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βš‘πŸ”’ Wait queue for function execution πŸ”’ ⚑

class ExecQueue {
public readonly queuedCalls: Function[]=[];
public isRunning: boolean= false;
//TODO: move where it is used. public cancelAllQueuedCalls(): number {
let n: number;
this.queuedCalls.splice(0, n=this.queuedCalls.length);
return n;
public prComplete: Promise<void>= Promise.resolve();


const globalContext: Object = {};
const clusters = new WeakMap<Object, WeakMap<GroupRef,ExecQueue>>();
//console.log("Map version");//export const clusters = new Map<Object, Map<GroupRef,ExecQueue>>();

function getOrCreateExecQueue( context: Object, groupRef: GroupRef): ExecQueue {
let execQueueByGroup = clusters.get(context);
if (!execQueueByGroup) { execQueueByGroup = new WeakMap(); clusters.set(context, execQueueByGroup); }
let execQueue= execQueueByGroup.get(groupRef);
if (!execQueue){ execQueue= new ExecQueue(); execQueueByGroup.set(groupRef, execQueue); }
return execQueue;
export type GroupRef = never[];
export function createGroupRef(): GroupRef { return new Array<never>(0);}
/** * Built a run-exclusive function from a function that return a promise. */export function build<T extends (...input: any[]) => Promise<any>>(fun: T): T;/** * Built a run-exclusive function from a function that return a promise. * * The group ref parameter is used when in need that two or more different functions do nor run simultaneously. * Group refs are created by calling createGroupRef(). */export function build<T extends (...input: any[]) => Promise<any>>(groupRef: GroupRef, fun: T): T;export function build(...inputs: any[]): any {
switch (inputs.length) { case 1: return buildFnPromise(true, createGroupRef(), inputs[0]); case 2: return buildFnPromise(true, inputs[0], inputs[1]); }

/** Same as build but to restrict the exclusion to a class instance object. */export function buildMethod<T extends (...input: any[]) => Promise<any>>(fun: T): T;export function buildMethod<T extends (...input: any[]) => Promise<any>>(groupRef: GroupRef, fun: T): T;export function buildMethod(...inputs: any[]): any {
switch (inputs.length) { case 1: return buildFnPromise(false, createGroupRef(), inputs[0]); case 2: return buildFnPromise(false, inputs[0], inputs[1]); }
/** * * Get the number of queued call of a run-exclusive function. * Note that if you call a runExclusive function and call this * directly after it will return 0 as there is one function call * execution ongoing but 0 queued. * * The classInstanceObject parameter is to provide only for the run-exclusive * function created with 'buildMethod[Cb]. * * */export function getQueuedCallCount( runExclusiveFunction: Function, classInstanceObject?: Object): number {
const execQueue= getExecQueueByFunctionAndContext(runExclusiveFunction, classInstanceObject);
return execQueue?execQueue.queuedCalls.length:0;
/** * * Cancel all queued calls of a run-exclusive function. * Note that the current running call will not be cancelled. * * The classInstanceObject parameter is to provide only for the run-exclusive * function created with 'buildMethod[Cb]. * */export function cancelAllQueuedCalls( runExclusiveFunction: Function, classInstanceObject?: Object): number {
const execQueue= getExecQueueByFunctionAndContext(runExclusiveFunction, classInstanceObject);
return execQueue?execQueue.cancelAllQueuedCalls():0;
/** * Tell if a run-exclusive function has an instance of it's call currently being * performed. * * The classInstanceObject parameter is to provide only for the run-exclusive * function created with 'buildMethod[Cb]. */export function isRunning( runExclusiveFunction: Function, classInstanceObject?: Object): boolean {
const execQueue= getExecQueueByFunctionAndContext(runExclusiveFunction, classInstanceObject);
return execQueue?execQueue.isRunning:false;
/** * Return a promise that resolve when all the current queued call of a runExclusive functions * have completed. * * The classInstanceObject parameter is to provide only for the run-exclusive * function created with 'buildMethod[Cb]. */export function getPrComplete( runExclusiveFunction: Function, classInstanceObject?: Object): Promise<void>{
const execQueue= getExecQueueByFunctionAndContext(runExclusiveFunction, classInstanceObject);
return execQueue?execQueue.prComplete:Promise.resolve();
const groupByRunExclusiveFunction= new WeakMap<Function, GroupRef>();
function getExecQueueByFunctionAndContext( runExclusiveFunction: Function, context = globalContext): ExecQueue | undefined {
const groupRef= groupByRunExclusiveFunction.get(runExclusiveFunction);
if( !groupRef ){ throw Error("Not a run exclusiveFunction"); }
const execQueueByGroup= clusters.get(context);
if( !execQueueByGroup ){ return undefined; }
return execQueueByGroup.get(groupRef)!;

