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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check
import puppeteer from "puppeteer";
import serveProjectFiles from "./test/serveProjectFiles.mjs";import testPuppeteerPage from "./test/testPuppeteerPage.mjs";
Deno.test("`documentHasStyleSheet` in a DOM environment.", async () => { const abortController = new AbortController(); const projectFileServer = await serveProjectFiles(abortController.signal);
try { const projectFilesOriginUrl = new URL( `http://localhost:${projectFileServer.port}`, ); const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
try { await testPuppeteerPage(browser, projectFilesOriginUrl, async (page) => { // Test with a document without a base URI…
await page.goto( `http://localhost:${projectFileServer.port}/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/without-base.html`, );
await page.evaluate(async (projectFileServerPort) => { /** @type {import("./documentHasStyleSheet.mjs")} */ const { default: documentHasStyleSheet } = await import( `http://localhost:${projectFileServerPort}/documentHasStyleSheet.mjs` );
try { documentHasStyleSheet( // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. true, );
throw new Error("Expected an error."); } catch (error) { if ( !(error instanceof TypeError) || error.message !== "Argument 1 `href` must be a string." ) { throw error; } }
// Test with a not loaded style sheet. for ( const href of [ // Absolute. `http://localhost:${projectFileServerPort}/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/css/missing.css`, // Origin relative. "/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/css/missing.css", // Base relative. "css/missing.css", ] ) { if (documentHasStyleSheet(href) !== false) { throw new Error("Incorrect return value."); } }
// Test with loaded style sheets. for (const name of ["empty", "parsable", "unparsable"]) { for ( const href of [ // Absolute. `http://localhost:${projectFileServerPort}/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/css/${name}.css`, // Origin relative. `/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/css/${name}.css`, // Base relative. `css/${name}.css`, ] ) { if (documentHasStyleSheet(href) !== true) { throw new Error("Incorrect return value."); } } } }, projectFileServer.port);
// Test with a document with a base URI…
await page.goto( `http://localhost:${projectFileServer.port}/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/with-base.html`, );
await page.evaluate(async (projectFileServerPort) => { /** @type {import("./documentHasStyleSheet.mjs")} */ const { default: documentHasStyleSheet } = await import( `http://localhost:${projectFileServerPort}/documentHasStyleSheet.mjs` );
// Test with a not loaded style sheet. for ( const href of [ // Absolute. `http://localhost:${projectFileServerPort}/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/css/missing.css`, // Origin relative. "/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/css/missing.css", // Base relative. "missing.css", ] ) { if (documentHasStyleSheet(href) !== false) { throw new Error("Incorrect return value."); } }
// Test with loaded style sheets. for (const name of ["empty", "parsable", "unparsable"]) { for ( const href of [ // Absolute. `http://localhost:${projectFileServerPort}/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/css/${name}.css`, // Origin relative. `/test/fixtures/documentHasStyleSheet/css/${name}.css`, // Base relative. `${name}.css`, ] ) { if (documentHasStyleSheet(href) !== true) { throw new Error("Incorrect return value."); } } } }, projectFileServer.port); }); } finally { await browser.close(); } } finally { abortController.abort(); await projectFileServer.close; }});