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πŸ” Node.js API for Single Sign On (SAML 2.0)
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/*** @file binding-simplesign.ts* @author Orange* @desc Binding-level API, declare the functions using POST SimpleSign binding*/
import { wording, StatusCode } from './urn';import { BindingContext, SimpleSignComputedContext } from './entity';import libsaml from './libsaml';import utility, { get } from './utility';
const binding = wording.binding;const urlParams = wording.urlParams;
export interface BuildSimpleSignConfig { type: string; context: string; entitySetting: any; relayState?: string;}
export interface BindingSimpleSignContext { id: string; context: string; signature: any; sigAlg: string;}
/*** @private* @desc Helper of generating URL param/value pair* @param {string} param key* @param {string} value value of key* @param {boolean} first determine whether the param is the starting one in order to add query header '?'* @return {string}*/function pvPair(param: string, value: string, first?: boolean): string { return (first === true ? '?' : '&') + param + '=' + value;}/*** @private* @desc Refractored part of simple signature generation for login/logout request* @param {string} type* @param {string} rawSamlRequest* @param {object} entitySetting* @return {string}*/function buildSimpleSignature(opts: BuildSimpleSignConfig) : string { const { type, context, entitySetting, } = opts; let { relayState = '' } = opts; const queryParam = libsaml.getQueryParamByType(type);
if (relayState !== '') { relayState = pvPair(urlParams.relayState, relayState); }
const sigAlg = pvPair(urlParams.sigAlg, entitySetting.requestSignatureAlgorithm); const octetString = context + relayState + sigAlg; return libsaml.constructMessageSignature( queryParam + '=' + octetString, entitySetting.privateKey, entitySetting.privateKeyPass, undefined, entitySetting.requestSignatureAlgorithm ).toString();}
/*** @desc Generate a base64 encoded login request* @param {string} referenceTagXPath reference uri* @param {object} entity object includes both idp and sp* @param {function} customTagReplacement used when developers have their own login response template*/function base64LoginRequest(entity: any, customTagReplacement?: (template: string) => BindingContext): SimpleSignComputedContext { const metadata = { idp: entity.idp.entityMeta, sp: entity.sp.entityMeta }; const spSetting = entity.sp.entitySetting; let id: string = '';
if (metadata && metadata.idp && metadata.sp) { const base = metadata.idp.getSingleSignOnService(binding.simpleSign); let rawSamlRequest: string; if (spSetting.loginRequestTemplate && customTagReplacement) { const info = customTagReplacement(spSetting.loginRequestTemplate.context); id = get(info, 'id', null); rawSamlRequest = get(info, 'context', null); } else { const nameIDFormat = spSetting.nameIDFormat; const selectedNameIDFormat = Array.isArray(nameIDFormat) ? nameIDFormat[0] : nameIDFormat; id = spSetting.generateID(); rawSamlRequest = libsaml.replaceTagsByValue(libsaml.defaultLoginRequestTemplate.context, { ID: id, Destination: base, Issuer: metadata.sp.getEntityID(), IssueInstant: new Date().toISOString(), AssertionConsumerServiceURL: metadata.sp.getAssertionConsumerService(binding.simpleSign), EntityID: metadata.sp.getEntityID(), AllowCreate: spSetting.allowCreate, NameIDFormat: selectedNameIDFormat } as any); }
let simpleSignatureContext : any = null; if (metadata.idp.isWantAuthnRequestsSigned()) { const simpleSignature = buildSimpleSignature({ type: urlParams.samlRequest, context: rawSamlRequest, entitySetting: spSetting, relayState: spSetting.relayState, });
