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A lightweight but powerful S3 client for Deno
import * as errors from "./errors.ts";import { bin2hex, getScope, makeDateLong, makeDateShort, sha256digestHex } from "./helpers.ts";
const signV4Algorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256";
/** * Generate the Authorization header required to authenticate an S3/AWS request. */export async function signV4(request: { headers: Headers; method: string; path: string; accessKey: string; secretKey: string; region: string; date: Date;}): Promise<string> { if (!request.accessKey) { throw new errors.AccessKeyRequiredError("accessKey is required for signing"); } if (!request.secretKey) { throw new errors.SecretKeyRequiredError("secretKey is required for signing"); }
const sha256sum = request.headers.get("x-amz-content-sha256"); if (sha256sum === null) { throw new Error( "Internal S3 client error - expected x-amz-content-sha256 header, but it's missing.", ); }
const signedHeaders = getHeadersToSign(request.headers); const canonicalRequest = getCanonicalRequest( request.method, request.path, request.headers, signedHeaders, sha256sum, ); const stringToSign = await getStringToSign( canonicalRequest,, request.region, ); const signingKey = await getSigningKey(, request.region, request.secretKey, ); const credential = getCredential( request.accessKey, request.region,, ); const signature = bin2hex(await sha256hmac(signingKey, stringToSign)) .toLowerCase();
return `${signV4Algorithm} Credential=${credential}, SignedHeaders=${ signedHeaders.join(";").toLowerCase() }, Signature=${signature}`;}
/** * Generate a pre-signed URL */export async function presignV4(request: { protocol: "http:" | "https:"; headers: Headers; method: string; path: string; accessKey: string; secretKey: string; region: string; date: Date; expirySeconds: number;}): Promise<string> { if (!request.accessKey) { throw new errors.AccessKeyRequiredError("accessKey is required for signing"); } if (!request.secretKey) { throw new errors.SecretKeyRequiredError("secretKey is required for signing"); } if (request.expirySeconds < 1) { throw new errors.InvalidExpiryError("expirySeconds cannot be less than 1 seconds"); } if (request.expirySeconds > 604800) { throw new errors.InvalidExpiryError("expirySeconds cannot be greater than 7 days"); } if (!request.headers.has("Host")) { throw new Error("Internal error: host header missing"); }
// Information about the future request that we're going to sign: const resource = request.path.split("?")[0]; const queryString = request.path.split("?")[1]; const iso8601Date = makeDateLong(; const signedHeaders = getHeadersToSign(request.headers); const credential = getCredential(request.accessKey, request.region,; const hashedPayload = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD";
// Build the query string for our new signed URL: const newQuery = new URLSearchParams(queryString); newQuery.set("X-Amz-Algorithm", signV4Algorithm); newQuery.set("X-Amz-Credential", credential); newQuery.set("X-Amz-Date", iso8601Date); newQuery.set("X-Amz-Expires", request.expirySeconds.toString()); newQuery.set("X-Amz-SignedHeaders", signedHeaders.join(";").toLowerCase()); const newPath = resource + "?" + newQuery.toString().replace("+", "%20"); // Signing requires spaces become %20, never +
const canonicalRequest = getCanonicalRequest(request.method, newPath, request.headers, signedHeaders, hashedPayload); const stringToSign = await getStringToSign(canonicalRequest,, request.region); const signingKey = await getSigningKey(, request.region, request.secretKey); const signature = bin2hex(await sha256hmac(signingKey, stringToSign)).toLowerCase(); const presignedUrl = `${request.protocol}//${request.headers.get("Host")}${newPath}&X-Amz-Signature=${signature}`; return presignedUrl;}
/** * Given the set of HTTP headers that we'll be sending with an S3/AWS request, determine which * headers will be signed, and in what order. */function getHeadersToSign(headers: Headers): string[] { // Excerpts from @lsegal - // // User-Agent: // // This is ignored from signing because signing this causes problems with generating pre-signed URLs // (that are executed by other agents) or when customers pass requests through proxies, which may // modify the user-agent. // // Content-Length: // // This is ignored from signing because generating a pre-signed URL should not provide a content-length // constraint, specifically when vending a S3 pre-signed PUT URL. The corollary to this is that when // sending regular requests (non-pre-signed), the signature contains a checksum of the body, which // implicitly validates the payload length (since changing the number of bytes would change the checksum) // and therefore this header is not valuable in the signature. // // Content-Type: // // Signing this header causes quite a number of problems in browser environments, where browsers // like to modify and normalize the content-type header in different ways. There is more information // on this in Avoiding this field simplifies logic // and reduces the possibility of future bugs // // Authorization: // // Is skipped for obvious reasons
