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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
// @ts-check
import { assertEquals, assertIsError, assertRejects, fail,} from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import readImportMapFile from "./readImportMapFile.mjs";
Deno.test( "`readImportMapFile` with argument 1 `importMapFileUrl` not a `URL` instance.", async () => { await assertRejects( () => readImportMapFile( // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. true, ), TypeError, "Argument 1 `importMapFileUrl` must be a `URL` instance.", ); },);
Deno.test( "`readImportMapFile` with a missing file.", async () => { const importMapFileUrl = new URL( "./test/fixtures/readImportMapFile/import-map-missing.json", import.meta.url, );
try { await readImportMapFile(importMapFileUrl); fail(); } catch (error) { assertIsError( error, Error, `Error reading import map file \`${importMapFileUrl.href}\`.`, ); assertIsError( error.cause, Deno.errors.NotFound, ); } },);
Deno.test( "`readImportMapFile` with invalid JSON.", async () => { const importMapFileUrl = new URL( "./test/fixtures/readImportMapFile/import-map-invalid-json.txt", import.meta.url, );
try { await readImportMapFile(importMapFileUrl); fail(); } catch (error) { assertIsError( error, Error, `Invalid JSON in import map file \`${importMapFileUrl.href}\`.`, ); assertIsError(error.cause, SyntaxError); } },);
Deno.test( "`readImportMapFile` with invalid import map.", async () => { const importMapFileUrl = new URL( "./test/fixtures/readImportMapFile/import-map-invalid-content.json", import.meta.url, );
try { await readImportMapFile(importMapFileUrl); fail(); } catch (error) { assertIsError( error, Error, `Invalid content in import map file \`${importMapFileUrl.href}\`.`, ); assertIsError(error.cause, TypeError, "Invalid import map."); assertIsError( error.cause.cause, TypeError, "Import map property `imports` must be an object.", ); } },);
Deno.test( "`readImportMapFile` with valid import map.", async () => { const importMapFileUrl = new URL( "./test/fixtures/readImportMapFile/import-map-valid.json", import.meta.url, );
/** @type {import("./assertImportMap.mjs").ImportMap} */ const importMap = await readImportMapFile(importMapFileUrl);
assertEquals( importMap, { "imports": { "a/": "/a/", }, "scopes": { "/a/": { "b": "/c", }, }, }, ); },);