simpleSignatureContext = { signature: simpleSignature, sigAlg: spSetting.requestSignatureAlgorithm, }; } // No need to embeded XML signature return { id, context: utility.base64Encode(rawSamlRequest), ...simpleSignatureContext, }; } throw new Error('ERR_GENERATE_POST_SIMPLESIGN_LOGIN_REQUEST_MISSING_METADATA');}/*** @desc Generate a base64 encoded login response* @param {object} requestInfo corresponding request, used to obtain the id* @param {object} entity object includes both idp and sp* @param {object} user current logged user (e.g. req.user)* @param {string} relayState the relay state* @param {function} customTagReplacement used when developers have their own login response template*/async function base64LoginResponse(requestInfo: any = {}, entity: any, user: any = {}, relayState?: string, customTagReplacement?: (template: string) => BindingContext): Promise<BindingSimpleSignContext> { const idpSetting = entity.idp.entitySetting; const spSetting = entity.sp.entitySetting; const id = idpSetting.generateID(); const metadata = { idp: entity.idp.entityMeta, sp: entity.sp.entityMeta, }; const nameIDFormat = idpSetting.nameIDFormat; const selectedNameIDFormat = Array.isArray(nameIDFormat) ? nameIDFormat[0] : nameIDFormat; if (metadata && metadata.idp && metadata.sp) { const base = metadata.sp.getAssertionConsumerService(binding.simpleSign); let rawSamlResponse: string; const nowTime = new Date(); // Five minutes later : nowtime + 5 * 60 * 1000 (in milliseconds) const fiveMinutesLaterTime = new Date(nowTime.getTime() + 300_000 ); const tvalue: any = { ID: id, AssertionID: idpSetting.generateID(), Destination: base, Audience: metadata.sp.getEntityID(), EntityID: metadata.sp.getEntityID(), SubjectRecipient: base, Issuer: metadata.idp.getEntityID(), IssueInstant: nowTime.toISOString(), AssertionConsumerServiceURL: base, StatusCode: StatusCode.Success, // can be customized ConditionsNotBefore: nowTime.toISOString(), ConditionsNotOnOrAfter: fiveMinutesLaterTime.toISOString(), SubjectConfirmationDataNotOnOrAfter: fiveMinutesLaterTime.toISOString(), NameIDFormat: selectedNameIDFormat, NameID: || '', InResponseTo: get(requestInfo, '', ''), AuthnStatement: '', AttributeStatement: '', }; if (idpSetting.loginResponseTemplate && customTagReplacement) { const template = customTagReplacement(idpSetting.loginResponseTemplate.context); rawSamlResponse = get(template, 'context', null); } else { if (requestInfo !== null) { tvalue.InResponseTo =; } rawSamlResponse = libsaml.replaceTagsByValue(libsaml.defaultLoginResponseTemplate.context, tvalue); } const { privateKey, privateKeyPass, requestSignatureAlgorithm: signatureAlgorithm } = idpSetting; const config = { privateKey, privateKeyPass, signatureAlgorithm, signingCert: metadata.idp.getX509Certificate('signing'), isBase64Output: false, }; // step: sign assertion ? -> encrypted ? -> sign message ? if (metadata.sp.isWantAssertionsSigned()) { rawSamlResponse = libsaml.constructSAMLSignature({ ...config, rawSamlMessage: rawSamlResponse, transformationAlgorithms: spSetting.transformationAlgorithms, referenceTagXPath: "/*[local-name(.)='Response']/*[local-name(.)='Assertion']", signatureConfig: { prefix: 'ds', location: { reference: "/*[local-name(.)='Response']/*[local-name(.)='Assertion']/*[local-name(.)='Issuer']", action: 'after' }, }, }); }
// SAML response must be signed sign message first, then encrypt let simpleSignature: string = ''; // like in post and redirect bindings, login response is always signed. simpleSignature = buildSimpleSignature({ type: urlParams.samlResponse, context: rawSamlResponse, entitySetting: idpSetting, relayState: relayState, } );
return Promise.resolve({ id, context: utility.base64Encode(rawSamlResponse), signature: simpleSignature, sigAlg: idpSetting.requestSignatureAlgorithm, });
const simpleSignBinding = { base64LoginRequest, base64LoginResponse, };
export default simpleSignBinding;