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A lightweight but powerful S3 client for Deno
import type { Client, ObjectMetadata, UploadedObjectInfo } from "./client.ts";import { getVersionId, sanitizeETag } from "./helpers.ts";import { parse as parseXML } from "./xml-parser.ts";
/** * Stream a file to S3 * * We assume that TransformChunkSizes has been used first, so that this stream * will always receive chunks of exactly size "partSize", except for the final * chunk. * * Note that the total size of the upload doesn't have to be known in advance, * as long as TransformChunkSizes was used first. Then this ObjectUploader * will decide based on the size of the first chunk whether it is doing a * single-request upload or a multi-part upload. */export class ObjectUploader extends WritableStream<Uint8Array> { public readonly getResult: () => UploadedObjectInfo;
constructor({ client, bucketName, objectName, partSize, metadata }: { client: Client; bucketName: string; objectName: string; partSize: number; metadata: Record<string, string>; }) { let result: UploadedObjectInfo; let nextPartNumber = 1; let uploadId: string; const etags: { part: number; etag: string }[] = []; const partsPromises: Promise<Response>[] = []; // If doing multi-part upload, this holds a promise for each part so we can upload them in parallel
super({ start() {}, // required async write(chunk, _controller) { const method = "PUT"; const partNumber = nextPartNumber++;
try { // We are going to upload this file in a single part, because it's small enough if (partNumber == 1 && chunk.length < partSize) { // PUT the chunk in a single request — use an empty query. const response = await client.makeRequest({ method, headers: new Headers({ // Set user metadata as this is not a multipart upload ...metadata, "Content-Length": String(chunk.length), }), bucketName, objectName, payload: chunk, }); result = { etag: sanitizeETag(response.headers.get("etag") ?? undefined), versionId: getVersionId(response.headers), }; return; }
/// If we get here, this is a streaming upload in multiple parts. if (partNumber === 1) { uploadId = (await initiateNewMultipartUpload({ client, bucketName, objectName, metadata, })).uploadId; } // Upload the next part const partPromise = client.makeRequest({ method, query: { partNumber: partNumber.toString(), uploadId }, headers: new Headers({ "Content-Length": String(chunk.length) }), bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, payload: chunk, }); partPromise.then((response) => { // In order to aggregate the parts together, we need to collect the etags. let etag = response.headers.get("etag") ?? ""; if (etag) { etag = etag.replace(/^"/, "").replace(/"$/, ""); } etags.push({ part: partNumber, etag }); }); partsPromises.push(partPromise); } catch (err) { // Throwing an error will make future writes to this sink fail. throw err; } }, async close() { if (result) { // This was already completed, in a single upload. Nothing more to do. } else if (uploadId) { // Wait for all parts to finish uploading await Promise.all(partsPromises); // Sort the etags (required) etags.sort((a, b) => a.part > b.part ? 1 : -1); // Complete the multi-part upload result = await completeMultipartUpload({ client, bucketName, objectName, uploadId, etags }); } else { throw new Error("Stream was closed without uploading any data."); } }, }); this.getResult = () => { if (result === undefined) { throw new Error("Result is not ready. await the stream first."); } return result; }; }}
/** Initiate a new multipart upload request. */async function initiateNewMultipartUpload( options: { client: Client; bucketName: string; objectName: string; metadata?: ObjectMetadata; },): Promise<{ uploadId: string }> { const method = "POST"; const headers = new Headers(options.metadata); const query = "uploads"; const response = await options.client.makeRequest({ method, bucketName: options.bucketName, objectName: options.objectName, query, headers, returnBody: true, }); // Response is like: // <InitiateMultipartUploadResult xmlns=""> // <Bucket>dev-bucket</Bucket> // <Key>test-32m.dat</Key> // <UploadId>422f976b-35e0-4a55-aca7-bf2d46277f93</UploadId> // </InitiateMultipartUploadResult> const responseText = await response.text(); const root = parseXML(responseText).root; if (!root || !== "InitiateMultipartUploadResult") { throw new Error(`Unexpected response: ${responseText}`); } const uploadId = root.children.find((c) => === "UploadId")?.content; if (!uploadId) { throw new Error(`Unable to get UploadId from response: ${responseText}`); } return { uploadId };}
async function completeMultipartUpload( { client, bucketName, objectName, uploadId, etags }: { client: Client; bucketName: string; objectName: string; uploadId: string; etags: { part: number; etag: string }[]; },): Promise<UploadedObjectInfo> { const payload = ` <CompleteMultipartUpload xmlns=""> ${ => ` <Part><PartNumber>${et.part}</PartNumber><ETag>${et.etag}</ETag></Part>`).join("\n")} </CompleteMultipartUpload> `; const response = await client.makeRequest({ method: "POST", bucketName, objectName, query: `uploadId=${encodeURIComponent(uploadId)}`, payload: new TextEncoder().encode(payload), returnBody: true, }); const responseText = await response.text(); // Example response: // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> // <CompleteMultipartUploadResult xmlns=""> // <Location>http://localhost:9000/dev-bucket/test-32m.dat</Location> // <Bucket>dev-bucket</Bucket> // <Key>test-32m.dat</Key> // <ETag>&#34;4581589392ae60eafdb031f441858c7a-7&#34;</ETag> // </CompleteMultipartUploadResult> const root = parseXML(responseText).root; if (!root || !== "CompleteMultipartUploadResult") { throw new Error(`Unexpected response: ${responseText}`); } const etagRaw = root.children.find((c) => === "ETag")?.content; if (!etagRaw) throw new Error(`Unable to get ETag from response: ${responseText}`); const versionId = getVersionId(response.headers); return { etag: sanitizeETag(etagRaw), versionId, };}