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A high-performance basic router works anywhere.
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import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals, runIfMain } from "./dev_deps.ts";import { Node, countParams, NodeType } from "./node.ts";const { test } = Deno;
interface TestRequest { path: string; isMatch: boolean; route: string; params?: Array<{ key: string; value: string }>;}
interface TestRoute { path: string; conflict: boolean;}
function getErr(func: () => void): Error | null { try { func(); } catch (e) { return e; } return null;}
function checkPriorities(n: Node): number { let prio = 0; for (const c of n.children) { prio += checkPriorities(c); }
if (n.handle != undefined) { ++prio; }
assertEquals(n.priority, prio);
return prio;}
function checkMaxParams(n: Node): number { let maxParams = 0; for (const c of n.children) { const params = checkMaxParams(c); if (params > maxParams) { maxParams = params; } } if (n.nType > NodeType.Root && !n.wildChild) { ++maxParams; }
assertEquals(n.maxParams, maxParams);
return maxParams;}
function checkRequests(n: Node, requests: TestRequest[]): void { for (const r of requests) { const [h, ps] = n.getValue(r.path); if (h == null) { assertEquals(r.isMatch, false); } else { assertEquals(r.isMatch, true); assertEquals(h(undefined!), r.route); } assertEquals(ps, r.params); }}
function checkRoutes(routes: TestRoute[]): void { const n = new Node(); for (const r of routes) { const err = getErr((): void => n.addRoute(r.path, undefined!)); if (err) { assertEquals(r.conflict, true); } else { assertEquals(r.conflict, false); } }}
test("node count params", function (): void { assertEquals(countParams("/path/:param1/static/*catch-all"), 2); assertEquals(countParams("/:param".repeat(256)), 255);});
test("node add and find", function (): void { const n = new Node(); const routes = [ "/hi", "/contact", "/co", "/c", "/a", "/ab", "/doc/", "/doc/go_faq.html", "/doc/go1.html", "/α", "/β", ]; for (const r of routes) { n.addRoute(r, (): string => r); } checkRequests(n, [ { path: "/a", isMatch: true, route: "/a", params: undefined }, { path: "/", isMatch: false, route: "", params: undefined }, { path: "/hi", isMatch: true, route: "/hi", params: undefined }, { path: "/contact", isMatch: true, route: "/contact", params: undefined }, { path: "/co", isMatch: true, route: "/co", params: undefined }, { path: "/con", isMatch: false, route: "", params: undefined }, // key mismatch { path: "/cona", isMatch: false, route: "", params: undefined }, // key mismatch { path: "/no", isMatch: false, route: "", params: undefined }, // no matching child { path: "/ab", isMatch: true, route: "/ab", params: undefined }, { path: "/α", isMatch: true, route: "/α", params: undefined }, { path: "/β", isMatch: true, route: "/β", params: undefined }, ]); checkPriorities(n); checkMaxParams(n);});
test("node wildcard", function (): void { const n = new Node(); const routes = [ "/", "/cmd/:tool/:sub", "/cmd/:tool/", "/src/*filepath", "/search/", "/search/:query", "/user_:name", "/user_:name/about", "/files/:dir/*filepath", "/doc/", "/doc/go_faq.html", "/doc/go1.html", "/info/:user/public", "/info/:user/project/:project", ];
for (const r of routes) { n.addRoute(r, (): string => r); }
