import { VariantMultiMapBase } from "";
Utility interface that provides higher-kinded types for this collection. |
import { type VariantMultiMapBase } from "";
Returns the Map representation of this collection.
Returns the collection as a .NonEmpty type
Returns true if there is at least one entry in the collection, and instructs the compiler to treat the collection as a .NonEmpty type.
Returns a Stream containing all entries of this collection as tuples of key and value.
Returns true if the given key
is present in the collection.
Returns true if the given key
has the given value
as one of its values in the collection.
Returns the value collection associated to the given key
Returns the collection where the values associated with given key
are removed.
Returns the collection where the values associated with given keys
are removed.
Returns the collection where given value
if removed from the values associated with given key
Returns the collection where given entries
are removed.
Returns a tuple containing the collection of which the given key
is removed, and the values that
are associated with that key. If the key is not present, it will return undefined instead.
Performs given function f
for each entry of the collection, using given state
as initial traversal state.
Returns a collection containing only those entries that satisfy given pred