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JavaScript/Deno script for syncing RSS feeds to FeoBlog
// A script for slurping an RSS feed and pushing it into FeoBlog.// See: Written for Deno.
import { load as loadConfig, Feed, CLIOptions } from "./private/config.ts"import { errorContext, Logger } from "./private/logging.ts"import { requestPermissions } from "./private/permissions.ts"import { feoblog, rss} from "./private/deps.ts";import { htmlToMarkdown } from "./private/markdown.ts";
const log = new Logger();
async function main(): Promise<number> { await requestPermissions()
const result = CLIOptions().parse(Deno.args) if (!result.value) { log.error("Couldn't parse CLI options", result.error) return 1 } const options = result.value log.debug("options:", options)
log.increaseLevel(options.verbose - options.quiet) log.debug("Log level:", log.level) log.debug("Loading config from:", options.config) const config = await errorContext( `Reading ${options.config}`, () => loadConfig(options.config) )
log.debug(`server URL: ${config.server_url}`) const client = new feoblog.Client({baseURL: config.server_url})
if (!config.feeds) { log.error("No feeds defined in config file:", options.config) return 1 }
if (options.profiles) { for (const feedConfig of config.feeds) { await errorContext( `Updating profile for ${ || feedConfig.rss_url}`, () => updateProfile(feedConfig, client) ) }"")"Profile sync completed. Now run without `--profiles` to sync posts.") return 0 }
const errors = []
// TODO: Can do these in parallel? But logging might get noisy. for (const feedConfig of config.feeds) { // Don't stop syncing all feeds due to an error in one: try { await errorContext( `Syncing items for ${ || feedConfig.rss_url}`, () => syncFeed(feedConfig, client) ) } catch (error) { errors.push(error) } }
if (errors.length > 0) { for (const error of errors) { log.error(error) }
return 1 }
return 0}
// Look, uh, if your RSS feed is giant we're only going to look at the first 200.const MAX_FEED_ITEMS = 200
async function syncFeed(feedConfig: Feed, client: feoblog.Client) {`Syncing Feed: ${ || feedConfig.rss_url}`) const userID = feoblog.UserID.fromString(feedConfig.user_id)
const feed = await readRSS(feedConfig.rss_url) let itemsToStore: FeedItem[] = [] for (const item of feed.items.slice(0, MAX_FEED_ITEMS)) {
// Some blogs may only publish a modified date. // We'll prefer published, because we're not going to update // with each update. And I feel like I should reward people that // constantly (re)edit their RSS posts. :p const published = item.date_published || item.date_modified
if (!published) { log.warn(`Item does not have a published or modified date. Skipping`) continue } log.trace("title", item.title) log.trace("published", published) log.trace("content_html", item.content_html) log.trace("content_text", item.content_text) log.trace("summary", item.summary)
// Some feeds use "summary" instead of HTML content. // But it looks like the RSS library fills in content_html with just the URL, // so prefer summary if it exists: const html = asString(item.summary || item.content_html || item.content_text)
let markdown = htmlToMarkdown(html) if (item.url) { log.trace("url", item.url) markdown = addURL(markdown, item.url) } log.trace("guid", markdown = addGUID(markdown,
log.trace("markdown:", markdown) log.trace("----")
const feedItem = new FeedItem({ guid:, published, markdown, title: item.title }) itemsToStore.push(feedItem) }
if (itemsToStore.length == 0) { log.warn("Feed had no items:", || feedConfig.rss_url) return } log.debug("Found", itemsToStore.length, "in RSS feed")
// Sort oldest first. We'll sync oldest first to make resuming work better. itemsToStore.sort(FeedItem.sortByDate) // Filter out duplicates by GUID: const oldestTimestamp = itemsToStore[0].timestampMsUTC const seenGUIDs = await log.time("getSeenGuids()", () => getSeenGUIDs(client, userID, oldestTimestamp)) log.debug("Found", seenGUIDs.size, "GUIDs") itemsToStore = itemsToStore.filter(i => !seenGUIDs.has(i.guid)) log.debug(itemsToStore.length, "new items remain to be posted") if (itemsToStore.length == 0) { return }
// PUT items, finally! Yay! await log.time("PUT Items", async () => { const privKey = await feoblog.PrivateKey.fromString(feedConfig.password) for (const item of itemsToStore) { const bytes = item.toProtobuf() const sig = privKey.sign(bytes) await client.putItem(userID, sig, bytes) } })}
// Work around: asString(s: string|undefined): string|undefined { if (typeof s === "string") return s return undefined}