const ignoredHeaders = [ "authorization", "content-length", "content-type", "user-agent", ]; const headersToSign = []; for (const key of headers.keys()) { if (ignoredHeaders.includes(key.toLowerCase())) { continue; // Ignore this header } headersToSign.push(key); } headersToSign.sort(); return headersToSign;}
const CODES = { A: "A".charCodeAt(0), Z: "Z".charCodeAt(0), a: "a".charCodeAt(0), z: "z".charCodeAt(0), "0": "0".charCodeAt(0), "9": "9".charCodeAt(0), "/": "/".charCodeAt(0),};const ALLOWED_BYTES = "-._~".split("").map((s) => s.charCodeAt(0));
/** * Canonical URI encoding for signing, per AWS documentation: * 1. URI encode every byte except the unreserved characters: * 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '-', '.', '_', and '~'. * 2. The space character must be encoded as "%20" (and not as "+"). * 3. Each URI encoded byte is formed by a '%' and the * two-digit uppercase hexadecimal value of the byte. e.g. "%1A". * 4. Encode the forward slash character, '/', everywhere except * in the object key name. For example, if the object key name * is photos/Jan/sample.jpg, the forward slash in the key name * is not encoded. * * See * * @param string the string to encode. */function awsUriEncode(string: string, allowSlashes = false) { const bytes: Uint8Array = new TextEncoder().encode(string); let encoded = ""; for (const byte of bytes) { if ( (byte >= CODES.A && byte <= CODES.Z) || (byte >= CODES.a && byte <= CODES.z) || (byte >= CODES["0"] && byte <= CODES["9"]) || (ALLOWED_BYTES.includes(byte)) || (byte == CODES["/"] && allowSlashes) ) { encoded += String.fromCharCode(byte); } else { encoded += "%" + byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0").toUpperCase(); } } return encoded;}
/** * getCanonicalRequest generate a canonical request of style. * * canonicalRequest = * <HTTPMethod>\n * <CanonicalURI>\n * <CanonicalQueryString>\n * <CanonicalHeaders>\n * <SignedHeaders>\n * <HashedPayload> */function getCanonicalRequest( method: string, path: string, headers: Headers, headersToSign: string[], payloadHash: string,): string { const headersArray = headersToSign.reduce<string[]>((acc, headerKey) => { // Trim spaces from the value (required by V4 spec) const val = `${headers.get(headerKey)}`.replace(/ +/g, " "); acc.push(`${headerKey.toLowerCase()}:${val}`); return acc; }, []);
const requestResource = path.split("?")[0]; let requestQuery = path.split("?")[1]; if (requestQuery) { requestQuery = requestQuery .split("&") .sort() .map((element) => element.indexOf("=") === -1 ? element + "=" : element) .join("&"); } else { requestQuery = ""; }
const canonical = []; canonical.push(method.toUpperCase()); canonical.push(awsUriEncode(requestResource, true)); canonical.push(requestQuery); canonical.push(headersArray.join("\n") + "\n"); canonical.push(headersToSign.join(";").toLowerCase()); canonical.push(payloadHash); return canonical.join("\n");}
// returns the string that needs to be signedasync function getStringToSign( canonicalRequest: string, requestDate: Date, region: string,): Promise<string> { const hash = await sha256digestHex(canonicalRequest); const scope = getScope(region, requestDate); const stringToSign = []; stringToSign.push(signV4Algorithm); stringToSign.push(makeDateLong(requestDate)); stringToSign.push(scope); stringToSign.push(hash); return stringToSign.join("\n");}
/** returns the key used for calculating signature */async function getSigningKey( date: Date, region: string, secretKey: string,): Promise<Uint8Array> { const dateLine = makeDateShort(date); const hmac1 = await sha256hmac("AWS4" + secretKey, dateLine); const hmac2 = await sha256hmac(hmac1, region); const hmac3 = await sha256hmac(hmac2, "s3"); return await sha256hmac(hmac3, "aws4_request");}
/** generate a credential string */function getCredential(accessKey: string, region: string, requestDate: Date) { return `${accessKey}/${getScope(region, requestDate)}`;}
/** * Given a secret key and some data, generate a HMAC of the data using SHA-256. * @param secretKey * @param data * @returns */async function sha256hmac( secretKey: Uint8Array | string, data: Uint8Array | string,): Promise<Uint8Array> { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const keyObject = await crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", // raw format of the key - should be Uint8Array secretKey instanceof Uint8Array ? secretKey : enc.encode(secretKey), { name: "HMAC", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, // algorithm false, // export = false ["sign", "verify"], // what this key can do ); const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign( "HMAC", keyObject, data instanceof Uint8Array ? data : enc.encode(data), ); return new Uint8Array(signature);}
// Export for testing purposes onlyexport const _internalMethods = { awsUriEncode, getHeadersToSign, getCanonicalRequest, getStringToSign, getSigningKey, getCredential, sha256hmac,};