checkRequests(n, [ { path: "/", isMatch: true, route: "/", params: undefined }, { path: "/cmd/test/", isMatch: true, route: "/cmd/:tool/", params: [{ key: "tool", value: "test" }], }, { path: "/cmd/test", isMatch: false, route: "", params: [{ key: "tool", value: "test" }], }, { path: "/cmd/test/3", isMatch: true, route: "/cmd/:tool/:sub", params: [ { key: "tool", value: "test" }, { key: "sub", value: "3" }, ], }, { path: "/src/", isMatch: true, route: "/src/*filepath", params: [{ key: "filepath", value: "/" }], }, { path: "/src/some/file.png", isMatch: true, route: "/src/*filepath", params: [{ key: "filepath", value: "/some/file.png" }], }, { path: "/search/", isMatch: true, route: "/search/", params: undefined }, { path: "/search/someth!ng+in+ünìcodé", isMatch: true, route: "/search/:query", params: [{ key: "query", value: "someth!ng+in+ünìcodé" }], }, { path: "/search/someth!ng+in+ünìcodé/", isMatch: false, route: "", params: [{ key: "query", value: "someth!ng+in+ünìcodé" }], }, { path: "/user_gopher", isMatch: true, route: "/user_:name", params: [{ key: "name", value: "gopher" }], }, { path: "/user_gopher/about", isMatch: true, route: "/user_:name/about", params: [{ key: "name", value: "gopher" }], }, { path: "/files/js/inc/framework.js", isMatch: true, route: "/files/:dir/*filepath", params: [ { key: "dir", value: "js" }, { key: "filepath", value: "/inc/framework.js" }, ], }, { path: "/info/gordon/public", isMatch: true, route: "/info/:user/public", params: [{ key: "user", value: "gordon" }], }, { path: "/info/gordon/project/go", isMatch: true, route: "/info/:user/project/:project", params: [ { key: "user", value: "gordon" }, { key: "project", value: "go" }, ], }, ]);
checkPriorities(n); checkMaxParams(n);});
test("node wildcard conflict", function (): void { checkRoutes([ { path: "/cmd/:tool/:sub", conflict: false }, { path: "/cmd/vet", conflict: true }, { path: "/src/*filepath", conflict: false }, { path: "/src/*filepathx", conflict: true }, { path: "/src/", conflict: true }, { path: "/src1/", conflict: false }, { path: "/src1/*filepath", conflict: true }, { path: "/src2*filepath", conflict: true }, { path: "/search/:query", conflict: false }, { path: "/search/invalid", conflict: true }, { path: "/user_:name", conflict: false }, { path: "/user_x", conflict: true }, { path: "/user_:name", conflict: false }, { path: "/id:id", conflict: false }, { path: "/id/:id", conflict: true }, ]);});
test("node child conflict", function (): void { checkRoutes([ { path: "/cmd/vet", conflict: false }, { path: "/cmd/:tool/:sub", conflict: true }, { path: "/src/AUTHORS", conflict: false }, { path: "/src/*filepath", conflict: true }, { path: "/user_x", conflict: false }, { path: "/user_:name", conflict: true }, { path: "/id/:id", conflict: false }, { path: "/id:id", conflict: true }, { path: "/:id", conflict: true }, { path: "/*filepath", conflict: true }, ]);});
test("node dupliate path", function (): void { const n = new Node(); const routes = [ "/", "/doc/", "/src/*filepath", "/search/:query", "/user_:name", ]; for (const r of routes) { let err = getErr((): void => n.addRoute(r, (): string => r)); assertEquals(err, null); err = getErr((): void => n.addRoute(r, (): string => r)); assertNotEquals(err, null); }
checkRequests(n, [ { path: "/", isMatch: true, route: "/", params: undefined }, { path: "/doc/", isMatch: true, route: "/doc/", params: undefined }, { path: "/src/some/file.png", isMatch: true, route: "/src/*filepath", params: [{ key: "filepath", value: "/some/file.png" }], }, { path: "/search/someth!ng+in+ünìcodé", isMatch: true, route: "/search/:query", params: [{ key: "query", value: "someth!ng+in+ünìcodé" }], }, { path: "/user_gopher", isMatch: true, route: "/user_:name", params: [{ key: "name", value: "gopher" }], }, ]);});
