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An simple, small, and efficient router for Deno and Deno Deploy.

…in loving memory of the Brits who still think that this is how you pronounce “router” 😄


import { makeHandler, makeRoute, NotFoundError } from ''
import { serve } from ''

const postRoute = makeRoute('GET /blog/posts/:slug', ({ params }) => {
    const postSlug = params.slug

    // ...

    return Response.json({ ... })

const handler = makeHandler([
    // Insert a route inline
    makeRoute('GET /', () => Response.json({ ... })),

    // ... or make use of a predefined route
    // Optionally add a catchall for 404s
    makeRoute('*', () => new NotFoundError('Route does not exist'))

await serve(handler, { port: 8000 })

Error Handling

When an error is thrown inside a makeRoute handler, it is converted into an http response. Generally this just means writing message of error to the body of the response and setting the status code to 500. There are, however, several error classes exported from mod.ts that are associated with certain status codes:

  • NotFoundError - 404
  • BadParamsError - 400
  • ForbiddenError - 403
  • NotAuthorizedError - 401
  • UserError - 400

If one of these errors is thrown, the associated status code will placed on the response.


Intercepting does not change the normal flow of a request and it is not required for requests to be processed and response returned. It simply calls listening handler functions at certain times.

import { setRequestInterceptor, setResponseInterceptor, setErrorInterceptor } from ''

setRequestInterceptor((request, url) => {
    // called as soon as a request comes in

setResponseInterceptor((response) => {
    // called as soon as a response is returned from the handler of a `makeRoute` function

setErrorInterceptor((message, fullError) => {
    // called as soon as an error is thrown inside the handler of a `makeRoute` function