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Deno port of RXJS
import * as rxjs from "";


A normalized response from an AJAX request. To get the data from the response, you will want to read the response property.


There is an ajax operator on the Rx object.

Thrown when an error occurs during an AJAX request. This is only exported because it is useful for checking to see if an error is an instanceof AjaxError. DO NOT create new instances of AjaxError with the constructor.

Thrown when an AJAX request times out. Not to be confused with TimeoutError.


Configuration for the ajax creation function.

A normalized AJAX error.

The object containing values RxJS used to make the HTTP request.

Type Aliases

Valid Ajax direction types. Prefixes the event type in the AjaxResponse object with "upload_" for events related to uploading and "download_" for events related to downloading.