test("node empty wildcard name", function (): void { const n = new Node(); const routes = ["/user:", "/user:/", "/cmd/:/", "/src/*"]; for (const r of routes) { const err = getErr((): void => n.addRoute(r, undefined!)); assertNotEquals(err, null); }});
test("node catch all conflict", function (): void { checkRoutes([ { path: "/src/*filepath/x", conflict: true }, { path: "/src2/", conflict: false }, { path: "/src2/*filepath/x", conflict: true }, { path: "/src3/*filepath", conflict: false }, { path: "/src3/*filepath/x", conflict: true }, ]);});
test("node catch all conflict root", function (): void { checkRoutes([ { path: "/", conflict: false }, { path: "/*filepath", conflict: true }, ]);});
test("node catch all max params", function (): void { const n = new Node(); n.addRoute("/*filename", undefined!);
test("node double wildcard", function (): void { const errMsg = "only one wildcard per path segment is allowed"; const routes = ["/:foo:bar", "/:foo:bar/", "/:foo*bar"]; for (const r of routes) { const n = new Node(); const err = getErr((): void => n.addRoute(r, undefined!)); assertEquals(err!.message.startsWith(errMsg), true); }});
test("node trailing slash redirect", function (): void { const n = new Node(); const routes = [ "/hi", "/b/", "/search/:query", "/cmd/:tool/", "/src/*filepath", "/x", "/x/y", "/y/", "/y/z", "/0/:id", "/0/:id/1", "/1/:id/", "/1/:id/2", "/aa", "/a/", "/admin", "/admin/:category", "/admin/:category/:page", "/doc", "/doc/go_faq.html", "/doc/go1.html", "/no/a", "/no/b", "/api/hello/:name", ]; for (const r of routes) { const err = getErr((): void => n.addRoute(r, (): string => r)); assertEquals(err, null); }
const tsrRoutes = [ "/hi/", "/b", "/search/gopher/", "/cmd/vet", "/src", "/x/", "/y", "/0/go/", "/1/go", "/a", "/admin/", "/admin/config/", "/admin/config/permissions/", "/doc/", ]; for (const r of tsrRoutes) { const [h] = n.getValue(r); assertEquals(h == null, true); }
const noTsrRoutes = ["/", "/no", "/no/", "/_", "/_/", "/api/world/abc"]; for (const r of noTsrRoutes) { const [h] = n.getValue(r); assertEquals(h == null, true); }});
test("node root trailing slash redirect", function (): void { const n = new Node(); const err = getErr((): void => n.addRoute("/:test", (): string => "/:test")); assertEquals(err, null);
const [h] = n.getValue("/"); assertEquals(h == null, true);});
test("node invalid node type", function (): void { const errMsg = "invalid node type"; const n = new Node(); n.addRoute("/", (): string => "/"); n.addRoute("/:page", (): string => "/:page");
// set invalid node type n.children[0].nType = 42; const err = getErr((): void => { n.getValue("/test"); }); assertEquals(err!.message, errMsg);});
test("node wildcard conflict ex", function (): void { const conflicts = [ { route: `/who/are/foo`, segPath: `/foo`, existPath: `/who/are/*you`, existSegPath: `/*you`, }, { route: `/who/are/foo/`, segPath: `/foo/`, existPath: `/who/are/\*you`, existSegPath: `/\*you`, }, { route: `/who/are/foo/bar`, segPath: `/foo/bar`, existPath: `/who/are/\*you`, existSegPath: `/\*you`, }, { route: `/conxxx`, segPath: `xxx`, existPath: `/con:tact`, existSegPath: `:tact`, }, { route: `/conooo/xxx`, segPath: `ooo`, existPath: `/con:tact`, existSegPath: `:tact`, }, ]; for (const c of conflicts) { const n = new Node(); const routes = ["/con:tact", "/who/are/*you", "/who/foo/hello"]; for (const r of routes) { n.addRoute(r, (): string => r); } const err = getErr((): void => n.addRoute(c.route, (): string => c.route)); assertEquals( err!.message, `'${c.segPath}' in new path '${c.route}' conflicts with existing wildcard '${c.existSegPath}' in existing prefix '${c.existPath}'`, ); }});