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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />/// <reference lib="dom" />/// <reference lib="dom.iterable" />/// <reference lib="dom.asynciterable" />/// <reference lib="deno.ns" />/// <reference lib="deno.unstable" />
import { createElement as h } from "react";
import documentHasStyleSheet from "./documentHasStyleSheet.mjs";import HeadManager from "./HeadManager.mjs";import LinkCss from "./LinkCss.mjs";
/** * Creates Ruck app route details for route content with CSS dependencies that * must be loaded in the document head before the route content mounts and be * removed again when navigation to this route aborts, or after navigation to * the next route for a different page. * @param {RouteContentWithCss * | Promise<RouteContentWithCss>} routeContentWithCss Route content with CSS * dependencies. * @param {import("./HeadManager.mjs").default} headManager Head tag manager. * @param {boolean} isInitialRoute Is it the initial route. * @returns {import("./serve.mjs").RouteDetails} */export default function routeDetailsForContentWithCss( routeContentWithCss, headManager, isInitialRoute,) { if (typeof routeContentWithCss !== "object" || !routeContentWithCss) { throw new TypeError( "Argument 1 `routeContentWithCss` must be an object or promise.", ); }
if (!(headManager instanceof HeadManager)) { throw new TypeError( "Argument 2 `headManager` must be a `HeadManager` instance.", ); }
if (typeof isInitialRoute !== "boolean") { throw new TypeError("Argument 3 `isInitialRoute` must be a boolean."); }
/** @type {Set<import("react").ReactNode>} */ const links = new Set();
/** @type {(() => void) | null} */ let endPoll = null;
return { content: Promise.resolve(routeContentWithCss).then( async (resolvedRouteContent) => { if (typeof routeContentWithCss !== "object" || !routeContentWithCss) { throw new TypeError( "Function `routeDetailsForContentWithCss` argument 1 `routeContentWithCss` must resolve an object.", ); }
if (!(resolvedRouteContent.css instanceof Set)) { throw new TypeError("Export `css` must be a `Set` instance."); }
for (const href of resolvedRouteContent.css) { if (typeof href !== "string") { throw new TypeError("CSS `href` must be a string."); }
const link = h(LinkCss, { href });
links.add(link); headManager.add( // Todo: Unopinionated way to name the key. `2-${href}`, link, ); }
// Skip waiting for CSS loading for the initial route. It doesn’t make // sense to wait for CSS to load in SSR, but SSR only involves the // initial route anyway. if (typeof document !== "undefined" && !isInitialRoute) { // Await the stylesheets adding to the DOM and loading. Any that are // already added to the DOM need to be awaited loading, if they // haven’t loaded yet, but not if it’s initial SSR page load hydration // time.
// Poll until all the route CSS dependencies have loaded (regardless // of success or failure due to 404s, unparsable CSS, etc.) or route // cleanup (due to abort) happens. await /** @type {Promise<void>} */ ( new Promise((resolve) => { endPoll = () => { endPoll = null;
// Wait for the CSS to apply to the document. setTimeout(resolve, 50); };
const interval = setInterval(() => { // The wait for the style sheets to load is done when the // document has every one, ignoring ones who’s loading status // can’t be checked. let done = true;
for (const href of resolvedRouteContent.css) { try { done = documentHasStyleSheet(href); } catch (cause) { // This style sheet’s loading status can’t be checked so // it’s ignored. console.error( new Error( `Check if the document has stylesheet ${href} failed.`, { cause }, ), ); } if (!done) break; }
if (done && endPoll) endPoll(); }, 10); }) ); }
return resolvedRouteContent.content; }, ),
// Shouldn’t run during SSR. cleanup() { if (endPoll) endPoll(); for (const link of links) headManager.remove(link); }, };}
/** * Ruck app route content with CSS dependencies. * @typedef {object} RouteContentWithCss * @prop {import("react").ReactNode} content Content. * @prop {Set<string>} css CSS absolute or relative URLs. */