an overflow. | |
Builds a tuple of the length of a given string-number. The length can be used to convert a string-number to a number. | |
All numeric digits as strings | |
A table from StringDigits to an array that repeats the elements of given array T digit amount of times. 'deca' is used to represent an exponent of 10 | |
Converts a natural number to a string-number, otherwise never. | |
Type that validates whether a given string-number is even. Checks that the last digit is even. | |
Returns true if the given string is a valid natural number, false otherwise. | |
Type that validates whether a given string-number is odd. Checks that the last digit is odd. | |
Returns true if the given string is a valid positive integer, false otherwise. | |
Returns the result of multiplying the given string number with the given digit. | |
Type that will return the incoming type if the value is a valid natural number,
or | |
Positive numeric digits as strings | |
Type that will return the incoming type if the value is a valid positive integer,
or | |
Given two string digits, returns a tuple of which the first element is the resulting digit from subtracting the second from the first, and the second element a boolean that is true if there is an 'underflow' or borrow, never otherwise. | |
Returns the result of subtracting the second from the first given string-number, or never if the second value is greater than the first. (Only natural numbers currently supported) | |
A symmetric tuple, where the order or the elements does not matter. As an example: SymTup<'a', 1> is equal to SymTup<1, 'a'> | |
Converts the given string-number to its corresponding number. | |
Infers and returns the length of given Tuple T. | |
Returns never if the given type is false, otherwise unknown. | |
If A extends B, returns Then (default true) or else Else (default false) | |
Returns true if the input type is false, and false if the input type is true. | |
If A does not extend B, returns Then (default true) or else Else (default false) | |
Returns false is the given type is false, true otherwise. | |
Returns never if the given type is false, otherwise true. |