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Simple attempt to port Rust Path API to Deno
import * as path from "";
declare global { interface String { asPath(): Path; }}String.prototype.asPath = function (): Path { return new Path(this.toString());};
export class Path { private path: string; constructor(path: string) { this.path = path; } toString(): string { return this.path; } isAbsoulte(): boolean { return path.isAbsolute(this.path); } isRelative(): boolean { return !this.isAbsoulte(); } hasRoot(): boolean { return this.parent() !== undefined; } parent(): Path | undefined { const parsedPath = path.parse(this.path); if (parsedPath.base === "") { return undefined; } return new Path(parsedPath.dir); } ancestors(): Ancestors { return new Ancestors(this); } fileName(): string | undefined { const base = path.parse(this.path).base; if (base === "" || base === "..") { // Rust does this return undefined; } return path.basename(path.resolve(this.path)); } isDir(): boolean { try { return Deno.statSync(this.path).isDirectory; } catch { return false; } } isFile(): boolean { try { return Deno.statSync(this.path).isFile; } catch { return false; } } join(otherPath: Path | string): Path { if (typeof otherPath === "string") { return new Path(customJoin(this.path, otherPath)); } else { return new Path(customJoin(this.path, otherPath.path)); } } iter(): Iterator<string> { const paths = collect(this.ancestors()).reverse(); const partName = (part: Path) => { const baseName = path.basename(part.toString()); if (baseName === "") { if (path.dirname(part.toString()) === ".") { return undefined; } return path.dirname(part.toString()); } else { return baseName; } }; return filterMap(, (e) => e)[Symbol.iterator](); } stripPrefix(argPath: Path | string): Path | undefined { if (!this.startsWith(argPath)) { return undefined; } const otherPath = (typeof argPath === "string") ? new Path(argPath) : argPath; const me = collect(this.iter()); const other = collect(otherPath.iter()); if (me.every((v, i) => v === other[i])) { return new Path(""); } return new Path( me.slice(other.length).reduce((p, c) => { return customJoin(p, c); }), ); } equals(otherPath: Path): boolean { const me = path.parse(this.path); const other = path.parse(otherPath.path); return me.root === other.root && me.dir === other.dir && me.base === other.base && me.ext === other.ext && ===; } startsWith(argPath: Path | string): boolean { const otherPath = (typeof argPath === "string") ? new Path(argPath) : argPath; const me = collect(this.iter()); const other = collect(otherPath.iter()); for (const i of [...Array(other.length).keys()]) { if (!new Path(me[i]).equals(new Path(other[i]))) { return false; } } return true; } endsWith(argPath: Path | string): boolean { const otherPath = (typeof argPath === "string") ? new Path(argPath) : argPath; const me = collect(this.iter()).reverse(); const other = collect(otherPath.iter()).reverse(); for (const i of [...Array(other.length).keys()]) { if (!new Path(me[i]).equals(new Path(other[i]))) { return false; } } return true; } fileStem(): string | undefined { const split = this.fileName()?.split("."); if (split) { return split.slice(0, split?.length - 1).join("."); } } extension(): string | undefined { const split = this.fileName()?.split("."); if (split) { return split.slice(split?.length - 1)[0]; } } metaData(): Deno.FileInfo { return Deno.statSync(this.path); } canonicalize(): Path { this.metaData(); return path.resolve(this.path).asPath(); } readLink(): Path { return new Path(Deno.readLinkSync(this.path)); } readDir(): Iterable<Deno.DirEntry> { return Deno.readDirSync(this.path); } exists(): boolean { try { this.metaData(); return true; } catch { return false; } } isSymlink(): boolean { return Deno.lstatSync(this.path).isSymlink; } withFileName(name: string): Path { return this.parent() ? this.parent()!.join(name) : name.asPath(); } withExtension(ext: string): Path { if (this.fileStem()) { const base = this.fileStem()!.toString(); return ext ? new Path(base + "." + ext) : base.asPath(); } else { return "".asPath(); } }}
export class Ancestors implements Iterator<Path> { #startPath: Path | undefined; constructor(startPath: Path) { this.#startPath = startPath; } next(): IteratorResult<Path, undefined> { const nextPath = this.#startPath; if (this.#startPath) { this.#startPath = this.#startPath.parent(); return { done: false, value: nextPath! }; //nextPath is defined } else { return { done: true, value: undefined }; } }}
export const MAIN_SEPARATOR = path.SEP;
function customJoin(...paths: string[]): string { if (paths.length === 0) return "."; let joined: string | undefined; for (let i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; ++i) { const path = paths[i]; if (path.length > 0) { if (!joined) joined = path; else joined += `/${path}`; } } if (!joined) return "."; return joined;}
function collect<T>(iter: Iterator<T>): T[] { const r = []; let i =; while (!i.done) { r.push(i.value); i =; } return r;}
function filterMap<A, B>( array: A[], fun: (arg: A) => (B | undefined),): B[] { const r = []; for (const e of array[Symbol.iterator]()) { const fe = fun(e); if (fe !== undefined) { r.push(fe); } } return r;}