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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check
import { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects, assertStrictEquals,} from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import publicFileResponse from "./publicFileResponse.mjs";
Deno.test( "`publicFileResponse` with argument 1 `request` not a `Request` instance.", async () => { await assertRejects( () => publicFileResponse( // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. true, new URL("./", import.meta.url), ), TypeError, "Argument 1 `request` must be a `Request` instance.", ); },);
Deno.test( "`publicFileResponse` with argument 2 `publicDir` not a `URL` instance.", async () => { await assertRejects( () => publicFileResponse( new Request(import.meta.url), // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. true, ), TypeError, "Argument 2 `publicDir` must be a `URL` instance.", ); },);
Deno.test( "`serve` with argument 2 `publicDir` not a URL ending with `/`.", async () => { await assertRejects( () => publicFileResponse( new Request(import.meta.url), new URL(import.meta.url), ), TypeError, "Argument 2 `publicDir` must be a URL ending with `/`.", ); },);
Deno.test( "`publicFileResponse` with argument 3 `customizeResponseInit` not a function.", async () => { await assertRejects( () => publicFileResponse( new Request(import.meta.url), new URL("./", import.meta.url), // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. true, ), TypeError, "Argument 3 `customizeResponseInit` must be a function.", ); },);
Deno.test("`publicFileResponse` with a directory.", async () => { await assertRejects( () => publicFileResponse( new Request("http://localhost/directory"), new URL("./test/fixtures/publicFileResponse/public/", import.meta.url), ), Deno.errors.NotFound, "", );});
Deno.test("`publicFileResponse` with a missing file.", async () => { await assertRejects( () => publicFileResponse( new Request("http://localhost/B.css"), new URL("./test/fixtures/publicFileResponse/public/", import.meta.url), ), Deno.errors.NotFound, "", );});
Deno.test("`publicFileResponse` with an extensionless file.", async () => { const publicDir = new URL( "./test/fixtures/publicFileResponse/public/", import.meta.url, ); const response = await publicFileResponse( new Request("http://localhost/A"), publicDir, );
assert(response.headers instanceof Headers); assertEquals(Array.from(response.headers.entries()), []); assertStrictEquals( await response.text(), await Deno.readTextFile(new URL("./A", publicDir)), );});
Deno.test("`publicFileResponse` with an unknown file extension.", async () => { const publicDir = new URL( "./test/fixtures/publicFileResponse/public/", import.meta.url, ); const response = await publicFileResponse( new Request("http://localhost/A.abcdefg"), publicDir, );
assert(response.headers instanceof Headers); assertEquals(Array.from(response.headers.entries()), []); assertStrictEquals( await response.text(), await Deno.readTextFile(new URL("./A.abcdefg", publicDir)), );});
Deno.test("`publicFileResponse` with a CSS file.", async () => { const publicDir = new URL( "./test/fixtures/publicFileResponse/public/", import.meta.url, ); const response = await publicFileResponse( new Request("http://localhost/A.css"), publicDir, );
assert(response.headers instanceof Headers); assertEquals(Array.from(response.headers.entries()), [ ["content-type", "text/css; charset=UTF-8"], ]); assertStrictEquals( await response.text(), await Deno.readTextFile(new URL("./A.css", publicDir)), );});
Deno.test("`publicFileResponse` with a JavaScript module.", async () => { const publicDir = new URL( "./test/fixtures/publicFileResponse/public/", import.meta.url, ); const response = await publicFileResponse( new Request("http://localhost/A.mjs"), publicDir, );
assert(response.headers instanceof Headers); assertEquals(Array.from(response.headers.entries()), [ ["content-type", "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8"], ]); assertStrictEquals( await response.text(), await Deno.readTextFile(new URL("./A.mjs", publicDir)), );});
Deno.test( "`publicFileResponse` with a JavaScript module, customized response, error.", async () => { const errorA = new Error("A.");
try { await publicFileResponse( new Request("http://localhost/A.mjs"), new URL("./test/fixtures/publicFileResponse/public/", import.meta.url), () => { throw errorA; }, );
throw new Error("Expected an error."); } catch (error) { assertStrictEquals(error, errorA); } },);
Deno.test( "`publicFileResponse` with a JavaScript module, customized response, no error.", async () => { const publicDir = new URL( "./test/fixtures/publicFileResponse/public/", import.meta.url, ); const addedHeadersEntry = /** @type {const} */ ([ "access-control-allow-origin", "*", ]); const response = await publicFileResponse( new Request("http://localhost/A.mjs"), publicDir, (_request, responseInit) => { responseInit.headers.set(...addedHeadersEntry); return responseInit; }, );
assert(response.headers instanceof Headers); assertEquals(Array.from(response.headers.entries()), [ addedHeadersEntry, ["content-type", "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8"], ]); assertStrictEquals( await response.text(), await Deno.readTextFile(new URL("./A.mjs", publicDir)), ); },);