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scaffold πŸ—οΈ

scaffold project templates with deno

Scaffold Cli Output!


Sometimes you want to quickly get started with a project without worrying about setting up the boilerplate every time. scaffold is a solution for using remote git repositories to quickly bootstrap projects and configure them to your exact requirements.


You must have deno installed on your system. Follow the instructions outlined here.

Shell (macOS / Linux)

curl -fsSL | sh

Powershell (Windows)

iwr -useb | iex

Direct (deno command)

deno install --unstable -Af -n scaffold


Scaffolding a project will download it from the remote repository in to the directory specified. The default when the username/repo pattern is used is to download from GitHub.

scaffold ifiokjr/templates/deno my-project

This downloads from repo. And locates the deno subdirectory.

The supported git providers are gitlab, bitbucket and github. Use the full repository url to specify alternate providers.

scaffold creates projects from remote / local git repositories as well as local folders.

A copy of the remote or local template is made to a temporary directory.

Here the template can include a scaffold.template.ts file which is use to perform extra actions.

Usage:   scaffold <repo> [folder]
  Version: 0.0.0


    Scaffold a new project from any GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket git repository.


    -h, --help                     - Show this help.
    -V, --version                  - Show the version number for this program.
    -c, --cache           [cache]  - Set the cache directory relative to the current directory.
    --no-cache                     - Disable the cache.
    -l, --log-level       [level]  - Set the log level. (Values: "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal")
    -s, --silent                   - Disable all logging.
    -d, --debug                    - Enable debug logging (shorthand for --log-level=debug)
    --no-template                  - Disable loading the template.config.ts file.
    -n, --name            [name]   - Set the name to be used in the template
    --description         [name]   - Set the description to be used in the template
    -y, --no-interactive           - Disable the interactive prompt.

The first time a repo is scaffolded, it will be cloned to the cache directory.


eta is the template engine used in scaffold. Any file that is ends with the .template extension will be processed by eta.

Variables can be referenced in the template using the <%= %> syntax. it is used to referenced the data passed from the scaffold.config.ts getVariables method.

File names can use an alternate platform independent syntax. For example, [[]].txt in a project with the name my-project will rename the file to my-project.txt. It may be easier to use the getRenamed via the scaffold.config.ts file.

eta has a whole host of features which you can learn about here.


Insert Auto Generated API Here


  • This project was heavily influenced by degit by @Rish-Harris.
  • Special thanks to deno for creating an elegant runtime for TypeScript development. It’s been a joy to use.
  • Thanks @dsherret for creating dprint, a blazing fast formatter that I’m falling in love with.