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Simple run function to execute shell commands in Deno.
import * as runSimple from "";


Actual Error the promise is rejected with, if the command exits with a non-zero exit code.


Runs a command, just like jsonRun or jsonlRun, and always returns an array.

Runs a command, just like jsonRun, but treats each line of the response as a separate JSON object, and returns an array of them.

Runs a command, just like run, but parses the response as JSON if possible. Otherwise, returns it as-is.

Runs command, returning a Promise for what the command prints to STDOUT. If the command exits with non-zero exit code, the promise rejects with a CommandFailure.


What the promise is rejected with, if the command exits with a non-zero exit code.

Extra options, to modify how the command runs.

Type Aliases

Item in the command array.