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namespace AsyncTransformer
import { AsyncTransformer } from "";


Returns an async transformer that filters elements from the input stream based on the provided predicate function.

Returns an async transformer that produces windows/collections of windowSize size, each window starting skipAmount of elements after the previous, and optionally collected by a custom reducer.


Returns an AsyncTransformer instance that converts or filters its input values using given collectFun before passing them to the reducer.

Returns an async transformer that applies the given flatMap function to each element of the input stream, and concatenates all the resulting resulting streams into one stream.

Returns an async transformer that applies the given flatMap function to each element of the input stream, and concatenates all the resulting resulting streams into one stream, where each resulting element is tupled with the originating input element.

Returns an AsyncTransformer based on a given synchronous or asynchronous transformer.

Returns an AsyncTransformer that outputs the index of each received element that satisfies the given predicate.

Returns an AsyncTransformer that inserts the given sep stream source elements between each received input element.

Returns an AsyncTransformer that collects the received elements into a collector that will be returned as output every time the input matches the given sepElem value.

Returns an AsyncTransformer that collects the received elements into a collector that will be returned as output every time the input matches the given sepSlice sequence of elements.

Returns an AsyncTransformer that applies the given pred function to each received element, and collects the received elements into a collector that will be returned as output every time the predicate returns true.

Type Aliases

Convenience type to allow synchronous transformers to be supplied to functions that accept async transformers.

Convenience type to allow non-empty synchronous transformers to be supplied to functions that accept non-empty async transformers.

An AsyncReducer that produces instances AsyncStreamSource.NonEmpty.

type alias AsyncTransformer
import { type AsyncTransformer } from "";

An AsyncReducer that produces instances of AsyncStreamSource.