async function updateProfile(feedConfig: Feed, client: feoblog.Client) { let displayName = if (!displayName) { log.debug("No title specified for", feedConfig.rss_url) log.debug("Fetching from RSS.") const feed = await readRSS(feedConfig.rss_url) log.debug("Got title:", feed.title) displayName = feed.title }
const profileText = [ `Posts from <${feedConfig.rss_url}>`, "", "Sync'd by [rss2fb](", ].join("\n")
const userID = feoblog.UserID.fromString(feedConfig.user_id) const result = await client.getProfile(userID) if (result) { const profile = result.item.profile if (profile.display_name == displayName && profile.about == profileText) {"Profile already updated for", displayName) return } }
const item = new feoblog.protobuf.Item({ timestamp_ms_utc: (new Date()).valueOf(), }) item.profile = new feoblog.protobuf.Profile({ display_name: displayName, about: profileText })
const privKey = await feoblog.PrivateKey.fromString(feedConfig.password) const itemBytes = item.serialize() const sig = privKey.sign(itemBytes) await client.putItem(userID, sig, itemBytes)"Updated profile for", displayName)}
const ONE_WEEK_MS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
// Collect GUIDs from previously posted FeoBlog Items:async function getSeenGUIDs(client: feoblog.Client, userID: feoblog.UserID, oldestTimestamp: number): Promise<Set<string>>{ const guids = new Set<string>()
// NYTimes in particular realllly likes to edit their posts a lot. // Look back at least a week from the oldest record we got to make sure // we haven't already seen any of these already: const cutoff = oldestTimestamp - ONE_WEEK_MS;
const entries = client.getUserItems(userID) for await (const entry of entries) { if (entry.timestamp_ms_utc < cutoff) { break }
const sig = feoblog.Signature.fromBytes(entry.signature.bytes) log.trace(`FeoBlog Item sig: ${entry.timestamp_ms_utc} ${sig}`)
const item = await client.getItem(userID, sig) const body = item?.post?.body if (!body) { continue } const guid = findGUID(body) if (guid) { guids.add(guid) } }
return guids}

interface ItemData { guid: string, title?: string, markdown: string, published: Date,}
class FeedItem { readonly guid: string readonly title: string|undefined readonly markdown: string readonly published: Date readonly timestampMsUTC: number
constructor({guid, title, markdown, published}: ItemData) { this.guid = guid this.title = title this.markdown = markdown this.published = published this.timestampMsUTC = published.valueOf()
if (this.timestampMsUTC == 0) { throw "a FeedItem's Date may not be exactly UNIX Epoch." // It likely means you've got an error in date parsing somewhere anyway. } } static sortByDate(a: FeedItem, b: FeedItem): number { return a.timestampMsUTC - b.timestampMsUTC }
toProtobuf(): Uint8Array { const item = new feoblog.protobuf.Item({ timestamp_ms_utc: this.timestampMsUTC, // NOTE: No offset, since JS Date (nor rss's JSONFeed data type) support it. }) = new feoblog.protobuf.Post({ title: this.title, body: this.markdown, })
return item.serialize() }}
// Add the RSS item's URL to the end of the article if it's not included already.function addURL(markdown: string, url: string): string { if ( >= 0) { // URL already in the body. return markdown }
return ( markdown.trimEnd() + "\n\n" + `[Continue Reading…](${url})` )}
// Add the RSS item GUID to the end of a post. Allows us to retrieve GUIDs later.function addGUID(markdown: string, guid: string): string { return ( markdown.trimEnd() + "\n\n" + `<!-- GUID: "${noQuotes(guid)}" -->` )}
// Just remove quotes from GUIDs instead of escaping them:function noQuotes(value: string|undefined): string { // We seem to be getting "undefined" from MotherJones. Maybe they're not specifying the GUID? // Quick hacks to let it through. No GUIDs for you. if (!value) { return "undefined" }
// also remove > to prevent breaking out of our HTML <!-- comment -->: return value.replaceAll(/[">]/g, "")}
const GUID_PATTERN = /^\<!-- GUID: "([^">]+)" -->/mg
// Find a GUID from a previous post.function findGUID(markdown: string): string|null { const results = [...markdown.matchAll(GUID_PATTERN)] if (results.length == 0) { return null } if (results.length > 1) { log.warn("Found more than one GUID. Using first one.") }
const match = results[0] return match[1] // guid captured in group 1.}
async function readRSS(url: string): Promise<rss.JsonFeed> { const response = await fetch(url); const xml = await response.text(); log.trace("xml:", xml) const { feed } = await rss.deserializeFeed(xml, { outputJsonFeed: true }); return feed}

// --------------------------try { Deno.exit(await main())} catch (error) { console.error(error) Deno.exit(1)}