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type alias RespMap
import { type RespMap } from "";
definition: { [[Queries.HomeQuery]]: { currentPlayer: { weapon: { image: Image; id: string; }; }; banners: { image: Image; message: string; jumpTo: string; }[]; friends: { nodes: { id: number; nickname: string; userIcon: Image; }[]; totalCount: number; }; footerMessages: unknown[]; }; [[Queries.LatestBattleHistoriesQuery]]: { latestBattleHistories: { historyGroups: HistoryGroups<BattleListNode>; }; }; [[Queries.RegularBattleHistoriesQuery]]: { regularBattleHistories: { historyGroups: HistoryGroups<BattleListNode>; }; }; [[Queries.BankaraBattleHistoriesQuery]]: BankaraBattleHistories; [[Queries.XBattleHistoriesQuery]]: XBattleHistories; [[Queries.PrivateBattleHistoriesQuery]]: { privateBattleHistories: { historyGroups: HistoryGroups<BattleListNode>; }; }; [[Queries.VsHistoryDetailQuery]]: { vsHistoryDetail: VsHistoryDetail; }; [[Queries.CoopHistoryQuery]]: { regularAverageClearWave: number | null; regularGrade: { id: string; name: string; } | null; regularGradePoint: number | null; monthlyGear: { __typename: string; name: string; image: Image; } | null; scale: { gold: number; silver: number; bronze: number; } | null; pointCard: { defeatBossCount: number; deliverCount: number; goldenDeliverCount: number; playCount: number; rescueCount: number; regularPoint: number; totalPoint: number; } | null; coopResult: { historyGroups: CoopHistoryGroups; }; }; [[Queries.CoopHistoryDetailQuery]]: { coopHistoryDetail: CoopHistoryDetail; }; [[Queries.myOutfitCommonDataFilteringConditionQuery]]: { gearPowers: { nodes: { name: string; }[]; }; }; [[Queries.myOutfitCommonDataEquipmentsQuery]]: { weapons: unknown[]; headGears: unknown[]; clothingGears: unknown[]; shoesGears: unknown[]; }; [[Queries.HistoryRecordQuery]]: { currentPlayer: { name: string | null; byname: string | null; nameId: string | null; nameplate: Nameplate; weapon: { id: string; name: string; subWeapon: { id: string; name: string; image: Image; }; specialWeapon: { id: string; name: string; image: Image; }; }; headGear: PlayerGear; clothingGear: PlayerGear; shoesGear: PlayerGear; userIcon: Image; }; playHistory: { currentTime: string; gameStartTime: string; rank: number; udemae: string; udemaeMax: string; winCountTotal: number; paintPointTotal: number; xMatchMaxAr: XRank; xMatchMaxCl: XRank; xMatchMaxGl: XRank; xMatchMaxLf: XRank; frequentlyUsedWeapons: Pick<PlayerWeapon, "id" | "name" | "image">[]; badges: { id: string; }[]; recentBadges: Badge[]; allBadges: Badge[]; weaponHistory: { nodes: { seasonName: string; isMonthly: boolean; startTime: string; endTime: string; weaponCategories: { weaponCategory: { id: string; name: string; category: string; }; utilRatio: number; weapons: (WeaponWithRatio & { weaponCategory: { category: string; id: string; }; })[]; }[]; weapons: WeaponWithRatio[]; }[]; }; } | null; }; [[Queries.ConfigureAnalyticsQuery]]: { playHistory: { udemaeMax: string; paintPointTotal: number; gameStartTime: string; battleNumTotal: number; xMatchMaxAr: SimpleXRank; xMatchMaxCl: SimpleXRank; xMatchMaxGl: SimpleXRank; xMatchMaxLf: SimpleXRank; } | null; }; }