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πŸ” Node.js API for Single Sign On (SAML 2.0)
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/*** @file entity.ts* @author tngan* @desc An abstraction for identity provider and service provider.*/import { isString, isNonEmptyArray } from './utility';import { namespace, wording, algorithms, messageConfigurations } from './urn';import * as uuid from 'uuid';import IdpMetadata, { IdpMetadata as IdpMetadataConstructor } from './metadata-idp';import SpMetadata, { SpMetadata as SpMetadataConstructor } from './metadata-sp';import redirectBinding from './binding-redirect';import postBinding from './binding-post';import { MetadataIdpConstructor, MetadataSpConstructor, EntitySetting } from './types';import { flow, FlowResult } from './flow';
const dataEncryptionAlgorithm =;const keyEncryptionAlgorithm = algorithms.encryption.key;const signatureAlgorithms = algorithms.signature;const messageSigningOrders = messageConfigurations.signingOrder;
const defaultEntitySetting = { wantLogoutResponseSigned: false, messageSigningOrder: messageSigningOrders.SIGN_THEN_ENCRYPT, wantLogoutRequestSigned: false, allowCreate: false, isAssertionEncrypted: false, requestSignatureAlgorithm: signatureAlgorithms.RSA_SHA256, dataEncryptionAlgorithm: dataEncryptionAlgorithm.AES_256, keyEncryptionAlgorithm: keyEncryptionAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP_MGF1P, generateID: (): string => ('_' + uuid.v4()), relayState: '',};
export interface ESamlHttpRequest { query?: any; body?: any; octetString?: string;}
export interface BindingContext { context: string; id: string;}
export interface PostBindingContext extends BindingContext { relayState?: string; entityEndpoint: string; type: string;}
export interface SimpleSignBindingContext extends PostBindingContext { sigAlg?: string; signature?: string; keyInfo?: string;}
export interface SimpleSignComputedContext extends BindingContext { sigAlg?: string; signature?: string;}
export interface ParseResult { samlContent: string; extract: any; sigAlg: string;}
export type EntityConstructor = (MetadataIdpConstructor | MetadataSpConstructor) & { metadata?: string | Buffer };
export default class Entity { entitySetting: EntitySetting; entityType: string; entityMeta: IdpMetadataConstructor | SpMetadataConstructor;
/** * @param entitySetting * @param entityMeta is the entity metadata, deprecated after 2.0 */ constructor(entitySetting: EntityConstructor, entityType: 'idp' | 'sp') { this.entitySetting = Object.assign({}, defaultEntitySetting, entitySetting); const metadata = entitySetting.metadata || entitySetting; switch (entityType) { case 'idp': this.entityMeta = IdpMetadata(metadata); // setting with metadata has higher precedence this.entitySetting.wantAuthnRequestsSigned = this.entityMeta.isWantAuthnRequestsSigned(); this.entitySetting.nameIDFormat = this.entityMeta.getNameIDFormat() || this.entitySetting.nameIDFormat; break; case 'sp': this.entityMeta = SpMetadata(metadata); // setting with metadata has higher precedence this.entitySetting.authnRequestsSigned = this.entityMeta.isAuthnRequestSigned(); this.entitySetting.wantAssertionsSigned = this.entityMeta.isWantAssertionsSigned(); this.entitySetting.nameIDFormat = this.entityMeta.getNameIDFormat() || this.entitySetting.nameIDFormat; break; default: throw new Error('ERR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY_TYPE'); } }
/** * @desc Returns the setting of entity * @return {object} */ getEntitySetting() { return this.entitySetting; } /** * @desc Returns the xml string of entity metadata * @return {string} */ getMetadata(): string { return this.entityMeta.getMetadata(); }
/** * @desc Exports the entity metadata into specified folder * @param {string} exportFile indicates the file name */ exportMetadata(exportFile: string) { return this.entityMeta.exportMetadata(exportFile); }
/** * @desc Verify fields with the one specified in metadata * @param {string/[string]} field is a string or an array of string indicating the field value in SAML message * @param {string} metaField is a string indicating the same field specified in metadata * @return {boolean} True/False */ verifyFields(field: string | string[], metaField: string): boolean { if (isString(field)) { return field === metaField; } if (isNonEmptyArray(field)) { let res = true; (field as string[]).forEach(f => { if (f !== metaField) { res = false; return; } }); return res; } return false; } /** @desc Generates the logout request for developers to design their own method * @param {ServiceProvider} sp object of service provider * @param {string} binding protocol binding * @param {object} user current logged user (e.g. user) * @param {string} relayState the URL to which to redirect the user when logout is complete * @param {function} customTagReplacement used when developers have their own login response template */ createLogoutRequest(targetEntity, binding, user, relayState = '', customTagReplacement?): BindingContext | PostBindingContext { if (binding === wording.binding.redirect) { return redirectBinding.logoutRequestRedirectURL(user, { init: this, target: targetEntity, }, relayState, customTagReplacement); } if (binding === { const entityEndpoint = targetEntity.entityMeta.getSingleLogoutService(binding); const context = postBinding.base64LogoutRequest(user, "/*[local-name(.)='LogoutRequest']", { init: this, target: targetEntity }, customTagReplacement); return { ...context, relayState, entityEndpoint, type: 'SAMLRequest', }; } // Will support artifact in the next release throw new Error('ERR_UNDEFINED_BINDING'); }
/** * @desc Generates the logout response for developers to design their own method * @param {IdentityProvider} idp object of identity provider * @param {object} requestInfo corresponding request, used to obtain the id * @param {string} relayState the URL to which to redirect the user when logout is complete. * @param {string} binding protocol binding * @param {function} customTagReplacement used when developers have their own login response template */ createLogoutResponse(target, requestInfo, binding, relayState = '', customTagReplacement?): BindingContext | PostBindingContext { const protocol = namespace.binding[binding]; if (protocol === namespace.binding.redirect) { return redirectBinding.logoutResponseRedirectURL(requestInfo, { init: this, target, }, relayState, customTagReplacement); } if (protocol === { const context = postBinding.base64LogoutResponse(requestInfo, { init: this, target, }, customTagReplacement); return { ...context, relayState, entityEndpoint: target.entityMeta.getSingleLogoutService(binding), type: 'SAMLResponse', }; } throw new Error('ERR_CREATE_LOGOUT_RESPONSE_UNDEFINED_BINDING'); }
/** * @desc Validation of the parsed the URL parameters * @param {IdentityProvider} idp object of identity provider * @param {string} binding protocol binding * @param {request} req request * @return {Promise} */ parseLogoutRequest(from, binding, request: ESamlHttpRequest) { const self = this; return flow({ from: from, self: self, type: 'logout', parserType: 'LogoutRequest', checkSignature: this.entitySetting.wantLogoutRequestSigned, binding: binding, request: request, }); } /** * @desc Validation of the parsed the URL parameters * @param {object} config config for the parser * @param {string} binding protocol binding * @param {request} req request * @return {Promise} */ parseLogoutResponse(from, binding, request: ESamlHttpRequest) { const self = this; return flow({ from: from, self: self, type: 'logout', parserType: 'LogoutResponse', checkSignature: self.entitySetting.wantLogoutResponseSigned, binding: binding, request: request }); }}