function buildFnPromise<T extends (...inputs: any[]) => Promise<any>>( isGlobal: boolean, groupRef: GroupRef, fun: T): T {
let execQueue: ExecQueue;
const runExclusiveFunction = (function (this: any, ...inputs) {
if (!isGlobal) {
if (!(this instanceof Object)) { throw new Error("Run exclusive, <this> should be an object"); }
execQueue = getOrCreateExecQueue(this, groupRef);
return new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
let onPrCompleteResolve: () => void;
execQueue.prComplete = new Promise(resolve => onPrCompleteResolve = () => resolve() );
const onComplete = (result: { data: any } | { reason: any }) => {
execQueue.isRunning = false;
if (execQueue.queuedCalls.length) { execQueue.queuedCalls.shift()!(); }
if ("data" in result) { resolve(; } else { reject(result.reason); }
(function callee(this: any,...inputs: any[]) {
if (execQueue.isRunning) { execQueue.queuedCalls.push(() => callee.apply(this, inputs)); return; }
execQueue.isRunning = true;
try {
fun.apply(this, inputs) .then(data => onComplete({ data })) .catch(reason => onComplete({ reason })) ;
} catch (error) {
onComplete({ "reason": error });
}).apply(this, inputs);
}) as T;
if (isGlobal) {
execQueue = getOrCreateExecQueue(globalContext, groupRef);
groupByRunExclusiveFunction.set(runExclusiveFunction, groupRef);
return runExclusiveFunction;
/** * (Read all before using) * * The pending of 'build' for creating run exclusive functions that complete * via calling a callback function. (Instead of returning a promise). * * The only valid reason to use this instead of ``build()`` is to be able to * retrieve the result and/or release the lock synchronously when it's possible. * * If you want the callback to be optional it is possible to * define the function as such: * ``const myRunExclusiveFunction = buildCb((callback?)=> { ... });`` * Anyway you must call it every time and assume it has been defined: * ``callback!(...)``. * * To see if the user has actually provided a callback you can access the hidden property * ``callback.hasCallback``. * * WARNING: You must also make sure, if you use an optional callback * that the argument before it cannot be a function. * Be aware that the compiler won't warn you against it. * Example: ``(getLetter:()=> string, callback?:(res:string)=> void)=>{..}`` * is NOT a valid function to pass to ``buildCb()`` * * WARNING: the source function should NEVER throw exception! */export function buildCb<T extends (...input: any[]) => void>(fun: T): T;export function buildCb<T extends (...input: any[]) => void>(groupRef: GroupRef, fun: T): T;export function buildCb(...inputs: any[]): any {
switch (inputs.length) { case 1: return buildFnCallback(true, createGroupRef(), inputs[0]); case 2: return buildFnCallback(true, inputs[0], inputs[1]); }
/** * (Read all before using) * * Pending of 'buildMethod' for function that return with callback instead of promise. * * The pending of 'build' for creating run exclusive functions that complete * via calling a callback function. (Instead of returning a promise). * * The only valid reason to use this instead of ``build()`` is to be able to * retrieve the result and/or release the lock synchronously when it's possible. * * If you want the callback to be optional it is possible to * define the function as such: * ``const myRunExclusiveFunction = buildCb((callback?)=> { ... });`` * Anyway you must call it every time and assume it has been defined: * ``callback!(...)``. * * To see if the user has actually provided a callback you can access the hidden property * ``callback.hasCallback``. * * WARNING: You must also make sure, if you use an optional callback * that the argument before it cannot be a function. * Be aware that the compiler won't warn you against it. * Example: ``(getLetter:()=> string, callback?:(res:string)=> void)=>{..}`` * is NOT a valid function to pass to ``buildMethodCb()`` * * WARNING: the source function should NEVER throw exception! * */export function buildMethodCb<T extends (...input: any[]) => void>(fun: T): T;export function buildMethodCb<T extends (...input: any[]) => void>(groupRef: GroupRef, fun: T): T;export function buildMethodCb(...inputs: any[]): any {
switch (inputs.length) { case 1: return buildFnCallback(false, createGroupRef(), inputs[0]); case 2: return buildFnCallback(false, inputs[0], inputs[1]); }
function buildFnCallback<T extends (...inputs: any[]) => Promise<any>>( isGlobal: boolean, groupRef: GroupRef, fun: T): T {
let execQueue: ExecQueue;
const runExclusiveFunction = (function (this: any,...inputs) {

if (!isGlobal) {
if (!(this instanceof Object)) { throw new Error("Run exclusive, <this> should be an object"); }
execQueue = getOrCreateExecQueue(this, groupRef);
let callback: Function | undefined = undefined;
if (inputs.length && typeof inputs[inputs.length - 1] === "function") { callback = inputs.pop(); }
let onPrCompleteResolve: () => void;
execQueue.prComplete = new Promise(resolve => onPrCompleteResolve = () => resolve() );
const onComplete = (...inputs: any[]) => { onPrCompleteResolve();
execQueue!.isRunning = false;
if (execQueue.queuedCalls.length) { execQueue.queuedCalls.shift()!(); }
if (callback) { callback.apply(this, inputs); }
(onComplete as any).hasCallback = !!callback;
(function callee(this: any, ...inputs: any[]) {
if (execQueue.isRunning) { execQueue.queuedCalls.push(() => callee.apply(this, inputs)); return; }
execQueue.isRunning = true;
try {
fun.apply(this, [...inputs, onComplete]);
} catch (error) {
error.message += " ( This exception should not have been thrown, miss use of run-exclusive buildCb )";
throw error;
}).apply(this, inputs);
}) as T;
if (isGlobal) {
execQueue = getOrCreateExecQueue(globalContext, groupRef);
groupByRunExclusiveFunction.set(runExclusiveFunction, groupRef);
return runExclusiveFunction;