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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check
import { Status, STATUS_TEXT } from "std/http/http_status.ts";import { contentType } from "std/media_types/mod.ts";import { extname } from "std/path/mod.ts";import { readableStreamFromReader } from "std/streams/conversion.ts";
/** * Creates a response for a public file request. * @param {Request} request Request. * @param {URL} publicDir Public directory file URL. * @param {( * request: Request, * responseInit: import("./serve.mjs").ResponseInit * ) => import("./serve.mjs").ResponseInit * | Promise<import("./serve.mjs").ResponseInit * >} [customizeResponseInit] Customizes the response init. * @returns {Promise<Response>} Response that streams the public file. */export default async function publicFileResponse( request, publicDir, customizeResponseInit,) { if (!(request instanceof Request)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 1 `request` must be a `Request` instance."); }
if (!(publicDir instanceof URL)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 2 `publicDir` must be a `URL` instance."); }
if (!publicDir.href.endsWith("/")) { throw new TypeError( "Argument 2 `publicDir` must be a URL ending with `/`.", ); }
if ( customizeResponseInit !== undefined && typeof customizeResponseInit !== "function" ) { throw new TypeError( "Argument 3 `customizeResponseInit` must be a function.", ); }
const requestUrl = new URL(request.url); const fileUrl = new URL("." + requestUrl.pathname, publicDir); const file = await;
try { const { isFile } = await file.stat();
if (!isFile) throw new Deno.errors.NotFound();
const body = readableStreamFromReader(file);
/** @type {import("./serve.mjs").ResponseInit} */ let responseInit = { status: Status.OK, statusText: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK), headers: new Headers(), };
const fileExtension = extname(fileUrl.pathname);
if (fileExtension) { const contentTypeHeader = contentType(fileExtension);
if (contentTypeHeader) { responseInit.headers.set("content-type", contentTypeHeader); } }
if (typeof customizeResponseInit === "function") { responseInit = await customizeResponseInit(request, responseInit); }
return new Response(body, responseInit); } catch (error) { // Avoid closing an already closed file, see: // if (file.rid in Deno.resources()) Deno.close(file.rid);
throw error; }}