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function findNearestKeyMatch
import { findNearestKeyMatch } from "";

Given an Iterable of [key, value] entries, applies the distance function to each key, finding the one closest to the input key, also returning its associated value as well as the related distance; returns undefined only when there are no successful match - that is, all the keys have +inf distance.

Performs a full linear scan unless a distance equal to 0 is encountered, in which case the function returns immediately; otherwise, the algorithm selects the smallest non-infinite distance: if multiple keys happen to have such distance, the selection order is not guaranteed.


distanceFunction: DistanceFunction<K>

Returns the distance between two keys

key: K

The key used as a reference to find the closest key

entries: Iterable<readonly [K, V]>

The [key, value] entries


NearestKeyMatch<K, V> | undefined

A NearestKeyMatch object if a closest key - having a finite distance - exists; undefined otherwise